Welcome to the new board

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I started this.
Staff member
Welcome to the new version of the Brown Cafe Discussion Board!

User accounts and posts have been imported from the old board program but there are still plenty of corrections and modifications that will be made here over the upcoming weeks.

FYI: It appears that many passwords weren't able to be unencrypted during the data transfer and will have to be reset. When you log in and enter your password you may receive an error message indicating that the password is incorrect. You will also be given the option to reset your password by entering the email address that you used when you registered. If you have any trouble at all please email me by clicking on my user name and selecting send a private message from the drop down menu. I will manually reset the password for you.

Thank you for your patience!

The following are some of the functional differences between this board and the old Brown Cafe Board:
1. The default setting for new posts is the bottom of threads instead of the top. (Users can change the setting in User CP)
2. Who's online information includes only users that are currently on the board and no longer includes those that are browsing in the site.
3. Users can choose thread display options.
4. Thread previews on mouse-over.
5. Simplified Post Reporting enabled on each post.
6. Buddy lists
7. Ignore lists
8. Thread rating
9. Avatars
10. Calendar
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