Zimmerman case - Found Not Guilty

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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
What a surprise? George Zimmerman is a liar! NAH... tell me it aint so? NOT the right wings poster boy for legitimate killings of blacks!

He always tells the truth.... right?

Maybe not so much.

The judge revokes his bail because he LIED to the COURT! Just as in everything else he has said. I can only hope that once he is incarcerated again, he will have to "stand his ground" a few times only this time, lets see how he does without his beloved 9mm.

Like most cowards who brandish a gun, the "FIST" is the last thing they want to use in a fair fight.




golden ticket member
I didn't know the trial was over. Last I heard we were all waiting to see how the trial goes...............but early celebration dancing and yahooing by you know who distracted me............


Nine Lives
No, but shooting him because you are a wannabe cop is.

This case has many similarities to another cop wannabee - Richard Jewell.

Especially the media frenzy and the rush to judgment by all the easily fooled public.

If they couldn't convict John Edwards, I don't see how they are going to convict Zimmerman.

It does not give me a good feeling to think this guy is going to be back on the street.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
This statement seems to suggest that Zimmerman did nothing wrong. My post is simply that maybe he did. No dancing in the street. The trial goes on.

Based upon what I have heard in the media, what Zimmerman did "wrong" was to get out of his car with a (legally carried) gun and follow someone when he had no cause to do so. There was some sort of confrontation....the details of which are sketchy....and he used that gun to defend his life.

Whether or not he had reason to fear for his life is a matter for the jury to decide. Whether or not he is criminally liable for putting himself into that situation is also a matter for a jury to decide.

My intuition tells me that he did not get out of his car that night with a premeditated intent to murder a black kid for wearing a hoodie. My intuition tells me that he made a horrible mistake that was both well intentioned and appallingly stupid at the same time.

My intuition may be wrong however, since I have so few concrete facts upon which to base it. I do know that, faced with a similar situation, I would not exit my vehicle with a gun. That act runs counter to the entire philosophy of legal civilian concealed carry, which is to do everything possible to avoid placing yourself (or others) in harms way to begin with.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Articles: What the Media Choose Not to Know about Trayvon

From your garbage story..... I quote :

""Trayvon Martin is seen on the security video through the 7-11 window approaching the store from the direction of the Retreat at Twin Lakes. He had been staying there at the townhouse of his father's girlfriend, Brandy Green. In major media accounts, the helpful Trayvon ventured out in the rain in a mile-plus round trip to buy Brandy's 14-year-old son, Chad, some Skittles and Arizona Iced Tea. Not likely."""

Seriously? Then, what is the suggested alternative from this writers perspective? What does he suggest TRAYVON was doing?

Of course he doesnt say, but leaves the door open for suspicion that because he was BLACK he had to be up to NO GOOD. This idea comes naturally to the racist who would read an article and take from it some solice that the writer speaks the truth.

So I ask, if not for buying some skittles and an Ice Tea drink, what did he do or what was his intention?

Are we to believe that TRAYVON left his home to walk around until he could find some unsuspecting innocent person to attempt an attempted murder on while unarmed?

People who dont like blacks can easily believe that TRAYVON was upto NO GOOD purely based on the color of his skin and an internal animous for people of color.

The writer of this article is no different. His views are clearly slanted into that direction.

FROM the same article:

""Trayvon, in fact, had become a devotee of the druggy concoction known as "Lean," also known in southern hip-hop culture as "Sizzurp" and "Purple Drank." Lean consists of three basic ingredients -- codeine, a soft drink, and candy. If his Facebook postings are to be believed, Trayvon had been using Lean since at least June 2011.
On June 27, 2011, Trayvon asks a friend online, "unow a connect for codien?" He tells the friend that "robitussin nd soda" could make "some fire ass lean." He says, "I had it before" and that he wants "to make some more." On the night of February 26, if Brandy had some Robitussin at home, Trayvon had just bought the mixings for one "fire ass lean" cocktail."""

OF course thats what young TRAYVON was going to do, and the writer has all the proof he needs, alot of IF'S !

If this, if that, if this..... WOW, case solved. He was going to make a custom drink and on the way home just decided to attack a man minding his own business while on the phone with his girl-friend".

Again, another demonstration of this criminal activity:

""Trayvon pays for his purchases. He then appears to point to an item behind the counter, but the clerk seems to reject that option. Trayvon turns from the counter with a couple of dollar bills still in his hand."""

