Americans finally seeing the light?


Well-Known Member
Instead listening and repeating false rhetoric ---including from a non-American.
The Bush Tax cuts were not just for the "RICH" Just google the IRS official tax tables ---2003 vs 1997. You will see that every American recieved a 5% or better tax cut. Class warfare only divide us.
Our Canadien friend wants us to continue a society dependant on GOV. A typical DEMOCRAT in the U.S. wants to give the poor a fish from someone else ----The typical Republican wants to teach the poor to fish for themselves. A society of "dependant" people are only good for Politicians to stay in power.:wink2:


Well-Known Member
Union man,
What did Bush Veto in 8 Years ?-----Beside Stem Cell research ---that many many believe is the creation of life,destruction of life for experimentation purposes?
It was Pelosi, Reed, the Black congressional delegation , Maxime Waters, Congressman Meeks , ChrisMortagedeal DODD, and Barney fife ---opps Frank who for the last two years fought the warnings from Snow and the entire Liberal media who told us that if Fannie and Freddie were not finally reigned in from Clinton's deregulation in the nineties and Banks being forced by the Democrats to lower down payments and standards--the HOUSING BALLON was going to burst. This housing crisis has been in the making for over 40 years ------If people got out of their left or right BLINDNESS AND HATE---we could truly see what were the ROOT cause of these problems .Greedy Wall street made a very BAD situation worse --bundling mortgages that were doomed to fail and selling them --wrong -YES --ROOT CAUSE --NO!!
Tax cuts --All people --including you --having more control of their money have never hurt any economy. Out of control SPENDING by Politicians --REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRAT ---mainly for their own power --is the cause of deficits. As Americans ---LEFT ,RIGHT AND CENTER --should demand term limits . DOES ANYONE truly believe that a over 35 years in the Senate ---a McCain or a Kennedy --are SERVING US ??? They serve themselves !!! We need TERM Limits --AND the AMERICAN PEOPLE BOTH FAR LEFT AND FAR RIGHT SHOULD OPEN UP THEIR MINDS AND EYES !!!!
Every day I pray and hope for a very STRONG AND COMPETITIVE --THIRD PARTY to truly represent the American People and not their own interests.
In many ways Bush was bad --but Obama has fooled us ---it is the same ol same ol --POLITICS AS USUAL --He speaks well and says change -----but it is the same nonsense with a "left" slant this time around .
If politicians truly cared about America --special interests groups and lobbys would truly be a thing of the past --and many of our problems could and would be solved so much better . SORRY I AM NOT IN REALITY ---I AM DREAMING ---I WENT TO LA-LA LAND !!!!!!:happy-very:
I don't like Barney Frank or Nancy Peloci either. Your right when you talk about the reasons for the housing collapse but I think your wrong for the most part about Obama fooling us. It doesn't matter what party a politician comes from if he doesn't have an open mind. Barrack is a born leader, I don't agree with his health care reform at this time, I think he should concentrate on the economy. You have to admit good things have happened because of the healthcare legislation and nothing has passed.


Für Meno :)
Instead listening and repeating false rhetoric ---including from a non-American.
The Bush Tax cuts were not just for the "RICH" Just google the IRS official tax tables ---2003 vs 1997. You will see that every American recieved a 5% or better tax cut. Class warfare only divide us.
Our Canadien friend wants us to continue a society dependant on GOV. A typical DEMOCRAT in the U.S. wants to give the poor a fish from someone else ----The typical Republican wants to teach the poor to fish for themselves. A society of "dependant" people are only good for Politicians to stay in power.:wink2:

Give me a break, most of you will all admit, it was "the luck of the draw" to earn $26 hr, plus free bennies, with just having a automobile drivers licence.
Take UPS away (hub or center closes), what is out there for you ?
Fedex ain't hiring... so whats next, pizza delivery driver ?

Some people are lucky, find the right spot in the same lake and catch fish... others go home empty handed, or with just a few.
It doesn't make them worse fishermen, or less worth in society.

And if some don't even have arms to fish... thats their fault, too, eh ?


Well-Known Member
Thanks Unionman,
I think I finally figured out your politcal system over there.
If Obama was a Republican his quote would be : "Yes, I can" instead of "Yes, we can".
"It's always Me, ME, Me, forget the others, as long as I'm doing good."
"Whats good for the gander is tough luck for the goose"

Don't get me wrong, I actually vote conservative here, but they are nothing compared to your Republicans.

I'm starting to believe anything lower, then middleclass, the Republicans just want to sink lower.
But, they don't realize, you take that little bit of money away from them, they have no purchasing power left, they can't buy anything, then the US will never fully recover.

