

Well-Known Member
What does that have to do with RTW? Nothing.

Because RTW has been used as a diversion while your healthcare benefits were being legislated away & redistributed behind closed doors (ACA). Workers were made to stomp around mad & hyperventilate about RTW & now they are left wondering how Republicans ruined their health insurance.


Well-Known Member
Atomic has to defend RTW, because his favorite politicians are pushing. I denounce RTW because it comes after my livelihood. I have enough integrity to call out Dems on Keystone pipeline and certain aspects of the ACA, and coal. You see Smurf, I am a union worker, thats how I support my family, its not fox news, the koch brothers, cpac, or anybody else that wants to shrink the middle class

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You have more in common with the Koch brothers than we knew. I've never seen you rail against the ACA, blocking of the Keystone pipeline or Obamas war on coal but I'm proud to see you acknowledge the lefts ani-worker agenda if only for today.


You can't hurt my feelings, I left them at home.
We've seen members not get full attention at grievance & panel hearings for less, something as simple as a dislike for the individual.

Nobody is getting wages, benefits & vacations for being in the union. They earn them one box at a time. The union leaders demonstrated with our last concessionary contract that they are just there for the free-ride.
You are dead wrong on the wages, benefits and vacations. Without collective bargaining, those great wages and benies are in line with the competition. Have you checked there compensation lately. Your not gonna make your mortgage payment without the COLLECTIVELY BARGAINED wages you receive. You earn a wage one box at a time, your union affiliation is the reason you receive the highest pay in the industry. PEOPLE DIED FIGHTING FOR UNION WAGES, benefits, and work place safety. You support freeloading. Your transparent in your desire to rid yourself of the "burden" of paying dues. Without due, the Union ceases to exist. Without the Union, you might as well head over to FedEx. Get ready to buy your own package car. Low wages, no vacation, pay your own insurance. You think management is treated badly, just wait and see what they have in store for the "ex" union drivers. Foolish boy.


You can't hurt my feelings, I left them at home.
The data says that forced unionization weakens union participation. Forced unionization allows union leaders to take their members for granted, they get bad no matter how poor the representation. As I've stated before the Bureau of Labor Statistics back up the fact that unions have declined in forced union states & have actually increased in RTW states. Facts are a pesky thing.
"The data", "the bureau of labor statistics". You throw out these statements constantly with nothing to back them up. You post links that only show the massive decline of union employees since the inception of RTW and try to ADD your own non-evidential addendum to them to try and prove a point that is both counter to common sense and even counter to the data you provide. RTW DESTROYS union shops because there will always be cowards like you that will hold back dues because you feel you don't need the Union. You said it above, "you earn your wages one box at a time". In your eye's, the Union does nothing for you. Your a short sighted anti-union freeloader. You need to work a non-union job so you understand the repercussions of destroying this union. Educate yourself smurf, before it's to late.


You can't hurt my feelings, I left them at home.
You have more in common with the Koch brothers than we knew. I've never seen you rail against the ACA, blocking of the Keystone pipeline or Obamas war on coal but I'm proud to see you acknowledge the lefts ani-worker agenda if only for today.
Once again smurf, your sooooooo correct, the Koch bros are supporting RTW because they're pure humanitarians. It's not about making money, it's all about the workers rights. They strive to rid workers of the horrors of good wages and good benefits. After all, these are merely frivolous, unnecessary luxuries. Wake up.


You can't hurt my feelings, I left them at home.
You hit the nail on the head.
In my opinion, RTW is the first step in the right direction.
Unions need to shift fight that battle and move to fight having to represent employees who did not join the union or have paid dues to the union.
Also, if an individual chooses not to join the union, they shouldn't get any of the benefits of a union contract.
Not pay.
Not vacation time off.
Not union provided health care.
Not union provided pension either.

If an employer wants to match the union contract pay and benefits package, they may or may not do so. It would be up to an employer to make that decision.

We are all adults. Capable of choosing what is best for us and our families. I just can't stomach the fact that so many are forced to join the union and pay dues with out being given the choice to do so or not. That doesn't sound American to me.
You must live in a beige, danger free utopian world. Sure, the company will pay you what the union wages and benies are as more people see that they'll realize they don't have to pay dues to receive that compensation either. When enough people stop paying dues, the company campaigns for a decertification vote. Once the Union is voted out, I'll give you one guess as to what happens to your compensation package and your rights in a disciplinary procedure. Great plan gentlemen.


Well-Known Member
You are dead wrong on the wages, benefits and vacations. Without collective bargaining, those great wages and benies are in line with the competition. Have you checked there compensation lately. Your not gonna make your mortgage payment without the COLLECTIVELY BARGAINED wages you receive. You earn a wage one box at a time, your union affiliation is the reason you receive the highest pay in the industry. PEOPLE DIED FIGHTING FOR UNION WAGES, benefits, and work place safety. You support freeloading. Your transparent in your desire to rid yourself of the "burden" of paying dues. Without due, the Union ceases to exist. Without the Union, you might as well head over to FedEx. Get ready to buy your own package car. Low wages, no vacation, pay your own insurance. You think management is treated badly, just wait and see what they have in store for the "ex" union drivers. Foolish boy.
Collective bargaining has brought about the best pay & benefits no doubt which is exactly why its so frustrating to see union members act like sheep when their union leaders begin reversing that trend by cutting deals with democrats that take away our benefits & earnings. Union leaders don't care unless there is a mechanism in place to correct their misrepresentation & RTW is the only effective mechanism we have. Electing sellouts in 5 years cycles does nothing but weaken us collectively.


