Where are the real populists (Tea partiers) now?


Well-Known Member
I see no reason to be concerned. Corporations, like the rest of us, are affected by decisions made by our government and they should have a right to make their case to the public. The government taxes, fines, and regulates them, and in some cases picks and chooses which ones stay in business and which ones don't. When the government raises taxes on corporations it is the consumers of those corporation's products/services who pay for it which is most, if not all, of us. Don't forget this ruling also applies to unions so our union can spend more of its money on worthless ads endorsing every democrat who runs for office.


Staff member
I see no reason to be concerned. Corporations, like the rest of us, are affected by decisions made by our government and they should have a right to make their case to the public. The government taxes, fines, and regulates them, and in some cases picks and chooses which ones stay in business and which ones don't. When the government raises taxes on corporations it is the consumers of those corporation's products/services who pay for it which is most, if not all, of us. Don't forget this ruling also applies to unions so our union can spend more of its money on worthless ads endorsing every democrat who runs for office.
Or UPS could spend money to buy votes to once and for all break the union. Who has more money/influence? Your future is up for sale.


Well-Known Member
Or UPS could spend money to buy votes to once and for all break the union. Who has more money/influence? Your future is up for sale.

If they are going to be that dirty about it they can do that now, but as far as I can tell this has nothing to do with decertification of a union, but everything to do with educating the general public about a certain business's point of view on a subject and or candidate that is up for election or reelection. There is no "vote buying" taking place. Simply advertisments being purchased to support or oppose a candidate or political issue being voted on. That should be a right for every person or business as affirmed by the Supreme Court.


Nine Lives
The problem is the Democrats are just as bought and paid for as the Republicans are. The outrage here should be directed at the government as a whole, not any particular political party.

Donkeys, elephants? In reality they are neither. They both would be more properly represented by a pig.

I like this post!


Well-Known Member
I am not Obama fan, but he our leader. Protesting him and fighting against his cause is no better than the camel jockey's that threaten our soil. Stand behind our President and work with him. The protestors, and the marchers are just as bad for America as the Taliban..........

Did you just call me a terrorist you *** ?
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Strength through joy
The yearly report released on union membership will show that for the first time more members work in the public sector { government } than the private sector. With the average wage of $40/hr { public } vs. $27/hr { private }.


Big Time Feeder Driver
This scariest outcome of this ruling is the further recognition of "personhood" that corporations, in my opinion, unfairly have the rights of.

Giving more rights to corporations that are inherently undemocratic, and at the same time expecting us lowly individuals to be able to compete with them, is a recipe for the further erosion of our rights and liberties.

And please don't try to sell me on the equality of the shareholder and how that relates to democracy. I am sure the shareholders of Enron, GM, and a host of other failed or failing corporations would beg to differ.


Staff member
If they are going to be that dirty about it they can do that now, but as far as I can tell this has nothing to do with decertification of a union, but everything to do with educating the general public about a certain business's point of view on a subject and or candidate that is up for election or reelection. There is no "vote buying" taking place. Simply advertisments being purchased to support or oppose a candidate or political issue being voted on. That should be a right for every person or business as affirmed by the Supreme Court.
You sir, are far more trusting of politicians and their desire for money and power than I will ever be. The fact remains however, that the gate is now wide open for "vote buying" and it's all up front and legal not to mention candidates will be pandering for it.


Nine Lives
You sir, are far more trusting of politicians and their desire for money and power than I will ever be. The fact remains however, that the gate is now wide open for "vote buying" and it's all up front and legal not to mention candidates will be pandering for it.

Yoou mean it can get worse than with Obama when when all the people with no money bought his vote? :wink2:


Staff member
Yoou mean it can get worse than with Obama when when all the people with no money bought his vote? :wink2:
Well, I don't know. Do you feel Corporate America has your best interest at heart? If so, then it can be said to get much, much better. If on the other hand CA is looking at bottom line numbers, senators and representatives are cheap compared to high/increased labor costs. In fact it could be said that, relatively speaking, senators and representatives are "cheap labor" or a "labor force modifier". Or how about "primary cost control structuring personnel"? I made that one up.


Well-Known Member
This scariest outcome of this ruling is the further recognition of "personhood" that corporations, in my opinion, unfairly have the rights of.

Giving more rights to corporations that are inherently undemocratic, and at the same time expecting us lowly individuals to be able to compete with them, is a recipe for the further erosion of our rights and liberties.

And please don't try to sell me on the equality of the shareholder and how that relates to democracy. I am sure the shareholders of Enron, GM, and a host of other failed or failing corporations would beg to differ.

Why were there any individual shareholders in enron or gm? There were signs of problems ahead when their stock prices were in the $40s. Enron was so far gone with fraud, but maybe GM could have prevented bk and and a gov't takeover.


Well-Known Member
Socks, diesels last name is maroon so I guess he's paying you a compliment.

Gee, the two of you make a lovely couple...xoxoxo
Warming up to UPSsocks are ya...we shall call you sock-warmer

The point is, if you don't like what is going on, whether it be work or the country, go somewhere else. If you hate UPS, quit and find another job. If you don't like the way the government is run, do something about it. You people that cry and complain all the time are the helpless ones that won't do anything about it. Life is pretty good, and this country is pretty great.

