Lion's Club


Marty Peters kid
If the company wanted the pickup volume back they would dispatch appropriately. When you do favors for them, especially by violating the contract yourself and against yourself, you lose.
That’s what happens when they continually run a bare bones operation. Damn, it’s been like that for years. Burnout is real at Brown, can’t wait to put a couple more years in and GTFO.


Marty Peters kid
Ok tough guy explain why you are taking your lunch when you get back to the building
You think center manager takes his lunch when he gets done working
And nobody seems to care when center manager are taking 30 smoke breaks a day. Some of our “guys” need to man and women up and stop being such pusillanimous. Sick of seeing some of these dudes gamed.


Well-Known Member
What you described sounds incredibly gay
I would add, a little more intelligently:

I was told a while back that UPS only gives awards for safety and years of service. Unfortunately, sooner or later your center is gonna have a bad wreck, and this will not be a good look for management.

Keep it in your back pocket, OP. If you goof up and whack a mailbox, tell the on-road sup that you were just trying to get into the Lions Club.


Well-Known Member
I usually just send in for a meet because I want to actually eat a real meal in the middle of the day like a human

Then again I’m not a pusillanimous
no you’re just a fattie



Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
So this is more of a rant post but have any of y'all been introduced to this? There was something on a monitor earlier this week that was talking about lions and their dens and :censored2:...

And then Wednesday or Thursday management decides to recognize our center's first member of the lion's club.

They called out his name and he walked up to grab his piece of printed out paper from the office. I wasn't surprised when I heard the name, he's a great dude. All around likeable :censored2: who doesn't know how to say no. This guy is our center's most notorious runner. To the point where the route he's been covering has been going out with 300+ stops and over 500 pieces (PVD's/SSD's and helpers but still) and this guy is ALWAYS clocked out by the time I get back to the building and start my lunch break.

So they paraded him in front of us, gave him an award and said "Be more like this guy."

Lol, :censored2: this company, man. I'm here for a paycheck and a pension and :censored2: everything else.


Well-Known Member
So this is more of a rant post but have any of y'all been introduced to this? There was something on a monitor earlier this week that was talking about lions and their dens and :censored2:...

And then Wednesday or Thursday management decides to recognize our center's first member of the lion's club.

They called out his name and he walked up to grab his piece of printed out paper from the office. I wasn't surprised when I heard the name, he's a great dude. All around likeable :censored2: who doesn't know how to say no. This guy is our center's most notorious runner. To the point where the route he's been covering has been going out with 300+ stops and over 500 pieces (PVD's/SSD's and helpers but still) and this guy is ALWAYS clocked out by the time I get back to the building and start my lunch break.

So they paraded him in front of us, gave him an award and said "Be more like this guy."

Lol, :censored2: this company, man. I'm here for a paycheck and a pension and :censored2: everything else.
Union members should have pooled in money to buy that runner a "lion". It is a high maintenance dog. He will be so tired training and taking care of that dog that the next day at work, he will not be running.



Well-Known Member
Union members should have pooled in money to buy that runner a "lion". It is a high maintenance dog. He will be so tired training and taking care of that dog that the next day at work, he will not be running.


He's actually one of my favorite coworkers.

Dude's just on farm time. He's up at 4am, horses and stuff fed by 5am and he's at work loading his truck at 6am.

I respect his grind but I start to resent when management holds that kind of sacrifice up into a limelight and says that that's the golden example.

It's a small issue at my center. There are a few guys that come in 1-2hrs early to be their own preloader. It's been grieved and overlooked, grieved and overlooked. I think it is what it is, just don't try to make it the standard.