Every Retiree Should Have a Job


20 NDA stops daily
It’s one of those those things men won’t talk about to other men out of embarrassment. Kind of like how women don’t usually tell pregnant women that they’ll probably poop themselves during childbirth. Lol.

Exactly! It's like some unwritten rule that women aren't supposed to mention it. Yet I've read the statistics, and over 90% of women during labor have pooped right into the nurses gloved up hand. Just like it's a fact of life that the older men get, the harder it is to achieve an erection. Why be embarrassed? It is what it is.


IE boogeyman
unless you’re hurting for money please do society a favor (for once in your lives boomers) and stay the :censored2: out of the job market so young people have a chance like you did at the same age


Well-Known Member
unless you’re hurting for money please do society a favor (for once in your lives boomers) and stay the :censored2: out of the job market so young people have a chance like you did at the same age

I agree, ALL you old Fockers knock it off! Give the kids a chance! Support youth! EVERYONE GETS A TROPHY!

I enjoy knowing when I was young I supported the seasoned old guy! Now that I are one? Keep up the good work as I am trying to drain as much money as I can from the SS system before it has real issues, so have at it!

The I's have it! 6 x in 2 sentences.



Retired 23 years
unless you’re hurting for money please do society a favor (for once in your lives boomers) and stay the :censored2: out of the job market so young people have a chance like you did at the same age

That's not the way it works. I'll give you an example. My township has a recycling program where 2 times a month 2 people work from 9 am to noon to help people with their recycle stuff. (mostly you just stand around and BS). For 3 hours the township was paying 50 bucks. A Perfect Saturday job for some 16 year old kid to make some easy money. They couldn't get enough people to fill the dates so they raised it to 75 bucks for 3 hours work. Still no kids applied. (The job WAS posted). All the openings are now filled with 60 to 75 year old people. In todays society the majority of the younger generation are just plain LAZY. EVERY fast food place and resort in the area is BEGGING for help and they usually pay better than UPS. At one of the nicer places (bar & restaurant) on a nearby lake that is popular with the boat crowd the "dock boys and girls" can make a couple hundred dollars a day in tips on a weekend and they only have to be 12.


Bad Moon Risen'
Exactly! It's like some unwritten rule that women aren't supposed to mention it. Yet I've read the statistics, and over 90% of women during labor have pooped right into the nurses gloved up hand. Just like it's a fact of life that the older men get, the harder it is to achieve an erection. Why be embarrassed? It is what it is.
Nothing to be ashamed of. I got out of bed one day last week and farted. Something didn't feel right and on closer inspection noticed I crapped my shorts. Have to learn not to trust farts anymore at my age.


It’s one of those those things men won’t talk about to other men out of embarrassment. Kind of like how women don’t usually tell pregnant women that they’ll probably poop themselves during childbirth. Lol.
