Years ago


Mini skirts and halter tops for you?

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
Holy crap! Are you really that much taller than your wife ?
Senior prom 1973 Ben Franklin Hotel Philadelphia . I escorted Ms. Chris not my wife but still a good friend ,who's husband worked for UPS btw. We went all thru grammar and high school together . We are both in the 1960 picture below .She is bottom center and I am top 4th from left.


PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
1971 ,, lol ,, I was in first grade being yelled at by
Ms Burke , a former nun
I had Sister Adrian Francis a real sweet heart in first unlike Sister Bernard in 7th who whooped me on a regular basis . She slapped me silly in the lunch room and then proceeded to beat my buddy Bill because I was a bad influence on him.