

Oh Yeah
As much as I hate delivering Amazon,the weights are getting ridiculous. Im glad we got a contract with them. Without them I might not make 90k dis year lol. Thank you Amazon for 90k and the Mr. Olympia workout every day lol.


Well-Known Member
Amazon, what some british people think working there: (More of the same... be careful what you wish for, really)

Amazon unpacked -

"“They’re not seen as a good employer. It’s not helpful to our economy; it’s not helpful to the individuals,”"

"pay him his near-minimum wage. After three months, if he had performed well, he could apply to be an Amazon employee"

"Amazon’s software calculates the most efficient walking route to collect all the items to fill a trolley"

"each walk between seven and 15 miles today"

"“You’re sort of like a robot, but in human form,”"

"Every warehouse has its own “continuous improvement manager”"

"“We use a bunch of Japanese guys, they are not consultants, they are insultants, they are really not nice … They’re samurais,"

"What did the people of Rugeley make of all this? For many, it has been a culture shock. “The feedback we’re getting is it’s like being in a slave camp,”"

"real-time indication of whether they were running behind or ahead of their target and by how much. Managers could also send text messages"

"We are clear about this in our job postings and during the screening process and, in fact, many associates seek these positions as they enjoy the active nature of the work."

"A very large number were laid off after the first busy Christmas period, some of whom had assumed their jobs would be permanent."

"Our definition of a good employer is someone who takes on people and provides them with sustainable employment week in week out, not somebody who takes on workers one week and gets rid of them the next,”"

"there were still only about 200 Amazon employees, with the rest of the workers supplied by Randstad and two smaller agencies."

"Amazon was supposed to send the council employment data every six months, but it had not done so"

"“We had no idea Amazon were going to be as indifferent to these issues as they have been, it’s come as a shock to us"

"Amazon employees wear blue badges and the workers supplied by the agencies wear green badges"

"they perform the same tasks as each other for the same pay of £6.20 an hour or so (the minimum adult wage is £6.19), but the Amazon workers also receive a pension and shares"

"Jeff Bezos, its chief executive, told Forbes magazine last year (when it named him “number one CEO in America”"

“Our culture is friendly and intense, but if push comes to shove, we’ll settle for intense.”"

"temporary jobs has swelled 20 per cent since the financial crisis hit in 2008, and the proportion of that group who say they cannot find permanent jobs has increased from 26 per cent to 40 per cent"

"total size of Amazon’s workforce in the UK is hard to pin down... Amazon official told a parliamentary committee the company employed about 15,000 people... Amazon issued a press release saying it was about to take on 10,000 temporary workers to deal with the Christmas... ompany’s 2011 UK accounts, it said its average number of employees was 3,023.

"A group of workers having a pint on a picnic table outside The Colliers pub near the warehouse gates said they liked their jobs, albeit as their managers hovered nervously in the background. One young agency worker said he was earning about £220 a week"

"mixed feelings. They are grateful for the jobs Amazon has created but they are also sad and angry about the quality of them"

"“People expect a job for life, but the world isn’t like that any more"


Well-Known Member
Amazon, what some british people think working there: (More of the same... be careful what you wish for, really) [/I]

Yeah, anybody who wants to work for an Amazon Delivery Service hasn't looked into how they run there warehouses. Makes FedEx look like a great place to work.


Amazon, what some british people think working there: (More of the same... be careful what you wish for, really) [/I]

Yeah, anybody who wants to work for an Amazon Delivery Service hasn't looked into how they run there warehouses. Makes FedEx look like a great place to work.
Not really, I see a lot of similarities. Seems both companies have the same philosophy, get the most productivity out of their employees and treat them dog shi t.


Well-Known Member
What is missed is tech is not only changing our jobs but harnessed well it enslaves us to the point we wish we never had it. People still have to eat, that is why gov'ts are needed, the pig-man would do anything for a buck, he doesn't care about what hell he creates or leaves behind. But even bigger for Fedex'ers is these are the things your management is seeing as the Big Picture. They have to compete with this new world of fast delivery for the cheap. As UPS has stated, they fear Amazon more than Fedex, which I can get. UPS has substantially much more business to lose if/when Amazon moves to their own delivery systems. Why Amazon is a darling, they are the epitome of where taking technology further while reducing labor/costs, everything Wall Street believes in.2


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
This is something they will probably explore but the reality is they have two big carriers (actually 3 USPS) in their pockets. All they have to do is threaten to exclusively use one instead of the other and they will see their transportation costs go down. The infrastructure costs from the ground up to be their own delivery service (as mentioned) will cut deeply into their profits so why risk it?

what profits? Their profit margin is so razor thin many quarters there is no profit. Maybe they should worry about making money before they get into another business.