And that they don't feel sorry for the waitress busting her as s off, to serve them dinner, lunch and drinks, yet works with no bennies and minimum wage.
And everyone else from roofers to cabdrivers, that work hard for living, but yet, have no bennies.

I suppose when a Republican has kids, and one of them might just have a slightly learning disability (of all the least), they might turn in the other direction ?
Knowing, all my kid will be able to do, is pump gas, or cut grass for a living. No medication paid for once he turns 18. And struggels thru life.

Honestly, we all need to share, to make this a better society.
Tieguy promotes UW, but doesn't care about others that just were'nt dealt the right cards.
Teenagers get pregnant, dropping out of school. OK, most will say, it's thier own fault.
But, they are only kids, and one day it could be your own daughter or son.

"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."
–– Thomas Jefferson


Well-Known Member
:wink2:Luck of the Draw ????
How much more foolish can our Canadien friend be ??? DO YOU THINK UPS is the only company where American's can work and prosper. Our poorest citizens are richer than most people in the world.
Luck of the draw ---THE ONLY SUPER POWER IN THE WORLD ---WHERE EVEN CANADIENS SPEND HOURS ON OUR PROBLEMS AND DISCUSSSIONS ----It is truly amazing ''LUCK" Not AMERICAN Ingenuity, Invention and Imangination.
kLEIN ----DO YOU WORK FOR UPS Canada ?-------An American BASED COMPANY------- How many other Canadiens work for American companies and depend on America ------- WAKE UP !!!
When a member of a MINORITY CLASS --from a one parent family ---recieves the Education --Works hard and BECOMES THE MOST POWERFUL MAN IN THE WORLD --you are still blind
It will be nice to evenually see an Indian or Pakistani or Black Canadian beome PRIME Minister !!!!
On second thought ----I really don't care who is in charge of Canada ---I FULLY realize it is--YOUR--country --is none of my business!!!:sad-little:


Well-Known Member
I do see you have an open mind and can listen to reason. I am certainly not attacking you and agree with some of your points. Obama born leader or not ---we should not follow blindly --because of what the liberal press reports , or seiu or Acorn --or what I say. Go to various different sources for your info ---LEFT AND RIGHT. Then make YOUR judgements ---you owe that to yourself.
As far as seeing anything good for Obama's first eight months I DISAGREE:
1. He broke HIS word on posting Bills before passing them..
2. HE told us no more special interests groups -----not true again--a great example ---Republicans did not fix health care because of special interest insurance companies -----Obama will not fix health care because of special interests TORT lawyers who contributed to his campaign.
3. He told us --if STIMULOUS WAS RUSHED --unemployment will stay at 8% --he said it----I didn't ----It is approaching :anxious:10%
4. Every cabinet member he nominated was or is a TAX CHEAT.
5. He told us we were spending too much money in Iraq --eight months later we are spending more.
6.He said the world hated us because of BUSH --he went around the world twice ---apologizing for our great country and asked for help in Afganistan
NO HELP!!! We will be sending thousands more of our young people -----because the rest of the world DOES NOT CARE (How many Canadiens are there Klien ? On the front line ? }
Where do you see anything good ???????????


Für Meno :)
:wink2:Luck of the Draw ????
How much more foolish can our Canadien friend be ??? DO YOU THINK UPS is the only company where American's can work and prosper. Our poorest citizens are richer than most people in the world.
Luck of the draw ---THE ONLY SUPER POWER IN THE WORLD ---WHERE EVEN CANADIENS SPEND HOURS ON OUR PROBLEMS AND DISCUSSSIONS ----It is truly amazing ''LUCK" Not AMERICAN Ingenuity, Invention and Imangination.

Superpower maybe miltarywise, but not economicallywise.
Look at your trade deficits.
How can a country keep on importing more goods and value then they export ?
Thats been going on for years, and it's time to pay the price. Another reason your in a recession.
It's common sense, you can't shop til you drop (well in this case you did).

United States trade deficit

United States trade deficit (1991-2005).

The United States of America has held a trade deficit starting late in the 1960s. It was this very deficit that forced the United States in 1971 off the gold standard. Its trade deficit has been increasing at a large rate since 1997 [35] (See chart) and increased by 49.8 billion dollars between 2005 and 2006, setting a record high of 817.3 billion dollars, up from 767.5 billion dollars the previous year.[36]

Even Mexico has a trade surplus.
Guess, I'll need to compare you with some african nations.
It's time to wake up, indeed !


