Indiana-Is a great place to be a bigot....


Well-Known Troll
I wonder how you would feel if all christians were banned from all non christian businesses?


Who cares, we will still have Papa Johns and Chick-fil-A, we win again.

Again though, you're too dense to understand that it's NOT an issue of being anti-gay, it's that these businesses disagree with gay marraige, and as such wouldn't cater these services.

Would you expect a black run company to cater my next white power rally? No, and they'd be allowed to say no. Same with the companies who's religious beliefs preclude them from doing the weddings.

How many people have weddings catered by chick fil a or local pizza shops anyway? It's probably zero, or very close


Inordinately Right
A letter was sent by 30 lawyers, many from Indiana, to the bill's sponsors and the governor back in February. It laid out their reasons for opposing the bill. It's a good read. Since many won't read it, this sums it up pretty well:

"In conclusion, each signatory to this letter recognizes the important place that rights to religious liberty hold in the set of rights we regard as fundamental in the U.S. legal system. Yet, rather than advancing reasonable concerns about religious freedom, the proposed Religious Freedom Restoration Act is more a solution in search of a problem, or worse, if passed will create confusion, conflict, and a wave of litigation that will threaten the clarity of religious liberty rights in Indiana while undermining the state’s ability to enforce other compelling interests."


Strength through joy
I can't decide which pizza I should have for my next gathering .
Should I choice ( A )

( B )


Well-Known Member
So tolerant they are, huh?
Apparently you didn't read the story.

A Central Florida baker says she is getting death threats after refusing to make a cake with a message against gay marriage. The man who placed the order recorded it and then posted it online.


Strength through joy
Which under Florida law in a felony .
This law states that full consent must be given by all parties involved with the recording and calls placed from outside of Florida are not exempt .


nowhere special
The situation was just an admitted activist who was trying to generate a story.
The man who made the request is Joshua Feuerstein, a former pastor and social media personality.
Feuerstein told Local 6 over Skype that this was a social experiment following Indiana's new and controversial religious freedom law.

"I wanted to see if it was actually a double standard; if a gay-friendly bakery and one that advertised themselves as so on pro-LGBT wedding sites would actually bake a cake that went against their principles," said Feuerstein.