Who will win democratic nomination in 2020

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
Elizabeth Warren just announced she’s forming an exploratory committee for 2020. Which is basically just a formality before declaring. But I really think she’s already driven her car into a ditch on the national political scene with her DNA test stunt.

As far as who can beat Trump: Depends on what’ll be in Mueller’s report. Agree that the Democrats have a weak field so far.

Trump will probably go hard from his end in order to avoid possible (currently) sealed indictments against him.


nowhere special
It will be a hot mess for the Dems seeking nomination. No clear front runner and too many fringe candidates after media attention.

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
It will be a hot mess for the Dems seeking nomination. No clear front runner and too many fringe candidates after media attention.

I wouldn’t expect a clear nominee yet. Trump didn’t declare until June, 2015 and Warren could have waited a few more months to declare if she wanted the timing of her own to be about par for the course.


Well-Known Member
Can you please tell me who can beat trump. And I hope you know hillary is running again.

Who cares? - I mean, like, other than the old dudes on this site that didn’t cultivate enough hobbies when they were young.

The system as a whole has somewhere in the neighborhood of sixteen years left - absolutely NOTHING can change that now.

Happy new year, everybody!


IE boogeyman
who can beat trump and who the dems will nominate are two totally different questions

i think they’re most likely to nominate Kamela Harris or Beto O’Rourke

to beat Trump though, someone like a Tulsi Gabbard (vet, woman, minority that isn’t hispanic or black) would be very strong

she wouldn’t drive away white voters, she would appeal strongly to vets, and if she follows Bernie’s playbook, could easily pick up a lot of blue collar whites

Kamela or Beto would be easy fish in the barrel for Trump to shoot; one is a black woman, that’s very easy to rally any kind of man against, the other is a guy who couldn’t beat Cruz and role plays about being hispanic


Well-Known Member
who can beat trump and who the dems will nominate are two totally different questions

i think they’re most likely to nominate Kamela Harris or Beto O’Rourke

to beat Trump though, someone like a Tulsi Gabbard (vet, woman, minority that isn’t hispanic or black) would be very strong

she wouldn’t drive away white voters, she would appeal strongly to vets, and if she follows Bernie’s playbook, could easily pick up a lot of blue collar whites

Kamela or Beto would be easy fish in the barrel for Trump to shoot; one is a black woman, that’s very easy to rally any kind of man against, the other is a guy who couldn’t beat Cruz and role plays about being hispanic
One potential game changer would be if the mainstream GOP abandons Trump in favor of a more traditional candidate . Don't worry about him being impeached as a result of the Mueller investigation . Worry about how he may react if he losses the nomination. If he reacts if a way that is clearly a danger to the nation then both houses of Congress will have to respond.
After the Hillary- Trump saga the powers that be in both parties will hopefully come to the realization the Boomer age politicians have become obsolete and are out of touch with the 21st century.


Well-Known Member
I had to look up tulsi. Little to young and I doubt bernie will endorse her as she did him. She is a hindu and only recently endorsed same sexton marriage.


Well-Known Member
There is no mistaking the fact that the Dems have learned absolutely nothing from the 2016 disaster, and there is a 0.0 percent chance they nominate a true progressive. My guess would be that yet another middle-of-the-road, centrist will get the nod, most likely Biden.

He, of course, will ultimately have nothing to offer the middle class (I wonder what the catchy slogan will be?); but if nothing else, he is much more likable than Hilary was, and considering most voters are complete :censored2:ing morons with extremely low expectations, that may be enough for the Dems to squeak by.


Strength through joy
If the incoming House does nothing but start setting up committees to investigate Trump for other unspecified crimes, then no Dem has a chance of winning. Trump will only need to remind everyone about how the Dems handled themselves during these new witch hunts to knock them all out.