Well-Known Member
Local delivery companies. Ontrac. They are expanding to more than a few states now. Cheaper than the big 3. Doing tons of Amazon deliveries.


Engorged Member
What is missed is tech is not only changing our jobs but harnessed well it enslaves us to the point we wish we never had it. People still have to eat, that is why gov'ts are needed, the pig-man would do anything for a buck, he doesn't care about what hell he creates or leaves behind. But even bigger for Fedex'ers is these are the things your management is seeing as the Big Picture. They have to compete with this new world of fast delivery for the cheap. As UPS has stated, they fear Amazon more than Fedex, which I can get. UPS has substantially much more business to lose if/when Amazon moves to their own delivery systems. Why Amazon is a darling, they are the epitome of where taking technology further while reducing labor/costs, everything Wall Street believes in.2

Thank you, Mr. Transportation Expert.


Well-Known Member
Whatever. I'm still waiting for your qualifications to advise us on our jobs and the state of affairs at FedEx.

Common sense is my qualifications for your case. Hate job and everything about it, my advice to you is find another job.


Well-Known Member
Common sense is my qualifications for your case. Hate job and everything about it, my advice to you is find another job.
He wants what he believes is owed to him, so he will continue to work a job he hates while complaining the whole way there.


Well-Known Member
He wants what he believes is owed to him, so he will continue to work a job he hates while complaining the whole way there.

I don't always agree with MFE, but I know much more about what he knows than you and TUT do. You can razz him all you want, but unless you give most of your adult life to this company, only to find they are lying cheats who've robbed you of your most productive years, and having to stay with them because of a bad economy, you can't begin to know the anger that boils up and over. You have a great job at another company Tut? Good for you. CJinx, you had enough money to invest in Ground routes? More power to you. Try being in your late 40's and having the pension you were working toward yanked away. Told they just couldn't afford it anymore. Watch your pay stagnate then after all that see your CEO, who has talked about what a great family we are ad nauseum, tell Wall Street he'll almost double profits. Apparently we are supposed to be little automatons, worker drones who scurry about sacrificing ourselves for the good of those who don't need it. If you think you are clever working yourself into a position that benefits from the exploitation, just remember it's us drones who do the work that makes your sweet deal possible. Wipe that smugness off your face because one day the drones will have enough of it and wipe it off for you.


Just telling it like it is
I don't always agree with MFE, but I know much more about what he knows than you and TUT do. You can razz him all you want, but unless you give most of your adult life to this company, only to find they are lying cheats who've robbed you of your most productive years, and having to stay with them because of a bad economy, you can't begin to know the anger that boils up and over. You have a great job at another company Tut? Good for you. CJinx, you had enough money to invest in Ground routes? More power to you. Try being in your late 40's and having the pension you were working toward yanked away. Told they just couldn't afford it anymore. Watch your pay stagnate then after all that see your CEO, who has talked about what a great family we are ad nauseum, tell Wall Street he'll almost double profits. Apparently we are supposed to be little automatons, worker drones who scurry about sacrificing ourselves for the good of those who don't need it. If you think you are clever working yourself into a position that benefits from the exploitation, just remember it's us drones who do the work that makes your sweet deal possible. Wipe that smugness off your face because one day the drones will have enough of it and wipe it off for you.
Very good Van. Guess he told you CJinx like it is.