Man of Great Wisdom
You hit the nail on the head.
In my opinion, RTW is the first step in the right direction.
Unions need to shift fight that battle and move to fight having to represent employees who did not join the union or have paid dues to the union.
Also, if an individual chooses not to join the union, they shouldn't get any of the benefits of a union contract.
Not pay.
Not vacation time off.
Not union provided health care.
Not union provided pension either.

If an employer wants to match the union contract pay and benefits package, they may or may not do so. It would be up to an employer to make that decision.

We are all adults. Capable of choosing what is best for us and our families. I just can't stomach the fact that so many are forced to join the union and pay dues with out being given the choice to do so or not. That doesn't sound American to me.
They already have that choice. Go work somewhere else. If you don't want to wear a blue apron, don't apply at Walmart.


Well-Known Member
"The data", "the bureau of labor statistics". You throw out these statements constantly with nothing to back them up. You post links that only show the massive decline of union employees since the inception of RTW and try to ADD your own non-evidential addendum to them to try and prove a point that is both counter to common sense and even counter to the data you provide. RTW DESTROYS union shops because there will always be cowards like you that will hold back dues because you feel you don't need the Union. You said it above, "you earn your wages one box at a time". In your eye's, the Union does nothing for you. Your a short sighted anti-union freeloader. You need to work a non-union job so you understand the repercussions of destroying this union. Educate yourself smurf, before it's to late.
No, I realize what the union does & has done but I also realize what they've quit doing & that's putting their members first. The freeloaders are the 1% union fat-cats taking my dues & yours to make themselves rich off of our labor.


Well-Known Member
"The data", "the bureau of labor statistics". You throw out these statements constantly with nothing to back them up. You post links that only show the massive decline of union employees since the inception of RTW and try to ADD your own non-evidential addendum to them to try and prove a point that is both counter to common sense and even counter to the data you provide. RTW DESTROYS union shops because there will always be cowards like you that will hold back dues because you feel you don't need the Union. You said it above, "you earn your wages one box at a time". In your eye's, the Union does nothing for you. Your a short sighted anti-union freeloader. You need to work a non-union job so you understand the repercussions of destroying this union. Educate yourself smurf, before it's to late.
If you were capable of simple math you would be able to conclude that union membership between 2006 & 2013 grew in RTW states by .5% while it declined in forced union states by 4.6%. I gave you the BLS data. What more do you want? They don't produce that data in bumper sticker form.


Well-Known Member
Once again smurf, your sooooooo correct, the Koch bros are supporting RTW because they're pure humanitarians. It's not about making money, it's all about the workers rights. They strive to rid workers of the horrors of good wages and good benefits. After all, these are merely frivolous, unnecessary luxuries. Wake up.
They support RTW because they support freedom unlike the financiers of the left.


Well-Known Member
They already have that choice. Go work somewhere else. If you don't want to wear a blue apron, don't apply at Walmart.
Walmart hires a lot of people that aren't capable of working other jobs. In fact they've helped move more Americans off of government assistance that any other. Maybe instead of denigrating those employees for wearing a blue apron we should pat them on the back for their hard work instead of being a drain on society.

Ron Carey lives on

Well-Known Member
Big government at convenience, its ok for politicians to impose their will on union shops? I thought u tea partiers were anti government
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Inordinately Right
Walmart hires a lot of people that aren't capable of working other jobs. In fact they've helped move more Americans off of government assistance that any other. Maybe instead of denigrating those employees for wearing a blue apron we should pat them on the back for their hard work instead of being a drain on society.
Who is denigrating the workers? Walmart is to blame, not the employees.
Walmart subsidizes corporate profit with taxpayer dollars. They choose to pay less than a living wage, and shift the responsibility of just compensation onto the taxpayers through entitlement benefits like welfare, food stamps, and medicaid, of which their employees are the number one recipients in almost every state.
We're not talking about a mom and pop store who pays a teenager minimum wage, this is a company making 15 Billion dollars in profit every year.
Yet here you are defending them as some sort of savior for these workers who "aren't capable of working other jobs". Laughable.


You can't hurt my feelings, I left them at home.
Collective bargaining has brought about the best pay & benefits no doubt which is exactly why its so frustrating to see union members act like sheep when their union leaders begin reversing that trend by cutting deals with democrats that take away our benefits & earnings. Union leaders don't care unless there is a mechanism in place to correct their misrepresentation & RTW is the only effective mechanism we have. Electing sellouts in 5 years cycles does nothing but weaken us collectively.
You just told everyone on this forum that you believe that election weaken a democratic system!!! That has to be the most outrageous thing I've ever heard from a "union" member in my entire life, and I'm friggin old! Voting is a primary responsibility of a citizen in the United States! No wonder you're so gung-ho like a school girl for RTW. Apparently your not even a true American. Wow!


You can't hurt my feelings, I left them at home.
Big government at convenience, its ok for politicians to impose their will on union shops? I thought u tea partiers were anti government
They're definitely anti government, until it comes to labor issues, then the more government involvement the better. Hypocrites!!!!