UPS needs some backbone with idiot customers...


Well-Known Member
It sounds like the only thing you could have done differently was also give the center a call to give your sup a heads up.

As far as engaging, the customer, I understand what you were trying to do, it just didn't work in this instance.

What's the likelihood that they actually called the center and spoke to somebody versus called 800? If they called 800, chances are that the story got changed around a couple of times.

I would offer for your center manager or Sup that speaks to you about it to ride along with you and do exactly what you've been doing and also to let them speak to your actual customer.

Once you are cleared, I'd get permission from them to file a complaint with the Sheriff the next time these people are standing in the middle of the road. Explain to them that they've literally had to have you stop the vehicle as you cannot continue on the road.

Some communities on the county or city websites also have the ability to search for property ownership including pretty up-to-date satellite images and maps. It probably wouldn't hurt to look and see who really owns that property. Chances are your customer was right.

Try not to let it get to you and don't worry about it. Just make sure they know that your customer (and theirs) will got to bat for you.


KTM rider
I like what brownsuit has to say. I think it is the way that I would approach it also.

One of the counties that we deliver in enacted a 'nuisance dog ordinance.' I thought there would be objections from my center manager if I asked to report a dog. No problem. If your center manager will allow you to call the sheriff and file a complaint, I would. If you do, be sure the to thank LEO for making your job easier.

Just to CYA, make sure YOU talk directly to your center manager and your O/C sup. Then ask to have this information (maybe even print a copy of your post on here) added to your (ugh) permanent employee file for future reference. That should cover you when your center manager & sups change.
Everytime I passed the house in the future, if anyone is outside, I would honk the horn (make sure they see you), smile and wave nicely ( all five fingers extended) and proceed at a safe speed. There would be no more of this kissing the rich A'hole's .... anyway, CYA.


Well-Known Member
Surviv'n_it, the only thing different that I can think of is using the package car's horn! I would sound the horn several times while entering/exiting the section of that private road.

From what you have described, you have been very accommodating. The only other piece of advise that I can think of is to have the other "friendly" customers right a letter to your center manager on behalf of your professional courtesy.

Good luck.



Well-Known Member
LOL. Thanks everyone for the great responses. I have been with UPS for 11 years and have had some minor instances with people but nothing even close to this. I do feel better as this really bugged the heck out of me yesterday.

I really never thought that you couldnt just reason with people over any issue and work it out so both sides are happy. I suppose this shows that some people just cannot be reasoned with.

The thing that makes me the most angry though is the fact that UPS will end up apologizing and babying these idiots which will make it just that much harder the next time they want to throw a fit about something. That is why I just wish sometimes UPS would have the backbone to just stand up and say,
"I am sorry you feel this is wrong but our driver is doing everything the safest he can and there really isnt anything more we can do."

But no, they will say something along the lines, " I am sorry about our driver. He was out of line and shouldnt have did that and we will talk with him and make sure it doesnt happen again."

That is what makes me the most angry.

Dutch Dawg

Well-Known Member
While this problem may never go away, if you file any formal complaint with the Sheriff, it's not likely to bring resolution and you'll just be playing the homeowner's game causing escalation. Procure a cheap video camera to record your travel in front of their home. Another complaint is soon bound to occur from what you've stated and you'll have conclusive evidence. The world is full of people like you describe, it's only when paths cross that it comes to light.


Well-Known Member
Ask the police department for a police escort everytime you go down this road.
Tell the police you feel threatened by these people that clearly exhibit unusual, aggressive behavior by standing in the street, impeding your progress
I bet after a few days of having the police escort things will change.

Another thought.....
ask the center manager for a printout of your "tach" card showing the vehicles speed and RPM at the exact time you're going down this street. It's easy to do and the center manager can probably bring it up on the screen with you standing there watching.

,,,,,happens in feeders all the time.
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Well-Known Member
The thing that makes me the most angry though is the fact that UPS will end up apologizing and babying these idiots which will make it just that much harder the next time they want to throw a fit about something. That is why I just wish sometimes UPS would have the backbone to just stand up and say,
"I am sorry you feel this is wrong but our driver is doing everything the safest he can and there really isnt anything more we can do."

In my center the OMS would tell them what's what and back up the driver. Then most likely the on cars will have a little laugh about it with the driver one day before he went on road. I think you are just paranoid or have crazy sups!


Well-Known Member
In my center the OMS would tell them what's what and back up the driver. Then most likely the on cars will have a little laugh about it with the driver one day before he went on road. I think you are just paranoid or have crazy sups!

