Word for the day


golden ticket member
Misogynous; Misogyny; Misogynistic adj. Of or characterized by a hatred of women. “Police believe it was a misogynous assault.”


golden ticket member
Glower v. Have an angry or sullen look on one’s face; scowl. “The librarian glowered at her for talking too loud.”


golden ticket member
Coltish adj. Energetic but awkward in one’s movements or behavior. Playful, not trained or disciplined. “Coltish horseplay to celebrate their graduation.”


golden ticket member
Apocryphal adj. Of doubtful authenticity, although widely circulated as being true. “Apocryphal stories dating from Hollywood’s golden age.”


golden ticket member
Sartorial adj. Of or relating to tailoring, clothes, or style of dress. “Sartorial taste; “Sartorial elegance.”


golden ticket member
Exogenous adj. Of, relating to, or developing from external factors. “There have been exogenous factors pushing up the stock price.”


golden ticket member
Amorous adj. Showing, feeling, or relating to intimate desire. “She did not appreciate his amorous advances.”


golden ticket member
Protagonist n. The main figure or one of the most prominent figures in a real situation. The leading character or a major character in a drama, movie, novel, or other fictional text. “The unnamed protagonist was the hit of the film.”


golden ticket member
Tumult n. Confusion or disorder. A loud, confused noise, esp. one caused by a large mass of people. “He quickly became aware of the violent tumult behind the trees.”


golden ticket member
Verbose (ver·bose) adj. Using or containing a great and usually an excessive number of words; wordy. “She was too verbose in her narrative.”


golden ticket member
Contemporaneous (con·tem·po·ra·ne·ous) adj. Originating, existing, or happening during the same period of time: “The contemporaneous court cases for the two defendants.”


golden ticket member
Perpetuity (per·pe·tu·i·ty) n.pl. 1. Time without end; eternity. 2. The quality or condition of being perpetual: “The terms of the agreement remain in effect in perpetuity.”


golden ticket member
Plagiarize (pla·gia·rize) v. 1. To use and pass off (the ideas or writings of another) as one’s own. 2.To appropriate for use as one’s own passages or ideas from another