Cancel culture—-ON TOPIC


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Well-Known Member
We freak out at people like you trying to force the above on us. By the way it's obvious from the above what you mean is conservative white males.

1. Immigrants: no problem if they do it legally.

2. LGBTQ People: What people do behind closed doors between consenting adults is their business in a free country. Trying to force everyone else to accept their openly promoting that is the problem to varying degrees. Biggest one imo is forcing young girls in locker rooms to accept biological males showering and dressing in full view of them. Ruining women's sports also.

3. Windmills: No problem at all unless you force us to accept that limited technology as the source of our power.

4. Brown People: Love their food. Young women are beautiful. Macho culture amongst young men not so much.

5. Black People: Blacks have contributed greatly to the country. And some have been detrimental to the country. Just like every other group.

6. Working Women: What decade are you stuck in?

7. Cellphone Antennas: Didn't know they are an issue.

8. Vaccines: Have a problem with people telling us they're perfectly safe when those people don't know anymore than what they have been told. The jury is still out on long term side effects and there's been plenty of short term side effects including death reported.

9. Electric Cars: If they can replace ce cars at a reasonable cost and perform well great. By the way saw the head of a silver mining company talk about the growth in silver usage. Silver is a necessary component in all of our electronics. Said most cars today use about a kilo of silver in them. That electric cars use about three times as much. Said peak silver was in 2015 and the amount mined annually has gone down every year ever since. Asked where is the silver coming from to replace all combustion engine cars with electric cars on Earth? Not some fantasy, a real world problem that'll have to be solved.

10. Voting by mail: There's a reason many countries don't allow it. Since people like you think Europe is more sophisticated than the U.S. you might want to ask them why.

11. Universal Healthcare: If we can afford it great. Can we?

12. Environmental Protections: No one is against a clean environment. Stopping humans from having water to protect a small fish, and other examples, show why mental health is a Leftist problem.

13. Face Masks: Have been proven not to work. They give the freaked out liberals comfort. That's all.
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Mark Levin's new book sure is selling in big numbers. Is this a sign of another populist move to the right? Who knows? Incumbent Prez typically loses seats in the midterm's.

trump was a sign of a populist move to the right.

milktose liberals like joe biden (who is right of centre anyways) who dont pass any reforms to help with working class pains means there will likely be only more even further right wingers coming into power


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
trump was a sign of a populist move to the right.

milktose liberals like joe biden (who is right of centre anyways) who dont pass any reforms to help with working class pains means there will likely be only more even further right wingers coming into power
Biden right of center? You smoking @burrheadd "medicine"?