They already did apologize to them. There were no supervisors in the office as they all leave by 4pm on Fridays so an office girl called them back and apologized as "the driver was in the wrong". She told me that when I got back to the building. She told me that I should always just say "yes sir and no sir" to everyone who complains. From what I have seen, sups always support the customer over the driver regardless of what happened.


Well-Known Member
As a previous post said-it's always the stay at home mom, and they always embelish the story to make it look alot worse than it is. We have all been in this situation and nothing we say can appease them, they think they are always right. Kill them with kindness.


Well-Known Member
LOL. Thanks everyone for the great responses. I have been with UPS for 11 years and have had some minor instances with people but nothing even close to this. I do feel better as this really bugged the heck out of me yesterday.

I really never thought that you couldnt just reason with people over any issue and work it out so both sides are happy. I suppose this shows that some people just cannot be reasoned with.

The thing that makes me the most angry though is the fact that UPS will end up apologizing and babying these idiots which will make it just that much harder the next time they want to throw a fit about something. That is why I just wish sometimes UPS would have the backbone to just stand up and say,
"I am sorry you feel this is wrong but our driver is doing everything the safest he can and there really isnt anything more we can do."

But no, they will say something along the lines, " I am sorry about our driver. He was out of line and shouldnt have did that and we will talk with him and make sure it doesnt happen again."

That is what makes me the most angry.
The next step UPS says will be to walk off that street.


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
have a dong delivered to her house, and leave her a note on door that neighbor signed for it!! open pkg make it look mangled and re/tape the crap out of it!!!! when she goes to p/up the pkg from neighbor and gets it home to open it,you will feel satisfaction.:surprised:


Retired 23 years
How about having your center manager drive a similar package car by them before you so he knows what you are up against.


They already did apologize to them. There were no supervisors in the office as they all leave by 4pm on Fridays so an office girl called them back and apologized as "the driver was in the wrong". She told me that when I got back to the building. She told me that I should always just say "yes sir and no sir" to everyone who complains. From what I have seen, sups always support the customer over the driver regardless of what happened.

they're right on that part. You're going to hear complaints from the customers either about you personally as in this case or about the ups service in general. We really don't want you arguing with the customers. I say that with the understanding that you're dealing with some genuine section 8 psycho's in this case.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Just quit driving down the road. Inform the consignee that you arent allowed on the road anymore. If he shares the road or has an easement from the people who are giving you grief, he can go discuss it with them. It is a private property issue, if they dont want you on the property, they are making a choice to not recieve their packages. Choices have consequences.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Griff, pls reread the original post.

As I understand it, the problem is with a neighbor of the regular cnee. It is not fair to punish IE: (RTS) the regular reciever because the neighbor is a jerk. There are other ways to deal with this.

You gave great advice!! This is exactly what any driver should do. Just ignore that customer in the future and do not have any conversation with them. Be friendly, wave, smile and keep going.

If the management team gives you any trouble ask them to meet you at the stop or come ride with you. This will take care of any mis-information that is being spread.

Anyone that gives advice to take some sort of retribution is flat out wrong. This is what will get you into trouble.

No reasonable person expects a driver to stand by and take abuse from a customer. To cut the conversation off say "I am sorry that you feel that way, excuse me, I must go now".... do this as soon as the abuse starts and don't allow yourself to be put through it again if the customer approaches you at some future point. You can usually tell by their body language as they approach. If this customer ever flags you down again wave and keep on going.
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Well-Known Member
Just quit driving down the road. Inform the consignee that you arent allowed on the road anymore. If he shares the road or has an easement from the people who are giving you grief, he can go discuss it with them. It is a private property issue, if they dont want you on the property, they are making a choice to not recieve their packages. Choices have consequences.

That will be something that my management is going to have to decide. According to the Sheriff department, the people I am having a problem with have no case. When 4 homes are built on a private drive, one property owner cannot restrict access to any of the others. The Sheriff Dept. also said what I already knew, when you order a package, it automatically gives implied consent for the person/company delivering the package to enter the property. This may vary from state to state but in my state this is the way the law is.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
That will be something that my management is going to have to decide. According to the Sheriff department, the people I am having a problem with have no case. When 4 homes are built on a private drive, one property owner cannot restrict access to any of the others. The Sheriff Dept. also said what I already knew, when you order a package, it automatically gives implied consent for the person/company delivering the package to enter the property. This may vary from state to state but in my state this is the way the law is.

Generally, a private road means that the homeowners or more appropriately the landowners have to pay to build and maintain the road. There is one land owner that must allow access to the landlocked additional property owners. As long as one of any of the other landowners gives you permission to drive down the road there is no legal recourse for the other land owners.

They cannot block your access without everyones permission!