Will Obama apologize?


Pees in the brown Koolaid
One thing to remember;

Part of the natural evolution of our nation involved fighting a brutal and bloody civil war.

Maybe they need to fight one too.

Either way, its none of our damn business. They are on the other side of the world. And its their oil, not ours.


Your kind of advocation may seem harmless to you, but can easliy, and has proven by the past to morph into chaos, death and destruction. And when the revolt gets squashed, pummelled, and pulverized you'll drop the rebelious ones like a jilted bride on a hot summer day, creating more hostility and hatred towards the west. Is it really our interest to aide those in Iran who think their vote didn't count , or is it really our own self interest to entrench our meat hooks even deeper in that part of the world.
Not excusing our President, but he's going about it the right way. Although I'm concerned he maybe caving into the (neo)anderthals of the right. Obviously, those who form your opinion haven't yet learn from the past. Meddling is meddling, whether it be militarily, sercret operative, electroincally, the computer age, cell tech, or thru threats via vocal opposition. Even if you advocate meddling on a small scale, thats like packing a snowball on the top of a mountain and rolling it downhill.

I just don't feel that you're listening. I may have to drop a mickey in that beer I buy you so I can get you deprogrammed. :happy-very:


Well-Known Member
He should publicly encourage the people of Iran to overthrow the council and ahmadinejad.

In any case my post is a clear seperation from true meddling.

I just don't feel that you're listening. I may have to drop a mickey in that beer I buy you so I can get you deprogrammed. :happy-very:

As you can see by the above statements, I call it like I see it, when it comes to meddling. But it's actually easier to let you step in your own fecal matter...lol :dance:
Not sure what "dropping a mickey in a beer is", so you can skip that, but a whole case of Mickey's "wide mouth" :surprised: Beers may de-program me......temporarily.....:beerhat: ......