Any drivers complete recent DIAD training on NDA disposition?


Well-Known Member
For those who have, does anyone notice the information you've been told your entire career is being negated?

Does anyone see their immediate center management team scrambling clueless as what to do and how to deal with NDA now?
For those who have, does anyone notice the information you've been told your entire career is being negated?

Does anyone see their immediate center management team scrambling clueless as what to do and how to deal with NDA now? dont lie?...wink wink! they...... make it sound like its ok to deliver late air....but if you they would rather fire you and give a refund!.....big pile of Crapola!


Well-Known Member
For those who have, does anyone notice the information you've been told your entire career is being negated?

Does anyone see their immediate center management team scrambling clueless as what to do and how to deal with NDA now?

What does the training say that is so different?


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
My Center had the DIAD training yesterday. It said something about getting fired for falsifying NDA deliveries. It also reminded us about not scanning the package before we drove to the stop, no more cheating. There were only a couple of instances when a NDA can be delivered after the commit time. Like if the customer always opens after the commit time and has a letter on file with UPS and unplanned security checks.
Being told not to cheat delivering air late. Told On Road Sup that if I have late air because I had to stop for a red light maybe the dispatch is a little high.
My Center had the DIAD training yesterday. It said something about getting fired for falsifying NDA deliveries. It also reminded us about not scanning the package before we drove to the stop, no more cheating. There were only a couple of instances when a NDA can be delivered after the commit time. Like if the customer always opens after the commit time and has a letter on file with UPS and unplanned security checks.
This is your verbal warning.............before they try to fire you.........for what they always wanted you to do.........they must have got caught in lie....just like that got caught with on line pharmacies!...go figure!


Well-Known Member
It also reminded us about not scanning the package before we drove to the stop, no more cheating. ..
Actually I think it went one step further and said not only don't scan before getting to the stop, but don't scan before arriving at the delivery point. How many times has each of us activated that stop when pulling onto the customer's property at 10:28 but before getting to the actual delivery point at 10:32?

​Hooray gps.