harrassment by mgmt; union isn't helping enough


Tea anyone ?
We are between a rock and a hard place, and the steward even told us to get an attorney. My husband, the UPSer, is not perfect, but he's a good driver. He has gotten written up twice for injuries (the other drivers are frightened to report injuries because of this) and also for vehicular accidents (two old ladies backed into him in two seperate accidents). With the injuries they had him "working terminated" which our steward thinks they, management, just made up to punish him but avoid a battle, and now they are threatening to do it again, because of the second old lady backing into him while driving through a parking lot. The lady was 82 and admitted to the daytime supervisor that her "foot slipped off the pedal". My stomach is tore up, and our life is on hold. We feel like the company is trying to get rid of him, but we don't feel like the union is helping. HELP!

You can not I repeat CAN NOT get written up for being backed into. It is an unavoidable accident


Tea anyone ?
That's funny--- try telling that to anybody that has had someone back into them that they had blocked in with their package car.

My trucks been hit twice by people backing up and I was never charged for an accident. I guess I can only speak for the hub I work at then.
I fail to see how if your truck is stationary and someone hits you how it can be your fault (as long as your parked legaly )


Retired 23 years
My trucks been hit twice by people backing up and I was never charged for an accident. I guess I can only speak for the hub I work at then.
I fail to see how if your truck is stationary and someone hits you how it can be your fault (as long as your parked legaly )

The key word here is "legally". If you reread my post I said if you were blocking someone in as in parking behind them in a parking lot. I don't know about how your route is but mine didn't allow for too much "legal" parking. Mostly I was double parked or setting in a parking lot blocking a half a dozen cars. Both situations are what most law enforcement would consider illegal if they wanted to press the issue.


Agent of Change
Mostly I was double parked or setting in a parking lot blocking a half a dozen cars.

There's this great show on A&E called 'Parking Wars,' set in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Its about meter maids in Philly. I almost busted a GUT one night watching this show! The other night, there was a segment that showed a FedEx Express package car and a DHL van. Both were double parked. The meter maid slapped 'em both with tickets, explaining the reason to the camera. I thought about these delivery city drivers and wondered HOW they avoid coming back to their hub's with a hundred plus tickets....-Rocky


I try not to focus on the things that are not working and do the things that will. Keep your wits about you and persue every avenue. There is a higher power. Good Luck...


Man of Great Wisdom
Rocky, UPS pays hundreds of thousands of dollars in parking fines in New York, Frisco and many big cities. It's the cost of doing business.


Well-Known Member
There's this great show on A&E called 'Parking Wars,' set in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Its about meter maids in Philly. I almost busted a GUT one night watching this show! The other night, there was a segment that showed a FedEx Express package car and a DHL van. Both were double parked. The meter maid slapped 'em both with tickets, explaining the reason to the camera. I thought about these delivery city drivers and wondered HOW they avoid coming back to their hub's with a hundred plus tickets....-Rocky

If you leave the ticket on the car they may not slap you twice in the same day. The problem is knowing that you even have a ticket. They will put it on your wipers, your door knobs, your mirrors. and even in the crack of your seat...As long as it is a meter maid giving you the ticket...If it's a cop giving you the ticket it's usually a moving violation.


APWA Hater
I understand your worried. Honestly, I wonder if my significant other would want to come to bat for me as much as you seem to be here. You seem to be worried that you and your husband have placed all of your eggs in one basket and don't have a Plan B. 100% trust in a company and a union, not yourselves. If your husband loses his job, you guys are screwed 100%. Does that sound right? If so, who's fault is that really? What if he got killed (god forbid) in an accident? What if one of those injuries were severe enough to warrant the new MMI language? Etc..?

Again, don't take this as harsh but lets cut the bull about getting an attorney and filing charges. I can't tell you how many times I've heard "I'm going to the EEOC." or "I'm going to see my attorney!!" You know what they're going to say, well any credible attorney, "Oh, you have grievance machinery in place. Have you exhausted it?"

I honestly wish that P.O.S. Art. 37 didn't exist because it's nothing more than some cheese to go along for the whiners. You can write up the best Art. 37 greivance and you know what the outcomes will 99.9999999% of the time be? "Company agrees to comply."
"Company agrees to treat the employee(s) with dignity and respect at all times."
"Reduced to letter of protest/concern."
or if its bull "Withdrawn."

We had a driver that wanted to be paid for his suffering that a manager was putting on him blah blah. You know what he got? "Company agrees to treat employee with dignity and respect." Here's the sad truth and FACT, unless you put some real teeth on a grievance (aka cost the company money) they don't give a crap. The real reason I write letters of protest/concern then go to an A.37 is to just establish a foundation for future discilpline the member will most likely recieve and its good to pull out that stuff later on to get suspensions/terminations in.

If it gets really bad, you can pull those grievances out for an attorney if it ever really does get bad. I have personally never seen it get that bad, and what most people drum up to be the end of the world really isn't.

Secondly, you know what would happen if your husband worked for DHL or FedEx? His ass out be out on the street looking for another job. Honestly answer me this m'am. How many jobs can you be "working terminated?"

Thirdly, what do you REALLY expect the union to do? The steward isn't the union, your husband isn't the union, the executive board of the local isn't the union, WE are. Do you want the steward (who, let me remind you isn't paid 1 cent for his steward duties and he is only on the clock while at work) or business agent to stick a gun to the managers head and MAKE him stop? Your husband did what? Cost the company money - so let him threaten him. Tell him to man up and grow some balls and when they pull that bull with him tell him to say "I understand your position. See your ass at panel."

If he REALLY wants to get back at management, JUST DO THE JOB AS INSTRUCTED, REALLY. 6 side check EVERY package he delivers and every package he picks up, follow EVERY LAST SINGLE one of those retarded ass methods and finally, ENFORCE THE CONTRACT HE IS LUCKY ENOUGH TO HAVE! See a supervisor move a package, file. File on everything.

Beat the same drum. Cost them money, they WILL back down. If he was a johnny-do good driver for years, see where it got him? They will put your ass through the fryer if given the chance I don't care who you are.

Good luck with the situation.


APWA Hater
the union does what ups tells it to do I think, there is no more rockin the boat

And you know this how?

As much as UPS has paid me in relativity as a part timer, courtesy of enforcing the contract and their own :censored2: payroll department screwing up - I don't think they voluntairily do such things.

If you're a steward or have been, I don't know what hearings you have been to but nothing is sweeter knowing you have a foot on the companies neck and then dropping the brick on their head even further.

We play our games, they play theirs. It's all give and take brother.