Who Will Own The Room At The Two Man Meeting???


Well-Known Member
And having dance hall throw his hat into the ring will just make it that much more fun... word on the street is that hall has been making an effort to distance himself from hof....

I saw Ken at an event in late 2017.

He was immensely critical of the Hoffa administration's inaction (important to point out that he's the #2 in said administration) on the pension crisis and called out Hoffa in all but name.


Well-Known Member
With Sean O and Fred Z already declaring their candidacy for General President and Secretary Treasurer of the IBT in the next General Election, and with consensus predicting that they will win handily, coupled by their disdain for the Master, it will be interesting to see how many locals and their aspiring politicians jump on the bandwagon.

Is there a chance, since the tentative Master agreement has been out for weeks, that enough locals are listening to the membership, that it doesn't make it out of that room???
How many opportunistic officers will see this as an opportunity to get in on the ground floor of the OZ movement?

Either way, it's setting up to be a hell of a show.
I would love to be a fly on the wall at this meeting on August 9th...

There will be enough arm twisting that the TA passes the two man, but not without fireworks.

That being said, I'd love to be pleasantly surprised and see enough locals make sure they're on the right side of history.

Tony Q

Well-Known Member
With Sean O and Fred Z already declaring their candidacy for General President and Secretary Treasurer of the IBT in the next General Election, and with consensus predicting that they will win handily, coupled by their disdain for the Master, it will be interesting to see how many locals and their aspiring politicians jump on the bandwagon.

Is there a chance, since the tentative Master agreement has been out for weeks, that enough locals are listening to the membership, that it doesn't make it out of that room???
How many opportunistic officers will see this as an opportunity to get in on the ground floor of the OZ movement?

Either way, it's setting up to be a hell of a show.
I would love to be a fly on the wall at this meeting on August 9th...
I predict that more agents at this two man committee will man up and talk than the last one. This is my only prediction. I would be willing to bet my toes on my left foot, with the exception of the big toe and the middle one of course, you got to have some sort of balance.

Tony Q

Well-Known Member
I saw Ken at an event in late 2017.

He was immensely critical of the Hoffa administration's inaction (important to point out that he's the #2 in said administration) on the pension crisis and called out Hoffa in all but name.
Good observation. They aren't together anymore. Bravo


Well-Known Member
I heard that they are guests and not allowed to talk like before
I predict that more agents at this two man committee will man up and talk than the last one. This is my only prediction. I would be willing to bet my toes on my left foot, with the exception of the big toe and the middle one of course, you got to have some sort of balance.

Tony Q

Well-Known Member
I heard that they are guests and not allowed to talk like before
If anyone of the men or women think this, then they have no reason being in this line of work. Sean never voiced any displeasure in 2013 because he was part of the establishment and he carved out an additional 50 cents toward his own members benefits. Fred never spoke up because.... I don't know why he never spoke up.


Well-Known Member
With Sean O and Fred Z already declaring their candidacy for General President and Secretary Treasurer of the IBT in the next General Election, and with consensus predicting that they will win handily, coupled by their disdain for the Master, it will be interesting to see how many locals and their aspiring politicians jump on the bandwagon.

Is there a chance, since the tentative Master agreement has been out for weeks, that enough locals are listening to the membership, that it doesn't make it out of that room???
How many opportunistic officers will see this as an opportunity to get in on the ground floor of the OZ movement?

Either way, it's setting up to be a hell of a show.
I would love to be a fly on the wall at this meeting on August 9th...

Ain’t happening, it will be overwhelming approved at the two man.

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