Well-Known Member
I am sorry --People without-arms can fish ---do not just dismiss the disabled.
Again --on one hand you say ---spend ,spend, spend causing problems ----on the other hand you want every goverment social program expanded ----although history has shown ---they do not work or are going Bankrupt ----EXCUSE ME --IMPLODING--
like the Canadien Healthcare system.
Never look to waste , the lazy, the bottom-feeders-------Just pour more money into the problems ----as I believe YOU said --with little or no results ???


2005 was when the country started to wake up and voted the MAJORITY in congress Democrat but Bush had the veto power and his road to destruction is just ending now. Its sad you can't admit or see this.

I'm glad you bring up 2005 a time when this economy was cranking at a healthy 5 percent a year. What has your sorry congressional group done since then?


Well-Known Member
Again you avoid the true point of my post ----Do you work for an AMERICAN --company ------Take a good look around ----America is all around you !!! If we go -----you are very much attached !!!!!!:happy-very:


Well-Known Member
I'm glad you bring up 2005 a time when this economy was cranking at a healthy 5 percent a year. What has your sorry congressional group done since then?
it was a false economy, people kept it rolling with borrowed money. Kind of like false hope that Bush was a good president.


Thanks Unionman,
I think I finally figured out your politcal system over there.
If Obama was a Republican his quote would be : "Yes, I can" instead of "Yes, we can".
"It's always Me, ME, Me, forget the others, as long as I'm doing good."
"Whats good for the gander is tough luck for the goose"

Don't get me wrong, I actually vote conservative here, but they are nothing compared to your Republicans.

I'm starting to believe anything lower, then middleclass, the Republicans just want to sink lower.
But, they don't realize, you take that little bit of money away from them, they have no purchasing power left, they can't buy anything, then the US will never fully recover.

And that they don't feel sorry for the waitress busting her as s off, to serve them dinner, lunch and drinks, yet works with no bennies and minimum wage.
And everyone else from roofers to cabdrivers, that work hard for living, but yet, have no bennies.

I suppose when a Republican has kids, and one of them might just have a slightly learning disability (of all the least), they might turn in the other direction ?
Knowing, all my kid will be able to do, is pump gas, or cut grass for a living. No medication paid for once he turns 18. And struggels thru life.

Honestly, we all need to share, to make this a better society.
Tieguy promotes UW, but doesn't care about others that just were'nt dealt the right cards.
Teenagers get pregnant, dropping out of school. OK, most will say, it's thier own fault.
But, they are only kids, and one day it could be your own daughter or son.

I'm ecstatic that a submissive socialist such as yourself is taking the time to review our faults.


Für Meno :)
Again you avoid the true point of my post ----Do you work for an AMERICAN --company ------Take a good look around ----America is all around you !!! If we go -----you are very much attached !!!!!!:happy-very:

If you go, take Walmart with you..LOL

But, serious, I know that, so are the europeans, the chinese,koreans , etc.
And then losing jobs due to outsourcing, that hurts.

You're our largest trading partner, ofcourse we want you to get back to health a.s.a.p. and recover.
And to be honest, up here, we think Obama is the right man to lead you into the right direction.
He has new ideas, and thats what we think you need.
Going the same old track won't work.

Companies like Walmart they don't even benefit you or I.
Don't think there is anything in that store that is North American made.
They add deeply to the trade deficit.
But, some people seem to support them.
Just like buying foreign cars, even though the domestic ones are in need with hundred of thousands of jobs at stake.

But, everyone looks out for save a penny or a few bucks.
That's global trade though. Has it's good and evil sides.

And yes, I have my wringly gum, or my coca cola, even Chef Boyadee (yuck), and shop at Safeway, maybe get gas at Esso.
You know how it is here. Same as there, except the streets cleaner, less traffic, and kilometer signs,no slums or ghettos, friendlier, and more expensive..

I think the canadian manufacturing sector has mostly given up to export goods. We just import them, and send out raw materials, like lumber, and you give it back in paper form. It's sad, but very much true.
Raw vegetables and meat going south, and we get it back as TV dinners.
It hurts.

Thats life these days. Different world , different times. But, thats why we all need to change. In 1 form or another, to keep North America the best place to live on earth.

