Gas Prices


Well-Known Member
Gas in Kennesaw, GA was $198.9 today. Praise Obama.

Try $1.93 a gallon Hoss! Corner of Hawkins Store and Bells Ferry. Been that price since gas shot up and is staying there. Pure gas war with Q/T, Race Trak, and Shell right there at each other. Love it!


Staff member
$2.03 here and Oilfield layoffs rising. Thanks Obama
If UPS lost Amazon, would drivers people get laid off. Sounds like you're blaming Obama for a natural economic occurrence of supply and demand. Or do you in this case want Obama and big government to approve a project for a relatively small and unsustainable bump up in employment? The same crews that build pipelines could probably be put to better and far longer employment on the nation's roads, bridges, etc. Ah. But that's "stimulus" and that's bad.


Engorged Member
$2.03 here and Oilfield layoffs rising. Thanks Obama

Gas prices have mainly dropped due to an oversupply. OPEC has
$2.03 here and Oilfield layoffs rising. Thanks Obama

The main reason gas prices have gone down is over-supply. OPEC has kept production rates high in hope of dropping prices to the point that fracking isn't profitable. They appear to be succeeding. Since Obama has no control over OPEC, how is it his fault?

Building the XL Pipeline will profit Canadian companies, not the US, and the need for the pipeline is questionable at best. Why risk the environment for something that isn't even needed and exists only to profit a narrow foreign production sector?

Boy, you people need to get your news from someone besides FOX. May I suggest BBC?


Inordinately Right