

golden ticket member
I don't care what you think you are......or what you dress as.....or what body you are tapped inside of..... It comes down to the simple line in Kindergarten Cop about penises and vaginas.

If you have a penis.....use the men's and if you have a vagina, use the women's......simple, end of story. It's scary to think that Jerry Brown is going to decide if penises can enter the women's rest rooms.

Bill to allow transgender students to choose bathrooms moves to California governor's desk | Fox News
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nowhere special
Curious little boys could use that as an excuse to see little girls. Or more likely little girls will be able to see what a little penis looks like. What happens with kids still in school after puberty? I wish I could say only in California but the political correctness virus is infecting both coasts.


Strength through joy


golden ticket member
I have to have insurance.......will they ???

Welcome to liberal utopia.
Via Sac Bee:
In the waning hours of the 2013 legislative session, the Assembly on Thursday sent Gov. Jerry Brown a bill allowing undocumented immigrants to receive driver’s licenses.

The surprise 55-19 vote moved California a signature away from putting into law a measure that immigrant advocates have sought fruitlessly for years, with past attempts thwarted by legislative vote and gubernatorial veto.

“This is a moment, members,” sponsor Assemblyman Luis Alejo, D-Watsonville, said in closing remarks on the Assembly floor, “that years from now you’re going to look back on.”

In a statement released shortly after the vote, Brown signaled he will sign the bill.
“This bill will enable millions of people to get to work safely and legally,” Brown said in the statement. “Hopefully, it will send a message to Washington that immigration reform is long past due.”


Well-Known Member

I suppose it depends on who you ask what insane is?

I would bet that most illegals won't get DL's. Why? Firstly they've stayed under the radar for so long, why get put on it? Next, they would have to put out money for license, registration and proof of insurance, things that are very expensive in California. If they do ever get pulled over for some traffic violation and have a record, finger prints are on record now with new licensing requirements, it's deportation time. These people have been driving without licenses and insurances forever. Gov. Brown's attempt to make the state a little more money will be a fail.

As for the other two, are really so insane? I'll agree, this state is one big ol' joke, but I suppose everyone has a thought or opinion on what is really movement forward.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
  • UMass-Amherst Professor Arindrajit Dube notes that accounting for inflation, California’s proposed minimum wage will still be less than 1968’s minimum wage in 2013 dollars:
“It appears likely that California will soon enact legislation to bring the state’s minimum wage to $10/hour by 2016. Accounting for expected inflation over the next 3 years, the real value of this minimum in 2016 will likely be around $9.30/hour. To put this magnitude in context, the national minimum wage reached its high water mark in 1968 when it was around $10.60/hour in today’s dollars. So even with this proposed hike, the take home pay for a California minimum wage worker will be lower in 2016 that it was 35 years ago. It is also of note that unlike 10 other states in the country, even with this legislation California will not automatically index its minimum wage to cost of living — subjecting its future adjustment to the vagaries of state politics.


Well-Known Member
I suppose it depends on who you ask what insane is?

I would bet that most illegals won't get DL's. Why? Firstly they've stayed under the radar for so long, why get put on it? Next, they would have to put out money for license, registration and proof of insurance, things that are very expensive in California. If they do ever get pulled over for some traffic violation and have a record, finger prints are on record now with new licensing requirements, it's deportation time. These people have been driving without licenses and insurances forever. Gov. Brown's attempt to make the state a little more money will be a fail.

As for the other two, are really so insane? I'll agree, this state is one big ol' joke, but I suppose everyone has a thought or opinion on what is really movement forward.
I guess it's ok for them to pick your fruits and vegetables, clean your house, mow your lawn, or any other demeanial work for low wages. But it's not ok to let them drive legally and more safely. Got it.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
I saw this comment elsewhere:
It's kinda rich seeing conservatives try to ding government for not being innovative, since this is the same crowd still screaming about Solyandra. But there's a reason that the nation's top innovation hub is nestled in one of the nation's highest-taxed regions, in California's Silicon Valley. And it's no accident that the second biggest tech hub is in New York's Silicon Alley, another high-tax regio
n.Technological innovation needs certain things to operate smoothly: world class educational institutions, modern infrastructure, cultural amenities, a regulatory framework that allows for venture capital to flow smoothly (both financial regulations to protect investors and entrepreneurs, and a legal system to litigate disputes), and a culture of tolerance, creativity, and collaboration antithetical to selfish conservatism. Isn't that what progressivism is all about? Changing the rules of the game to improve our society? Conservatism, by its inherent nature, abhors change and disruption. I mean, why else would they fight to the death to protect the fossil fuel energy industry?

And that's why the Apples, Facebooks, Instagrams and pretty much anything else that's cool flows out of California and not Mississippi.


golden ticket member
I guess it's ok for them to pick your fruits and vegetables, clean your house, mow your lawn, or any other demeanial work for low wages. But it's not ok to let them drive legally and more safely. Got it.
Get here legally and you can drive legally, and do all sorts of things.