another win for freight


Well-Known Member
Either way the Democrats let us down on this issue. I suspect a lot of political capital was spent on the Affordable Care Act, and our little part of the FAA bill was allowed to die on the vine.

Remember the Republicans "the party of no" blocked a lot of funding bill that cycle and the FAA bill was cut up into many small parts just to avoid our issue, but to fund the FAA.
Not sure what political capital was spent as the ACA was completely a Democrat bill. Not one Republican voted for it. What funding did the Republicans block? The Democrats were in power. But I, a Republican, will agree that Oberstar, a Democrat, was one politician who gave a damn about us and tried to do something about it. Most of the rest, of both parties, are B.S. artists trying to line their pockets.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Looks like Chicago voted no as well. That makes the count 4 yes, 6 No, 6 withdrawn. No other votes scheduled if I'm reading it right.
Think the teamsters will pack it up or keep trying?


Looks like Chicago voted no as well. That makes the count 4 yes, 6 No, 6 withdrawn. No other votes scheduled if I'm reading it right.
Think the teamsters will pack it up or keep trying?
Oh they will keep trying. Especially with the new NLRB rules regarding the time required between petition and vote.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Why would these guys vote no? I Dont understand.
None of us know, but it does call into question the popular theory here that the only thing keeping express from organizing is the RLA. It seems the average American worker doesn't trust a union any more than they trust their employers.


None of us know, but it does call into question the popular theory here that the only thing keeping express from organizing is the RLA. It seems the average American worker doesn't trust a union any more than they trust their employers.
You are looking at this campaign too simplistically. First off, there is 300 + Freight terminals. 10 have voted. Secondly you have to understand the history of FedEx and Fred S. They are one of the most anti union companies and CEO of today. Fred S will spend as much as it takes to keep drivers from organizing. These terminals that have petitioned are subject to endless propaganda and intimidation from the company until the vote. Now the new rules allow a 2 week period between petition and vote. That heavily favors the union. Four terminals have voted for representation, which is huge, considering no drivers have voted for representation in FedEx before. This campaign is far from over. Now as far as Express goes, time will tell and maybe if all of Freight goes union, it might just light the fire to organize Express nationally.
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The resident gearhead
None of us know, but it does call into question the popular theory here that the only thing keeping express from organizing is the RLA. It seems the average American worker doesn't trust a union any more than they trust their employers.
Pay and healthcare alone should put any trust issues to bed. The facts are right in front of their faces. And if the average employee feels better putting their wages and retirement in the hands of the employer vs the hands of a labor union. Then you deserve what you get. Trust issues lol. Republican propaganda at its best.
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It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Pay and healthcare alone should put any trust issues to bed. The facts are right in front of their faces. And if the average employee feels better putting their wages and retirement in the hands of the employer vs the hands of a labor union. Then you deserve what you get. Trust issues lol. Republican propaganda at its best.
Yes republican propaganda made the vote in Chicago an almost 2 to 1 no vote. That incredible Republican stronghold of Chicago. No democrats there.
Workers don't believe a union can deliver what they claim they can. If they trusted a union they would vote to be represented by one, that's not propaganda it's reality.


Well-Known Member
None of us know, but it does call into question the popular theory here that the only thing keeping express from organizing is the RLA. It seems the average American worker doesn't trust a union any more than they trust their employers.
I don't know why a ground contractor even cares if Fdx freight organizes or not. You seem to pipe up whenever the union subject comes up. If these guys trusted their company at all they wouldn't be signing cards to get a vote going.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I don't know why a ground contractor even cares if Fdx freight organizes or not. You seem to pipe up whenever the union subject comes up. If these guys trusted their company at all they wouldn't be signing cards to get a vote going.
You don't think a large successful organizing campaign at another opco would negatively impact my business? FedEx would use it as an excuse to lower my compensation and yours as well. It's ok for express drivers to have an opinion but not me?


Staff member
You don't think a large successful organizing campaign at another opco would negatively impact my business? FedEx would use it as an excuse to lower my compensation and yours as well. It's ok for express drivers to have an opinion but not me?
I don't know that I agree with that. If freight were to organize, wouldn't FDX simply find ways to move more of that freight through other opcos? I could see Ground suddenly getting a lot more straight truck routes.


Staff member
I don't know why a ground contractor even cares if Fdx freight organizes or not. You seem to pipe up whenever the union subject comes up. If these guys trusted their company at all they wouldn't be signing cards to get a vote going.
It's a good question. Why does an Express driver have a "valid" opinion and a Ground contractor doesn't? Not falling into that ridiculous notion of the superiority of Express again, are you?


Well-Known Member
I don't know that I agree with that. If freight were to organize, wouldn't FDX simply find ways to move more of that freight through other opcos? I could see Ground suddenly getting a lot more straight truck routes.

This is a good point. A lot of the "freight" carried by both of our LTL carriers could easily be put on to a straight truck for dock delivery.

Do straight trucks have lift gates?