Word for the day


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!


golden ticket member
Supercilious adj. 1. Full of contempt and arrogance. 2. Behaving as if or showing that a person thinks they are better than other people, and that their opinions, beliefs or ideas are not important, condescending. “He spoke in a haughty, supercilious voice.”


golden ticket member
Benevolent adj. 1. Charitable: performing good or charitable acts and not seeking to make a profit. 2. Characterized by or suggestive of doing good; showing kindness or goodwill.


golden ticket member
Divisive adj. Creating dissension or discord; Causing disagreement or hostility within a group so that it is likely to split. “Divisive politics.”


golden ticket member
Demure adj. 1. Modest and reserved in manner or behavior. “Despite her demure appearance, she is an accomplished mountain climber.”


golden ticket member
Intrepid adj. 1. Resolutely courageous; fearless. Persistent in the pursuit of something. “A team of intrepid explorers.”


golden ticket member
Precarious adj. 1. Dangerously lacking in security or stability: “The precarious life of an undercover cop.” 2. Subject to chance or unknown conditions. 3. Based on uncertain, unwarranted, or unproved premises. “A precarious solution to a difficult problem.”


golden ticket member
Vexatious adj. 1. Full of annoyance or distress; harassed. 2. Causing or creating vexation; annoying. “Her ex-husband put her in a vexatious situation.”