Word for the day


golden ticket member
Effusive adj. 1. Unrestrained or excessive in emotional expression; gushy: “An effusive manner.” 2. Profuse; overflowing: “effusive praise.”


golden ticket member
Eclectic adj. 1. Composed of elements drawn from various sources 2. Not following any one system, but selecting and using what are considered the best elements of all systems. “An eclectic taste in decorating; an eclectic approach to management.”


golden ticket member
Redact(ed) tr.v. Edit something: to edit, revise, or delete content in preparation for publication. “The documents were redacted so personal information wasn’t released to the public.”


golden ticket member
obsession - impulses that a person cannot escape...…….like bleedinbrown and his "liking" of my posts by the hundreds every day!! More fuel, thx!


golden ticket member
Truncate tr.v. 1. To shorten or cut off. 2. To shorten (a number) by dropping one or more digits after the decimal point.


golden ticket member
Insidious adj. 1. Working or spreading harmfully in a subtle or stealthy manner: insidious rumors; an insidious disease. 2. Beguiling but harmful; alluring: insidious pleasures


golden ticket member
Prognosticate tr.v. To predict according to present indications or signs; foretell. “The armchair quarterback tried to prognosticate the play from his recliner.”


golden ticket member
Axiom n. 1. An established rule, principle, or law. 2. A self-evident or universally recognized truth; a maxim. 3. A self-evident principle or one that is accepted as true without proof as the basis for argument


golden ticket member
Attrition n. 1. A gradual, natural reduction in membership or personnel, as through retirement, resignation, or death. 2. A gradual diminution in number or strength. “The company’s attrition rate was quite high.”


golden ticket member
Aesthetic(s) adj. 1. Of or concerning the appreciation of beauty or good taste. 2. Characterized by a heightened sensitivity to beauty. “The aesthetic design of the building is amazing!”


golden ticket member
Gothic adj. 1. Relating to an architectural style reflecting the influence of the medieval Gothic. 2. Relating to a style of fiction characterized by the use of desolate or remote settings and macabre, mysterious, or violent incidents.


golden ticket member
Erudite adj. Deep, extensive learning. “He has a reputation as an erudite intellectual with a deep understanding of the issues.”


golden ticket member
Impugn tr.v. To attack as false or questionable; challenge in argument: “To impugn a political opponent’s record.”