Would you be willing to donate any money Brown cafe going?

Would you invest in the future of Brown Cafe?

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BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
I’m in no questions asked $20 a week until further notice to keep this place going under the same umbrella it’s under now. No outsiders. And I know there’s plenty of FT package and feeder drivers that are with me. What’s $20 to us? It’s peanuts. we gotta keep this place going.
Good luck collecting.
i like to be optimistic about people. My credit score is 830. if I say I’m going to chip in I’m going to chip in. I’d like to think others would as well. Is that being naive as you suggest? Possibly.
I definitely think some people will definitely try to help out some degree but after reading the Cheryl and Tony thread or together again and a lot of people that responded to it it is time to just put this place go