Geez, he pays for his selections, has change, then decides to walk home and commit an attempted murder. Makes sense...? :LOL

From your article :

Trayvon posed for one photo with raised middle fingers..."""

WOW, giving the finger in a photo? this makes him a criminal? OK, I'll give you that one if you agree that anyone giving the finger in a photo or video is a criminal, OK?

How about these comparisions?

George W Bush gives one finger salute - YouTubeGeorge W Bush gives one finger salute - YouTube

Using the logic in your OWN article, BUSH would be a bigger criminal than TRAYVON.

You ready to agree, or just make more excuses?





Strength through joy
What didn't anyone read about this.......
Dershowitz: Zimmerman Prosecutor Threatening to Sue Harvard for My Criticism

All he did was criticized her for filing a misleading affidavit that willfully omitted all information about the injuries Zimmerman had sustained during the “struggle” it described.


Staff member
Sounds like Dersh has found the media spotlight warm and accomodating. Not sure why this legal "expert" from Harvard is so fashionable and the one in the whitehouse so abhorred.


golden ticket member
Sounds like Dersh has found the media spotlight warm and accomodating. Not sure why this legal "expert" from Harvard is so fashionable and the one in the whitehouse so abhorred.
Eric Holder ignores certain crime. Justice is suppose to wear a blindfold, but he's got a peep hole cut in his! I don't see how he thinks he can ignore a subpoena......and I've listened to some of his friend.& friend. testifying.....he's lying, fibbing , avoiding & not disclosing certain things what's not to abhor?


golden ticket member
TOS If you don't like the article, send your"finger pointing" to Jack Cashill at American Thinker and you can tell him directly what you really think of HIS written piece. I just provided another opinion side that isn't seen much beyond Trayvon's sainthood application.....that application was filled out right after the patent application by his parents for his name.

All of these things may not be in print much, but in the court room it will all be brought up, good & bad about both parties. The news stories have slanted on the outside...........
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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
TOS If you don't like the article, send your"finger pointing" to Jack Cashill at American Thinker and you can tell him directly what you really think of HIS written piece. I just provided another opinion side that isn't seen much beyond Trayvon's sainthood application.....that application was filled out right after the patent application by his parents for his name.

All of these things may not be in print much, but in the court room it will all be brought up, good & bad about both parties. The news stories have slanted on the outside...........

I havent heard ONE person claim that Trayvon was a SAINT or a good boy, just a human being, something YOU refuse to recognize. Look, its easy to see that you dislike blacks and any time you can slam one, you will.

You hop on the right wing bandwagon with the hatred for black youth and that is the REAL shame in this story.

Trayvon was a teenager, he probably has done things that plenty of WHITE teenagers do everyday across this country, but for the fact that he is black, you constantly source out every story where some RIGHT WING NUT takes another opportunity to plant a seed of hate upon another black teen.

There isnt anyone denying that Trayvon got in trouble, but by the same measurement, hasnt Zimmermans police record exceeded the level of criminal that you have assigned to Trayvon?

It doesnt matter what articles you post on the subject, it always comes down to a corrolation between your HATE for blacks and the writers whos stories connect with your thoughts.

The simple reality is this. NO MATTER what Trayvon has done in school, at home or online, thats HIS private business as a citizen and it has NOTHING to do with his losing his life on that day.

If you consider that using your logic, TRAYVON was looking for trouble then, you also have to say that Zimmerman was looking for BIGGER trouble by carrying a weapon driving around the neighborhood looking for suspicious blacks.

The two do not mix.

A hot headed teen plus an over zealous man with a history of violence meeting on a street is a recipe for disaster.

YOU should really examine the level of Hate that resides in your posts.

Trayvon Martin was a human being, a US citizen and a teenager who had done nothing wrong on that day to deserve losing his life. Zimmerman forcing an issue to the point where he ended up kiling this teenager is manslaughter to the most basic principles.




Staff member
Eric Holder ignores certain crime. Justice is suppose to wear a blindfold, but he's got a peep hole cut in his! I don't see how he thinks he can ignore a subpoena......and I've listened to some of his friend.& friend. testifying.....he's lying, fibbing , avoiding & not disclosing certain things what's not to abhor?
Moreluck, really. You are too far advanced in life to be that naive.


golden ticket member
Moreluck, really. You are too far advanced in life to be that naive.
They are going to vote next Weds. on his "contempt of court" and a bunch of Dems. are suppose to go along and vote for contempt charges. We'll see.
Now who's naive,Kay?
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