Word for the day


golden ticket member
Propensity n. An inclination or natural tendency to behave in a particular way. “He has a propensity for clear thinking.”


golden ticket member
Sentient adj. Characterized by sensation and consciousness. Able to perceive or feel things: “Sentient life forms.”


golden ticket member
Trepidation n. A feeling of fear or agitation about something that may or may not actually happen. “He entered the cave with considerable trepidation.”


golden ticket member
Formidable adj. Inspiring fear or respect through being impressively powerful, large, or capable. “A formidable opponent.”


golden ticket member
Confluence n. The act or process of merging. A flowing together of two or more streams. “A fortunate confluence of factors led to his success.”


golden ticket member
Serendipity; Serendipitous n. The faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident. “A fortunate stroke of serendipity.”


golden ticket member
Histrionic adj. Overly theatrical or dramatic. n. Exaggerated dramatic behavior designed to attract attention. “His histrionic reaction disrupted the meeting.”


golden ticket member
Futile adj. Incapable of producing any useful result; pointless. “All of his attempts to rectify the situation proved futile.”


golden ticket member
Eviscerate v. Deprive or take away (something) of its essential content. “The compromise eviscerated the proposed agreement.”


golden ticket member
Avuncular adj. Kind and friendly toward a younger or less experienced person. “An avuncular manner.” Of or relating to an uncle