BC Fantasy Football League


Well-Known Member
I changed my team to cheese whiz so the earlier string of post wouldn't be off topic
You ain't lying


Age quod agis
I hope we are complying with @tonyexpress TOS for this thread.
Excuse me.
You have tony confused with ME.
Don't make me go all Roger G on y'all.

I am holding all to high standards.

This is football.
Keep the quick quips in the correct thread and this is not it.
This is trash / thrash / informative.

No personal attacks on BC Members.
If you needed to attack; do the right thing and hope this person is your next opponent.
Form alliances with other owners within the rules set by the league and make trades.

We are doing this and we are a team of people with one thing in common...UPS.

We recruited newbies to play.
We all started somewhere and took an a** whipping somewhere along the way.
We learned.

There is this thing FFB brings to life.
I will try to explain but to each it is individual.

****Warning - AJ moment coming up ****
This is what FFB gave me... player knowledge.

Jerseys are permission slips demanding respect.
Retired player or throwbacks say something and deserve recognition.
It can be as simple as eye contact and a few words, indicating you understand the importance of the jersey.

Fantasy football gave me the knowledge to respect and acknowledge players outside my comfort zone.
If I catch a glimpse of greatness in a jersey, I will comment and respect.
If I catch a hint of sweetness, I will respect and remember.....(y'all know I mean Walter)

And now, I use this to my advantage.
I wear a jersey that stimulates conversation and neurological disease awareness.


Big Arrow Down...D

Leave the gun,take the cannoli


Well-Known Member
@mjjlohn @Bubblehead @Johnnyfootball2014 @Future @Brownslave688 @jumpman23 @ajblakejr @burrheadd @Returntosender

Who will not be at the draft on the Sept 6? and would Aug 30 work better? Heard from only a few people, and so far Aug 30 is winning. Will make decision on Wed. When I created a the league, had to pick a day, always meant to be tentative day, and changed if needed.
It don't matter to me. I'll auto draft. No RedSkins players on my pre draft rankings.

