WHAT TIME DO YOU PUNCH OUT FROM YOUR UPS ROUTE? Package car drivers only please!


Box Monkey
Everyday is different. today I punched in at 820 and was punched out at 1707. Most days are 8.5-9 hour paidm, with an occassional 9.5 thrown in.


Active Member
Start time 9:00. Punch out 7:45 ever since the route cutting started and IE arbitrarily raised our average stops per car. Previously, it was 6:00-7:00.


Well-Known Member
Monday start time 8:15, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8:30, and Friday 8:25. Pretty much punched out daily by 18:00.


9:30 start, average punch out is 20:45 to 21:15.
I also have to verify my board daily. Most days it has my start time at 9:45 and code 6. Other days it has a 10:00 start time and a code 5.

Not that anyone in the center is trying to "fudge" numbers.:funny::funny::funny:
Must just be a computer glitch.



Well-Known Member
I worked 10.25 hours today. Took a 30 minute lunch. Figure in a typical UPS start time (somewhere between 830 and 915) and you can guess what time my day ended.