
Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
You have high security clearance? I have a very good friend that has higher security clearance than you can imagine. He goes to Mexico all the time.

All hat, no cattle. Facts talk, BS walks. You, dear sir, are full of BS.

Yeah I can post info I received in a TOP SECRET SCI briefing on Mexico. Its not like I didn't sign a stack of non disclosure agreements when I separated. You'd know that if you really had a friend that knew anything about just how unsecure our border is and how dangerous it really is down there. Get over yourself and your lame talk about hats and cattle. Let the rest of us that have actual experience with real life events lead the way while your kind hides behind google searches.



Inordinately Right
I myself have top level security at the highest levels of government.... prove me wrong. You can't... because you can make up all kind of stuff on the internet with ZER0 accountability. Who cares........ When the economy is good, no one cares about immigrants. When the economy is bad, everyone gets their panties in a wad because they need someone to blame.

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!!!!!
My ass.


golden ticket member
I myself have top level security at the highest levels of government.... prove me wrong. You can't... because you can make up all kind of stuff on the internet with ZER0 accountability. Who cares........ When the economy is good, no one cares about immigrants. When the economy is bad, everyone gets their panties in a wad because they need someone to blame.

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!!!!!
My ass.
You must have high typed ass and it wasn't deleted!!
OMG, I have the power too!!

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I myself have top level security at the highest levels of government.... prove me wrong. You can't... because you can make up all kind of stuff on the internet with ZER0 accountability. Who cares........ When the economy is good, no one cares about immigrants. When the economy is bad, everyone gets their panties in a wad because they need someone to blame.

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!!!!!
My ass.

Ok. YOU prove that I'm making any of this up! You can't! You liberals are too naive and partisan that your brains refuse to except the truth and using common sense is beyond your abilities. The U.S./ Mexico border is one of the most dangerous regions in the world. Let alone the Americas. Just because the professional liars in our government (LIBERALS) tell the general public that more illegals have been deported (another lie. they counted throwbacks and self deportees to pad their numbers) this year than previous years doesn't mean the border is secure. Because it is NOT. I have seen the intel when I was in the military. I have heard countless stories from relatives that have crossed countless times and heard stories thats been passed on from people they know as well. Not to mention what my wife went through down there. I've also been down there myself. I had to practically beg my commander to let me go down there and the only reason I was allowed to go was because it was for legal reasons. And after I got my briefing on Mexico (which is required for all DOD personal holding specific security clearances before traveling to certain countries) I was scared for my wife and myself and had second thoughts about going through with it. But it had to be done so we did it.

The info was valuable and we used it to stay out of trouble. And it helped her later because she had to stay behind for about three months that included two and a half weeks in Juarez. The guy that briefed me emailed me an unclassified version of the report and I even shared it with a cooworker that wen to Mexico on vacation. It made him pretty nervous. Some of the info I was shown in the TS SCI report is public knowledge. Or could be if they would take off their blinders and stop depending on lone partisan websites and liberal blogs and actually wake up and look around see whats actually going on. Some of what I was told and shown won't be on the web because our government, in a rare example of showing competence, doesn't want to risk exposing an intel asset like your boy Snowden did. So, get off my case and do your own investigating. I don't have to prove anything to the likes of you. So, go on pretending like a trip to the border is no different than a vacation to Cancun. Let others worry about the safety of America. You aren't worthy of the cause.


golden ticket member
Ok. YOU prove that I'm making any of this up! You can't! You liberals are too naive and partisan that your brains refuse to except the truth and using common sense is beyond your abilities. The U.S./ Mexico border is one of the most dangerous regions in the world. Let alone the Americas. Just because the professional liars in our government (LIBERALS) tell the general public that more illegals have been deported (another lie. they counted throwbacks and self deportees to pad their numbers) this year than previous years doesn't mean the border is secure. Because it is NOT. I have seen the intel when I was in the military. I have heard countless stories from relatives that have crossed countless times and heard stories thats been passed on from people they know as well. Not to mention what my wife went through down there. I've also been down there myself. I had to practically beg my commander to let me go down there and the only reason I was allowed to go was because it was for legal reasons. And after I got my briefing on Mexico (which is required for all DOD personal holding specific security clearances before traveling to certain countries) I was scared for my wife and myself and had second thoughts about going through with it. But it had to be done so we did it.

