

Well-Known Member
There is no bail high enough for the crimes charged.......and how about holding the judges who set low bail and/or release these criminals responsible if the offender commits another crime.........


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
There is no bail high enough for the crimes charged.......and how about holding the judges who set low bail and/or release these criminals responsible if the offender commits another crime.........
They didn’t have to agree to it. Good point


Inordinately Right


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They should roast that SOB alive
100%. I all for following rules however I'm also of the opinion that there are exceptions to many rules. The rule of innocent until proven guilty shouldn't apply to this person IMO. I think, when the cops found him, a gun to the forehead followed by click & boom would be a great thing. Then again, I rarely get my way😁.
Can't wait to hear what that Volkswagen eating Whoopi has to say.


Please remove my account. This forum sucks.
So far nobody has blamed Trump.
A simple oversight. Give it time.
Damm! I said the same thing to my "breakfast group" this morning when this face showed up on the "news". They showed this guy four shades (WETF a "shade is?) lighter. It was super easy to confirm this was true by interweb photo comparison. I swear the MSM wants to put some question into the minds of the lemmings as to the color of this scumbag self propelled bag of rotting maggot feces. If THAT'S not racist I don't know what is.
I can't wait for the day when the color of someone's skin is totally meaningless across every board. Im SO tired of the division of America and how the left relies on it.
CNN says this was just a "crash," folks. Nothing to see here.

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It wasn't a crash ,It was a hit and run

I believe the word you're looking for is "murder."

Unequivocally helping.


Inordinately Right