Will this driver be fired or just severely reprimanded?


serenity now

no biggie, i'm gonna give him props for not having the diad resting on the back bumper :wink2: done that also


Don't believe everything you think
This driver is in my local I heard he will be suspended, The pic was taken by a ex employee how now works for Fed ex, who posted it on his facebook page saying "this is why you should use fed ex".
I've heard the way managment found out was from another driver, which I find Deplorable.

no more than 9

"Livin' the Dream"
Unfortunately , for this driver it happened to be photographed and I'm sure posted on You-Tube. Let's be honest it's all happened to us, usually it happens upon leaving our building and a fellow driver will help you out. A reprimand will be in order, but if you've driven long enough it's going to happen.


Well-Known Member
Well... if you look closely at those 2 boxes bouncing down the road, they are misloads. I'm sure he ejected them for the correct driver to retrieve.


Man of Great Wisdom
Without reading all the posts, I might have had to back track to pick up pkgs. Also followed a driver down the interstatewith his back door slowly bouncing open. Saw a pkg fall out when he hit the exit ramp. Poop happens.


Well-Known Member
This happens to most, if not all of us at one point in our careers. This driver was just unlucky to get his/her picture taken while doing it. Disciplined yes, fired? Doubtful.

Absolutely happens to most! Happened to me a few times where I forgot to close the door and lucky for me nothing fell out. However, my route is .5 miles from the building and never put the safety chain on because the rule is to put it on only to and from area. Well, I'm on area as soon as I leave the yard. Anyway, I left and sure enough the back door popped open and about 10 Dell computers were scattered down Dudley road for the .25 miles to the first stop. I only knew about it because a driver from NEW PENN stopped his 18 wheeler on a busy road to tell me I dropped 10 computers on the road! LOL.

Yeah, now I use the safety chain every day(there was a problem with the back door that got fixed after I wrote it up after this embarassment) and I did recover every package in the road. The trail was about 1/8 of a mile long! AND the New Penn driver helped me pick them up. (and NO, nobody from management saw it!) Gotta love our fellow teamsters!
Absolutely happens to most! Happened to me a few times where I forgot to close the door and lucky for me nothing fell out. However, my route is .5 miles from the building and never put the safety chain on because the rule is to put it on only to and from area. Well, I'm on area as soon as I leave the yard. Anyway, I left and sure enough the back door popped open and about 10 Dell computers were scattered down Dudley road for the .25 miles to the first stop. I only knew about it because a driver from NEW PENN stopped his 18 wheeler on a busy road to tell me I dropped 10 computers on the road! LOL.

Yeah, now I use the safety chain every day(there was a problem with the back door that got fixed after I wrote it up after this embarassment) and I did recover every package in the road. The trail was about 1/8 of a mile long! AND the New Penn driver helped me pick them up. (and NO, nobody from management saw it!) Gotta love our fellow teamsters!

How many damaged call tags did you have the following day? 10 ?...lol


Well-Known Member
Happened to me once...

Barn door on a P700 didn't quite latch properly.

Center sent me a message..."Are you missing packages from your truck...XXXXXX (another driver) picked them up off the street...)

Response Required; Response: YES.

Never heard a thing about it after that.

This is the kind of mistake you only make once.


Man of Great Wisdom
Happened to me once...

Barn door on a P700 didn't quite latch properly.

Center sent me a message..."Are you missing packages from your truck...XXXXXX (another driver) picked them up off the street...)

Response Required; Response: YES.

Never heard a thing about it after that.

This is the kind of mistake you only make once.

Nothing shuts them up like being honest.


Box Monkey
That picture looks like it would make a great avatar....

If you can actually animate the box rolling like it was falling out of the truck, that would be CLASSIC!!! I know it can be done, I'm just not the guy to do it.

This driver is in my local I heard he will be suspended, The pic was taken by a ex employee how now works for Fed ex, who posted it on his facebook page saying "this is why you should use fed ex".
I've heard the way managment found out was from another driver, which I find Deplorable.

This bad EVERY day of the week. If I knew who it was I would be quick to report this driver to the union.

To clarify though, how can UPS punish the driver if they did not directly see the violation? It's in our contract that they can not use technology to punish a driver. Cell phones and video cameras are a form of technology.


Well-Known Member
Upstate has left the back door open and packages have fallen out...say it ain't so, I have officially lost all respect for you. And to think we all believed you were "the driver" of UPS.