Word for the day


golden ticket member
Ambivalent; Ambivalence adj. Having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone. “She has ambivalent feelings about the relationship.”


golden ticket member
Pontificate v. To speak or behave in a pompous or dogmatic manner. “He pontificates at great length in political matters.”


golden ticket member
Lugubrious adj. Looking or sounding sad and dismal; mournful. “The lugubrious country song reminded her of an ex-boyfriend.”


golden ticket member
Taciturn adj. Reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little. “Today the normally taciturn man would not stop talking.”


golden ticket member
Accommodate; Accommodating v. Provide lodging or sufficient space for. “The room will accommodate ten people.” Fit in with the wishes or needs of another: “It’s difficult to accommodate his new management style.”


golden ticket member
Insular adj. Ignorant of or uninterested in cultures, ideas, or people outside a person’s own experience. “An insular taste in music.” Lacking contact with other people. “She seemed too insular to leave her house.”


golden ticket member
Voracious adj. An eager approach to an activity; Wanting or devouring great quantities of something or somebody: “She has a voracious appetite for life.”


golden ticket member
Antipathy n. A deep-seated feeling of dislike; aversion. “His antipathy for first wife dates back to his divorce.”