What is "make service on packages"

just chillin'

Rest in peace wooba
Years ago we had a center manager that made us run all misloads. Didnt matter how far away. If it was a business, and you found it at 3:30 we were instructed to drop everything and go deliver it. They would cover pickups, it didnt matter. At that same time i was talking to a driver in the other center in our building and he said they dont deliver any misloads unless its very close to your loop, or in your loop. I always wondered how and why the same building had two different takes on misloads.
probly cause his manager threatened to fire him over excessive missed after his managers manager reamed him cause of some report on some conference call. meanwhile the manager from the other center is creative and has his misloads sheeted as bad add by the driver and stays off the missed report. or somewheres along those lines


Well-Known Member
probly cause his manager threatened to fire him over excessive missed after his managers manager reamed him cause of some report on some conference call. meanwhile the manager from the other center is creative and has his misloads sheeted as bad add by the driver and stays off the missed report. or somewheres along those lines

Or they just scan them with the "special" left in building scanner.