Hilary Clinton

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
And the same intelligence that told Clinton exactly where Bin Laden was before 9/11 when he was a known threat?

The failings of intelligence/acting on intelligence should not be just be tossed aside, they should be addressed and people held accountable, and not just some nameless bureaucrat who is used as a scapegoat.

Known threat?? Known threat to who? Why didnt BUSH indict Bin Laden for the 9/11 attacks? Why wasnt he charged with that crime against america?

Further, just a little information for you. WE HAVE ALWAYS KNOWN WHERE BIN LADEN WAS. He recieved medical treatment from the CIA during the BUSH administration.

The difference was, BUSH made a boogey man for the dummies to believe in, gave us all false information where he was hiding, then launched two wars giving us false intelligence all the while knowing bin laden was in pakistan.

We lost nearly 9000 military lives so far and TRILLIONS of unpaid dollars that is running up the national debt.

Prior to 2008, then Candidate Obama told us that Bin Laden was in pakistan and it was BUSH, CHENEY , ROVE, RUMSFELD and other top GOP leaders like McCain and Boehner who called him NUTS.

We now know who was nuts and who was full of crap.

All thats left for you to do is accept the facts and ditch the GOP narrative.



golden ticket member