What's The Origin Of Your User Name?


Well-Known Member
I picked mine up from the 98 strike. Many posters and signs where displayed PAIDSLAVE or slavedrivers.....

Anyway, I think if most people were honest this is what we all are!

Simantics sometimes don't show emotions!


After a very difficult day when IE messes up the stop count and literally bricks the truck out and says to be done under 9.5, I remember why I picked this name! Drivers with cake routes or feeder drivers may not understand but that is okay and certainly the management slavedrivers that brainwash you into believing that all routes are bricked out ect...ect...ect........lie after lie til they start believing the lies they tell!

My best supervisor was the most honest person ever. Never had a problem with him. This guy was the one that I would go to the extreme because he would at least admit the truth!

Probably the only non- narcissistic management person to my knowledge!

To all management people look up narcissict?....Please do yourself a favor before you turn into one - see what you will have to become!~

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Brownie Hound.......

When an older man goes after young, young girls, such as girl scouts.
( Brownies)

OK! Never heard that one! ROFLMAO!!!!

My question is Brownie Hound are you going to keep that name, now that you know where it came from! WOW!

At least you admitted you didn't know what it meant .... OPPS!

OK - I am sorry.... I am still laughing! It must be the salt air.


Well-Known Member
959 - Local 959, I consider it be the adjective of my username as I commonly use "nanook" in my usernames; I could have gone with "UPS" or "brown" I suppose, I was happy to get the job at UPS and join the Teamsters (my dad is a retired Teamster) so I picked one at it ended up being "959"
Nanook - mascot name of local college here in Interior Alaska that I attend, the word is Inupiaq Eskimo for polar bear

bad company

It's a double-entendre...

a: The band, Bad Company, it was the first concert I ever went to. I was very young, and my dad probably enjoyed it a little more than I did.

b: Take a guess...


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
we have a cottage in Maine in a small cove and all the neighbors call me Covemaster cuz when i get there all their fun begins, i take all the little kids tubing and waterskiing ,and fishing.At night everyone ends up at my camp to drink and smoke cigars around the fire.they all love the funny stories about the Evil Empire I work for !!!!


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Well, I work for UPS, and I "sobered up" and quit drinking back in '97...which is just a better deal for me and everyone around me!:peaceful:


I picked mine up from the 98 strike.

The strike was in 97.

Many posters and signs where displayed PAIDSLAVE or slavedrivers.....

Anyway, I think if most people were honest this is what we all are!

to be a true slave you would also have to be chained up as the masters property in the evening while you are free to go home each night. you are also free to decide to return in the morning. In fact you have to make a concious decision to return to your slavery every morning. Big big difference there my friend.

After a very difficult day when IE messes up the stop count and literally bricks the truck out and says to be done under 9.5, I remember why I picked this name! Drivers with cake routes or feeder drivers may not understand but that is okay and certainly the management slavedrivers that brainwash you into believing that all routes are bricked out ect...ect...ect........lie after lie til they start believing the lies they tell!

reread that last line of wonderfully prosed rhetoric and ask yourself if you perhaps did not do your own brainwashing?

To all management people look up narcissict?....Please do yourself a favor before you turn into one - see what you will have to become!~

With all due respect I think you should go back and honestly evaluate this post of yours before you comment on the mental state of anyone else with this company:peaceful:


Browncafe Steward
With all due respect I think you should go back and honestly evaluate this post of yours before you comment on the mental state of anyone else with this company:peaceful:
Tie you are wrong again my friend, there was also a strike in 98, maybe you can look it up!

Why must you jump in on every post to spew your hatred?

I have been called RED since i was a child and im in local 705.


Well-Known Member
With all due respect I think you should go back and honestly evaluate this post of yours before you comment on the mental state of anyone else with this company:peaceful:

Thanks for your kind words of respect......

Never commented on mental states of narccissts, just facts...

It's a wonderful post!