Zimmerman case - Found Not Guilty

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Pees in the brown Koolaid
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

Self defense,Stand your ground, isn't that pretty much the same thing? I'm sure or at least hope his lawyers didn't leave him open for civil litigation.

No, they are completely different things.

In the Peoples Republik of Kalifornia for instance, you have a "duty to retreat" even within your own home before claiming self defense as a justification for killing someone, and can be prosecuted and or civilly litigated for failing to do so.

"Stand your ground" or "castle doctrine" generally only means that, at some point (usually within one's home) the attacked party has the legal right to stand and defend themselves than being forced by the law to continually retreat from the aggressor.

"Castle doctrine" was not a legal issue in the Zimmerman case and was not part of his defense.


Got the T-Shirt
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

You are making the incorrect assumption that this saga is complete.

You are right about that.

There are pillars of the community chiming in....


NY Giants WR Sends Threatening Tweet: 'Zimmerman Doesn't Last a Year Before the Hood Catches Up to Him'

Zimmerman Verdict: Tweets from Obama's Post-Racial America


Staff member
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

Also, I think the official FBI probe into the civil rights violation automatically reopens. It was suspended during criminal proceedings.


Staff member


Well-Known Member
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

No. But they may very well be law abiding citizens exercising their 2nd Amendment rights. No obligation to be classy.
So you're ok with it? or just indifferent because you feel he was guilty? Seems like true racial profiling


Got the T-Shirt
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

No. But they may very well be law abiding citizens exercising their 2nd Amendment rights. No obligation to be classy.

Law abiding citizens exercising their 2nd Amendment rights.... don't go around threatening murder.

Idiot criminal thugs do.... And are stupid enough to attach a photo of themselves on social media.


Staff member
Because your numbers are skewed by a system that proclaims equal opportunity, equal protection the law, and competent legal representation regardless the ability to pay fails miserably to deliver on any of those fronts. Justice most often is for sale. And once you get past the racial numbers, you find a vastly greater number of those imprisoned and committing crimes are poor. That is the truly lowest com.on denominator and it crosses all racial lines.


Staff member
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

Law abiding citizens exercising their 2nd Amendment rights.... don't go around threatening murder.

Idiot criminal thugs do.... And are stupid enough to attach a photo of themselves on social media.

Not so. Ted Nugent evens suggests assassination and seems proud to play up to video cameras while doing it.


Well-Known Member
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

OH<,,, new evidence apparently on CNN.... Van Jones on there now working on the assumption that Zimmerman made the original contact with Martin with his gun drawn


Got the T-Shirt
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

I recall his remarks that he would either be dead or in jail (speaking of himself) if Obama were re elected. Was there another comment I missed?

"At the time the Secret Service vowed to investigate Nugent's latest vague threat—previously he'd said he wanted Obama to "suck my machine gun"—but ultimately it turned up no real merit to the ranting."

One Year Later, Ted Nugent's Presidential Threat Is Still Bull********

^ follow the link ^ or google it.


Staff member
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

I don't believe Nugent posed a real threat. Why should I believe these jackasses on twitter pose a threat? It isn't because they are scary black guys with scary looking guns is it?


Well-Known Member
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

I don't believe Nugent posed a real threat. Why should I believe these jackasses on twitter pose a threat? It isn't because they are scary black guys with scary looking guns is it?
Not really,,,, may have something to do that they are holding the gun up and saying that they were coming after you George. I "would" take that serious whoever says it whether they meant it or not


Got the T-Shirt
Re: George Zimmerman found Not Guilty

Why should I believe these jackasses on twitter pose a threat? It isn't because they are scary black guys with scary looking guns is it?


Through no fault of their own.... they are mental midgets.

Fueled on by people like this.

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