The info was valuable and we used it to stay out of trouble. And it helped her later because she had to stay behind for about three months that included two and a half weeks in Juarez. The guy that briefed me emailed me an unclassified version of the report and I even shared it with a cooworker that wen to Mexico on vacation. It made him pretty nervous. Some of the info I was shown in the TS SCI report is public knowledge. Or could be if they would take off their blinders and stop depending on lone partisan websites and liberal blogs and actually wake up and look around see whats actually going on. Some of what I was told and shown won't be on the web because our government, in a rare example of showing competence, doesn't want to risk exposing an intel asset like your boy Snowden did. So, get off my case and do your own investigating. I don't have to prove anything to the likes of you. So, go on pretending like a trip to the border is no different than a vacation to Cancun. Let others worry about the safety of America. You aren't worthy of the cause.



Inordinately Right
Ya, I'm conceding that you can make up a bunch of crap and no one can prove you wrong.

The border is dangerous because of OUR drug war, not because of people immigrating to the US.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Ya, I'm conceding that you can make up a bunch of crap and no one can prove you wrong.

The border is dangerous because of OUR drug war, not because of people immigrating to the US.

Concerning the highlighted portions of your statements.....WOW! I have NEVER seen someone contradict themselves that badly. Ever! LOL! What a circus! LOL!

Now moving right along......nobody said, or even hinted that our border wasn't secure because of people immigrating. That is just one of the symptoms of the problem. Our border isn't secure, or, in your words, "is dangerous" because if it was secure the evil people with evil intentions that are operating on and through our southern border every day wouldn't be! And your claim that its because of "OUR drug war" is pretty idiotic. The drug war is a means to fight one of the symptoms of the problem. Not the cause of it. Your assumption is like claiming that an infection is caused by administering antibiotics to a cut. Oh my God I'm so glad you aren't actually in charge of anything pertaining to our borders or national security. But it's obvious that many that are share your warped and ignorant views on the subject. We are doomed.


Inordinately Right
Concerning the highlighted portions of your statements.....WOW! I have NEVER seen someone contradict themselves that badly. Ever! LOL! What a circus! LOL!

Now moving right along......nobody said, or even hinted that our border wasn't secure because of people immigrating. That is just one of the symptoms of the problem. Our border isn't secure, or, in your words, "is dangerous" because if it was secure the evil people with evil intentions that are operating on and through our southern border every day wouldn't be! And your claim that its because of "OUR drug war" is pretty idiotic. The drug war is a means to fight one of the symptoms of the problem. Not the cause of it. Your assumption is like claiming that an infection is caused by administering antibiotics to a cut. Oh my God I'm so glad you aren't actually in charge of anything pertaining to our borders or national security. But it's obvious that many that are share your warped and ignorant views on the subject. We are doomed.

There's nothing contradictory about my statements. I never said the border wasn't dangerous, I was referring to your supposed "high" security clearance. I have higher security clearance than you, prove me wrong.... you can't. That's my point. It's the internet, just make stuff up there is no accountability.


Inordinately Right
And your claim that its because of "OUR drug war" is pretty idiotic. The drug war is a means to fight one of the symptoms of the problem. Not the cause of it. Your assumption is like claiming that an infection is caused by administering antibiotics to a cut.

Oh my God I'm so glad you aren't actually in charge of anything pertaining to our borders or national security. But it's obvious that many that are share your warped and ignorant views on the subject. We are doomed.

The thread is about immigration, excuse me for thinking that when you were talking about an unsafe border you were trying to relate that to immigration. The border is dangerous because of the Drug War, prove me wrong. It has nothing to do with immigration.

The Drug War is not a symptom of an unsecured border. The Drug War is the REASON why an unsecured border is a problem and why it is profitable for the criminals that make our border dangerous.

Oh my god I'm so glad you aren't actually in charge of anything pertaining to our borders or national security. But it's obvious that many that are share your warped and ignorant views on the subject. We are doomed.
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Well-Known Member
What about the fear of Jose Bin Laden and friends coming across an unsecure border !! Just drugs is not the only real or present danger .


Inordinately Right
What about the fear of Jose Bin Laden and friends coming across an unsecure border !! Just drugs is not the only real or present danger .
That's a good point, why are we spending trillions over seas when you can walk across our southern border with whatever you want? We should bring our troops home and focus on DEFENSE, not foreign wars that do the opposite of protecting us.

