Word is we lost Grainger account.

Hot Carl

Well-Known Member
I've covered the route that has Grainger's main dock in our area a couple times in the last few weeks. Still a lot going on there. Usually have 10+ for them in the morning and and pick up at least 30 in the afternoon.


Yes, I know I'm working late.
Are you referring to the 20lb box that feels like 20kg? I just though maybe i was getting older.
Slipped right past all the revenue auditors. Oh that's right, that job was eliminated to cut cost. Meanwhile, my center manager gets paid to waste oxygen, print warning letters and set new world records for bowell movements. Carry on, big brown. You are doing fine.

I have been lurking

Tired hubrat
Large volume shippers that have lower margins per package still result in higher overall profit. Especially when they make routes more dense. Holding onto them and pursuing healthcare, international, etc, (they should have pursued those already) is the smarter play.

None of this matters when our sales reps are so freakin incompetent that drivers won’t even bother submitting what should be slam dunk sales leads. It’s simply not worth the embarrassment.
At the cost of preloaders