Besides your beligerent rants that have nothing to with this thread, this ruling gave Unions (and Corps) unlimited say and influence with the election process. And we all know your love affair with Unions. This must make you happy as a pig rolling in it's own excrement.

Could be worse ... they could have called you a liberal. :wink2:

Better a Liberal, than a Corperate suck-up....;-)

I guess this is the case diesel is referring to involving the former first lady.

Just don't understand why Diesel is dragging the teabaggers into this liberal legal proceeding.


Thats right Tie, glad your keeping up. The unsubstantiated Hillary slam fest film by Citizens United consulted by disgruntled ex-Clinton advisor Dick Morris, now a Fox News spokesperson. Morris is nothing more than a spiteful crying little b!tch. Perfect fit for Fox....

The Teabaggers are being dragged into this to see who are the real populists and who are simply put, the Republican flock followers. Because if you want power returned back to the people, and clean house in Wash DC, this ruling helps Big Business insert any puppet they feel will enhance their agenda. Republican Minority WHIP idiots Boehner and Cantor are bragging this a victory for the 1st Amendment and victory for the Corperations to have an unlimited say.....BTW McCain not happy, good for him. He experienced it first hand to be way outspent and defeated.


As expected, typical Liberal reaction when they can't argue logically:
Shift the subject
Ignore the facts
Name calling

Source: Herman Cain

Hoax, your originality surpasses you.....time to upgrade that transistor radio and the black-and-white TV


Gee, the two of you make a lovely couple...xoxoxo
Warming up to UPSsocks are ya...we shall call you sock-warmer

Besides your beligerent rants that have nothing to with this thread, this ruling gave Unions (and Corps) unlimited say and influence with the election process. And we all know your love affair with Unions. This must make you happy as a pig rolling in it's own excrement.

Better a Liberal, than a Corperate suck-up....;-)

Thats right Tie, glad your keeping up. The unsubstantiated Hillary slam fest film by Citizens United consulted by disgruntled ex-Clinton advisor Dick Morris, now a Fox News spokesperson. Morris is nothing more than a spiteful crying little b!tch. Perfect fit for Fox....

The Teabaggers are being dragged into this to see who are the real populists and who are simply put, the Republican flock followers. Because if you want power returned back to the people, and clean house in Wash DC, this ruling helps Big Business insert any puppet they feel will enhance their agenda. Republican Minority WHIP idiots Boehner and Cantor are bragging this a victory for the 1st Amendment and victory for the Corperations to have an unlimited say.....BTW McCain not happy, good for him. He experienced it first hand to be way outspent and defeated.


Hoax, your originality surpasses you.....time to upgrade that transistor radio and the black-and-white TV

Diesel your efforts to tie the teabaggers into something the liberals did without even mentioning the liberals reeks of dishonesty.


Well-Known Member
This scariest outcome of this ruling is the further recognition of "personhood" that corporations, in my opinion, unfairly have the rights of.

Giving more rights to corporations that are inherently undemocratic, and at the same time expecting us lowly individuals to be able to compete with them, is a recipe for the further erosion of our rights and liberties.

And please don't try to sell me on the equality of the shareholder and how that relates to democracy. I am sure the shareholders of Enron, GM, and a host of other failed or failing corporations would beg to differ.

Here's an interesting read on the 14th amendment and Corporations from How Stuff Works . Several items of interest to the subject of corporations IMO. And here's a discussion of corporatism from a more 20th century approach and it's usefulness in a political/economic system we find distasteful to even mention. And Wiki's article on Corporations gives a lot of food for thought! The section on the history of corporations is IMO most worthwhile to consider.



Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Hoaxster
As expected, typical Liberal reaction when they can't argue logically:
Shift the subject
Ignore the facts
Name calling

Source: Herman Cain

Hoax, your originality surpasses you.....time to upgrade that transistor radio and the black-and-white TV

That's odd! Looking at Hoax's original response, it quoted a post made by Tieguy so I assumed the above was aimed at him. And quite frankly, I thought he nailed it too! But if you feel it fits you as well, who am I to argue!

And I thought the Salon piece you linked asked some fair questions. I do feel the whole Tea Party idea which is a good thing is being or has been hijacked to some degree by others for serving other self interests beyond the idea of small limited gov't and individual freedom and liberty. I find it telling that Sarah Palin passed up CPAC to go speak at the Tea Party Convention and earn a $100k speaking fee. Just to attend this event is nearly $600 per person not counting room and meals so I really question is this about freedom and liberty or about using the idea of freedom and liberty to make money? I've watched these charlatans wrapped in patriotism come and go since the 70's looking to make a buck off good, well meaning people and IMO this is no different.

The good book sez, "an Ox is worthy of his hire" and I completely agree but IMO we're dealing here with just pure swine! I wonder what we'd have today had our founding fathers charged a good week's pay to hear them give reason why we should succeed from England and form our own country? The natural (and a very good one IMO at that) movement of what became known as the Tea Party gatherings and the expression of what people feel is wrong in this country is a good if not great idea but it's natural goodness is being subverted and used for something else entirely and that's a sad thing IMO.

Gov't should be local and focus on issues from a local perspective and so should the tea party events. Let local solutions emerge and thus slay the leviathan dragon of central planning by solving problems at home and making the monster of big central gov't obsolete and unnecessary by just stripping away it's issues to twist for it's own self interests.