This is how important you are to us :

As of October 2008 and according to the US Census, the ten largest trading partners of the United States represented 66.01% of U.S. Imports, and 60.31% of U.S. Exports in goods. The largest partners with their total trade in billions of US Dollars year-to-date are as follows:
Canada: $518.10
2. China: $345.45
3. Mexico: $315.59
Japan: $176.30
Germany: $129.73
United Kingdom: $97.22
South Korea: $71.70
France: $62.03
Saudi Arabia: $59.32
10. Brazil: $54.14
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Instead listening and repeating false rhetoric ---including from a non-American.
The Bush Tax cuts were not just for the "RICH" Just google the IRS official tax tables ---2003 vs 1997. You will see that every American recieved a 5% or better tax cut. Class warfare only divided us

Was it really neccessary to engage in lenghty wars based on lies and legislate an expensive Pharma bill at the same time lose billions of revenue thru Bush's Tax Cuts ?????? How did you and Rep's expect to pay for all this???

Barrack is a born leader, I don't agree with his health care reform at this time, I think he should concentrate on the economy. You have to admit good things have happened because of the healthcare legislation and nothing has passed.

It is a hot botton issue. Many don't realize that Health Care represents 1/6 of this Country GDP so it effects this country's economy.

On second thought ----I really don't care who is in charge of Canada ---I FULLY realize it is--YOUR--country --is none of my business!!!:sad-little:

We're just they're biggest oil/trade consumer, thats all. No big deal...…


Für Meno :)
Was it really neccessary to engage in lenghty wars based on lies and legislate an expensive Pharma bill at the same time lose billions of revenue thru Bush's Tax Cuts ?????? How did you and Rep's expect to pay for all this???

It is a hot botton issue. Many don't realize that Health Care represents 1/6 of this Country GDP so it effects this country's economy.

We're just they're biggest oil consumer, thats all. No big deal...…

Well said Diesel ! Tax cuts and more spending, didn't add up !
But, anyways, I learned something new today, thanks again Diesel !

I never thought of Mexico being the 2nd or 3rd largest oil exporter to the states !
I wonder what they do with all thier money ?


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
it was a false economy, people kept it rolling with borrowed money. Kind of like false hope that Bush was a good president.
And exactly what do you think this economy, people yelling on your side that the recession is over, is. Its all warm and fuzzy til the bill comes on it also.


Für Meno :)
And exactly what do you think this economy, people yelling on your side that the recession is over, is. Its all warm and fuzzy til the bill comes on it also.

Well, thats where Obama comes in, to clean up, make CHANGES as he promised.

We had that here in Alberta. His name was Ralph Klein.
It was estimated 25 years to pay of the debt in our province.

He brought in change alright.
Fasten your (seat) belts, and live thru it.
Cutbacks and savings everywhere.

He privatized goverment owned liqour stores , that had very limited hrs, and very few locations. Plus why pay goverment workers $25.00/hr, plus best bennies, to work in a store ?

He then went further, did the same with DMV (Driver's licence, registration, marriage licence, birthcertificates), all privatized now.
No more line ups, locations in every single neighborhood, open Saturdays, some even Sundays.
And many are now 1 stop places (handle insurance, and registration).
Got rid of those high paid goverment tellers, too.
Many other things he did.

Well, it didn't take 25 years to pay off the debt, within 7 years we were debt free, and making billions of surplus every year since (except this one - due to stimulis).

He difinitly goes into the history books, but also as disliked from many goverment employess.
You either hate him or love him.
But, no doubt, he did well !

Who knows, maybe Obama can fit in his shoes ?
But, you must be willing for CHANGE !


Well-Known Member
Well, thats where Obama comes in, to clean up, make CHANGES as he promised.

We had that here in Alberta. His name was Ralph Klein.
It was estimated 25 years to pay of the debt in our province.

He brought in change alright.
Fasten your (seat) belts, and live thru it.
Cutbacks and savings everywhere.

He privatized goverment owned liqour stores , that had very limited hrs, and very few locations. Plus why pay goverment workers $25.00/hr, plus best bennies, to work in a store ?

He then went further, did the same with DMV (Driver's licence, registration, marriage licence, birthcertificates), all privatized now.
No more line ups
, locations in every single neighborhood, open Saturdays, some even Sundays.
And many are now 1 stop places (handle insurance, and registration).
Got rid of those high paid goverment tellers, too.
Many other things he did.

Well, it didn't take 25 years to pay off the debt, within 7 years we were debt free, and making billions of surplus every year since (except this one - due to stimulis).

He difinitly goes into the history books, but also as disliked from many goverment employess.
You either hate him or love him.
But, no doubt, he did well !

Who knows, maybe Obama can fit in his shoes ?
But, you must be willing for CHANGE !

Sounds like a republican.


Für Meno :)
Sounds like a republican.

Oh yes, he was a redneck, got deep into trouble for going into a soup kitchen late in the evening (a little drunk), told them all to get a job !

We do vote very conservative here in this province.