What r u listening too and what do u see in the video?


Age quod agis
He is foreshadowing his future.
He is telling people he did not leave.
He is a young man which will go missing.
It could have been love but he made bad choices and he came to see her knowing he will never see her again.
He will never see the light of day again.

Both young and carefree.
He left and she got over it.
She became involved with a new boy and now she is property.
For a second she feels rescued and next he kisses her ... she knows it is the kiss of death.
He will go missing...

Aerosmith - What Could Have Been Love - YouTube


32F driver

Well-Known Member
7:26 SAMANTHA FISH BAND "Shake 'Em On Down" 3/22/13
Hot legs is what I see--yeeeaaahhh. She's a blues artist.



Legio patria nostra
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I think so...