But in regards to the borders not being safe, that is a direct result of the drug war. Terrorists crossing the border is certainly a concern, but the violence on the border is because of the drug war.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
There's nothing contradictory about my statements. I never said the border wasn't dangerous, I was referring to your supposed "high" security clearance. I have higher security clearance than you, prove me wrong.... you can't. That's my point. It's the internet, just make stuff up there is no accountability.

So, all of your obsessive rants about "proof" was about my security clearance, which I can't even say anything about other than that it was above SCI, and, therefore, I CAN NOT, WOULD NOT, and wouldn't want to ever disclose per the stacks of non disclosure agreements I signed? You sir.....need to get a life.
The thread is about immigration, excuse me for thinking that when you were talking about an unsafe border you were trying to relate that to immigration. The border is dangerous because of the Drug War, prove me wrong. It has nothing to do with immigration.

The Drug War is not a symptom of an unsecured border. The Drug War is the REASON why an unsecured border is a problem and why it is profitable for the criminals that make our border dangerous.

Are you serious? Or mental? The drugs, the weapons, and people wouldn't be flowing across if the border was secure!! Are you on dope! LOL! And for the last time......I never said immigration was the reason the border isn't secure. Any child could figure out that immigration is a symptom of the the problem. That problem is an unsecured border. Blood doesn't flow from your body freely. It flows from a cut. Get it? Probably not. Sheesh! Where do you people come from?


Well-Known Member
So, all of your obsessive rants about "proof" was about my security clearance, which I can't even say anything about other than that it was above SCI, and, therefore, I CAN NOT, WOULD NOT, and wouldn't want to ever disclose per the stacks of non disclosure agreements I signed? You sir.....need to get a life.

Are you serious? Or mental? The drugs, the weapons, and people wouldn't be flowing across if the border was secure!! Are you on dope! LOL! And for the last time......I never said immigration was the reason the border isn't secure. Any child could figure out that immigration is a symptom of the the problem. That problem is an unsecured border. Blood doesn't flow from your body freely. It flows from a cut. Get it? Probably not. Sheesh! Where do you people come from?
No matter how secure the border is there will always be drugs flowing into the US and $ flowing to points south of the US. The drug business is too large to stop and when the demand is so " high" here in the US, they will always find a way to get them here. Anyone who thinks we can simply shut the border down and stop the flow of drugs and money really is naive and oblivious to reality.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
No matter how secure the border is there will always be drugs flowing into the US and $ flowing to points south of the US. The drug business is too large to stop and when the demand is so " high" here in the US, they will always find a way to get them here. Anyone who thinks we can simply shut the border down and stop the flow of drugs and money really is naive and oblivious to reality.

Who said we should shut down the border? Not I. We could never stop the flow of drugs but we could definitely drastically reduce it with a border that is ACTUALLY secure Or by legalizing certain drugs here in The States. But that is another topic. A secure border would be like slowing the flow of blood from a wound with pressure and a bandage. A trickle (preferably a very small one or none) of blood is better than traumatic bleeding. Wouldn't you agree?


Well-Known Member
Who said we should shut down the border? Not I. We could never stop the flow of drugs but we could definitely drastically reduce it with a border that is ACTUALLY secure Or by legalizing certain drugs here in The States. But that is another topic. A secure border would be like slowing the flow of blood from a wound with pressure and a bandage. A trickle (preferably a very small one or none) of blood is better than traumatic bleeding. Wouldn't you agree?
The only way to reduce the flow is to reduce demand. There is no other way. This so called war on drugs is only a bandaid on a massive wound that keeps getting bigger.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
The only way to reduce the flow is to reduce demand. There is no other way. This so called war on drugs is only a bandaid on a massive wound that keeps getting bigger.

Putting pressure on the wound usually works. The war on drugs wouldn't exist if the border were drastically reducing the flow of drugs coming in. It would be overkill instead of just not adequate. The most logical way to solve any problem is by attacking the source. In this case the source is the border. Beyond that we'd be getting involved in Mexico.


golden ticket member
Can you believe the tunnel they had a rail system in it.......

Maybe it was Jerry Brown's train to nowhere!!