Route 66

Slapped Upside-da-Head Member
Nicely stated, vantexan. So tired of all this "you're all just a bunch of whiners" and "if you don't like it why don't you just get another job?" crap. Very easy to sit on the sidelines and spew s#it
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Staff member
I don't always agree with MFE, but I know much more about what he knows than you and TUT do. You can razz him all you want, but unless you give most of your adult life to this company, only to find they are lying cheats who've robbed you of your most productive years, and having to stay with them because of a bad economy, you can't begin to know the anger that boils up and over. You have a great job at another company Tut? Good for you. CJinx, you had enough money to invest in Ground routes? More power to you. Try being in your late 40's and having the pension you were working toward yanked away. Told they just couldn't afford it anymore. Watch your pay stagnate then after all that see your CEO, who has talked about what a great family we are ad nauseum, tell Wall Street he'll almost double profits. Apparently we are supposed to be little automatons, worker drones who scurry about sacrificing ourselves for the good of those who don't need it. If you think you are clever working yourself into a position that benefits from the exploitation, just remember it's us drones who do the work that makes your sweet deal possible. Wipe that smugness off your face because one day the drones will have enough of it and wipe it off for you.

You and those "liking" your post sound defeated. Haven't you heard of the ongoing mission to organize? Are all of you laying down before the fight even started?


Engorged Member
You and those "liking" your post sound defeated. Haven't you heard of the ongoing mission to organize? Are all of you laying down before the fight even started?

You're a one-trick pony. Organizing is more than an uphill effort at Express, because without Teamster support it's virtually impossible. Fred certainly knows that, and exploits us accordingly.

The best reality check for you will be when Ground profits drop and your Golden Child status evaporates. I'm pulling for OnTrac and the smaller companies to get a lot of the Amazon freight as they continue to build more distribution centers within OnTrac's (and other smaller carriers) range of operations. These folks pay even less than you do, and since Amazon seems to be focused solely on cost, Ground will be left sitting in the dark.


Staff member
You're a one-trick pony. Organizing is more than an uphill effort at Express, because without Teamster support it's virtually impossible. Fred certainly knows that, and exploits us accordingly.

The best reality check for you will be when Ground profits drop and your Golden Child status evaporates. I'm pulling for OnTrac and the smaller companies to get a lot of the Amazon freight as they continue to build more distribution centers within OnTrac's (and other smaller carriers) range of operations. These folks pay even less than you do, and since Amazon seems to be focused solely on cost, Ground will be left sitting in the dark.
We don't deliver alot of Amazon. Pulling for them is cutting your own throat.


Well-Known Member
I don't always agree with MFE, but I know much more about what he knows than you and TUT do. You can razz him all you want, but unless you give most of your adult life to this company, only to find they are lying cheats who've robbed you of your most productive years, and having to stay with them because of a bad economy, you can't begin to know the anger that boils up and over. You have a great job at another company Tut? Good for you. CJinx, you had enough money to invest in Ground routes? More power to you. Try being in your late 40's and having the pension you were working toward yanked away. Told they just couldn't afford it anymore. Watch your pay stagnate then after all that see your CEO, who has talked about what a great family we are ad nauseum, tell Wall Street he'll almost double profits. Apparently we are supposed to be little automatons, worker drones who scurry about sacrificing ourselves for the good of those who don't need it. If you think you are clever working yourself into a position that benefits from the exploitation, just remember it's us drones who do the work that makes your sweet deal possible. Wipe that smugness off your face because one day the drones will have enough of it and wipe it off for you.
I'm not an ISP or a contractor, I work for Ground. I don't "profit from the exploitation", I go to work and do a job just like you do.
Your pension is not gone. Those benefits are still there and you still get it when you retire. It is just no longer accruing and was replaced by an admittedly inferior PPA. If you're a legacy employee, you essentially have two pensions.
You complain about the heads of the company chasing the almighty dollar, but isn't that the whole point? Forget the purple promise and purpose statements and all that other stuff; people start companies to make money. If you invest a portion of your paycheck into stock, then you have a vested interest in the corporation doubling it's profits.

And even if none of that appeals to you, I had some 40+ year old folks in my classes during my college days... You can always go back, learn something new, and take on the world again. Somebody with a college degree shouldn't be a career courier. Better yourself, then better your life.


Well-Known Member
it can be done to go find a job w/ greener pastures...

i've known 2 on this board that switched from team orange to team brown & one not on this board from team green to donning the brown uniform. they're not temp drivers; they went to full-time routes

agree that some are in too deep to pull out now & you guys / gals hang in there till the end.

as for me, i have a future's trader that will help me w/ my retirement plans outside of the contractor's 401k 4% matching...