Indiana-Is a great place to be a bigot....


Engorged Member
A letter was sent by 30 lawyers, many from Indiana, to the bill's sponsors and the governor back in February. It laid out their reasons for opposing the bill. It's a good read. Since many won't read it, this sums it up pretty well:

"In conclusion, each signatory to this letter recognizes the important place that rights to religious liberty hold in the set of rights we regard as fundamental in the U.S. legal system. Yet, rather than advancing reasonable concerns about religious freedom, the proposed Religious Freedom Restoration Act is more a solution in search of a problem, or worse, if passed will create confusion, conflict, and a wave of litigation that will threaten the clarity of religious liberty rights in Indiana while undermining the state’s ability to enforce other compelling interests."

It needs to be in crayon, in letters at least 3 inches tall, and can't have any big, fancy intellectual words with more than 5 letters in them.


Well-Known Troll
Apparently you didn't read the story.

A Central Florida baker says she is getting death threats after refusing to make a cake with a message against gay marriage. The man who placed the order recorded it and then posted it online.

I didn't, I was busy celebrating Easter with my family. After reading what you posted though, good!

The other pizzaria received death threats for their views (from the "tolerant" left), so, it's nice to see someome who refuses to make an anti-gay marraige cake recieve the same treatment.

He should sue her! It's his right to get whatever he wants on the cake, right?? Or does that only apply to gays getting what THEY want


Well-Known Troll
It needs to be in crayon, in letters at least 3 inches tall, and can't have any big, fancy intellectual words with more than 5 letters in them.

Yawn. Your "All republicans are dumber than hell" rhetoric is getting very old, and I've got better things things to do with my time, like plan my next skinhead rally


Inordinately Right
I didn't, I was busy celebrating Easter with my family. After reading what you posted though, good!

The other pizzaria received death threats for their views (from the "tolerant" left), so, it's nice to see someome who refuses to make an anti-gay marraige cake recieve the same treatment.

He should sue her! It's his right to get whatever he wants on the cake, right?? Or does that only apply to gays getting what THEY want
It's nice to see someone receive death threats? Happy Easter Lulz.


Strength through joy
Could you please explain the unseen complications of how this law as rewritten will have on other than Christian religions ?


Strength through joy
Gay sues Bakery .
Gay sues Florist.
Gays sue who ever .
what is the common factor here ?
Only christian businesses are being sued .
No headlines for any other religion .


Engorged Member
Gay sues Bakery .
Gay sues Florist.
Gays sue who ever .
what is the common factor here ?
Only christian businesses are being sued .
No headlines for any other religion .

That would mean that only Christian businesses are refusing service to gays. Please point to an example of another religion that is actively refusing service, and then publicizing it to gather support and funding?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
You had a choice.

UPS and a $100K a year job, good health care benefits and a nice pension.

Or FedEx at $50K a year, mediocre health care benefits and a 401K.
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Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Only that nobody refused to sell a wedding cake to a gay couple.

They only refused to cater the wedding.

So who ever made this poster is misleading people.

I wonder if they are doing it on purpose?


Strength through joy
That would mean that only Christian businesses are refusing service to gays. Please point to an example of another religion that is actively refusing service, and then publicizing it to gather support and funding?
But the businesses are not asking for financial support , other people are doing it on their own .
And the businesses are also not publicizing it , that's the work of the liberal media .

I already posted a video of Muslims refusing to bake a cake for a gay man . They kept telling him to go to another bakery , over and over .


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
That would mean that only Christian businesses are refusing service to gays. Please point to an example of another religion that is actively refusing service, and then publicizing it to gather support and funding?
Muslims are refusing to sell cakes for the gays.



Strength through joy

The Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association was begun in 1869 to provide a place for Christian meetings and assemblies, and it still operates as one of the more popular destinations for such events on the East Coast.
But the location no longer is used for weddings, because a lesbian duo was denied permission to use it, and a state discrimination complaint was filed.

The owners of a Christian farm in upstate New York recently were fined $10,000 and assessed $1,500 in damages for not allowing a lesbian duo to use their land and home for a wedding.

The Colorado Civil Rights Commission eventually ordered the baker, Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cakeshop, to use his artistry to celebrate homosexual unions in violation of his Christian beliefs, but the case is on appeal in the courts.
A state commissioner, Diann Rice, likened Christians to slaver owners and Nazis.
Her words: “I would also like to reiterate what we said in the hearing or the last meeting. Freedom of religion and religion has been used to justify all kinds of discrimination throughout history, whether it be slavery, whether it be the Holocaust, whether it be – I mean, we – we can list hundreds of situations where freedom of religion has been used to justify discrimination. And to me it is one of the most despicable pieces of rhetoric that people can use to – to use their religion to hurt others.”

The Hitching Post wedding chapel in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, is under fire. The city is demanding the Christian ministers at the chapel perform same-sex weddings in violation of their faith .

The Benham brothers were en route to a new HGTV television show when homosexual activists made an issue of their belief in biblical marriage.
The network canceled their real estate show, which was to be called “Flip it Forward.”

Then there was the case of Brendan Eich, the chief executive officer of Mozilla, the company best known for creating Firefox.
He was attacked by homosexual activists and eventually lost his position for donating $1,000 to support the 2008 Proposition 8 marriage-definition initiative that was approved by the majority of voters of progressive California.

The Aloha Bed & Breakfast in Hawaii, a Christian business, was forced to “accommodate” two Southern California lesbians after a judge ruled the B&B violated state law when the owner told Taeko Bufford and Diane Cervelli she wasn’t comfortable having them stay together in her home due to her religious beliefs. Aloha has since been ordered by the state “to provide a room to any same-sex couple that wishes to stay there.”


Inordinately Right
I already posted a video of Muslims refusing to bake a cake for a gay man . They kept telling him to go to another bakery , over and over .
You should watch that video again. What you'll see is that none of the Muslim bakeries said it was because he was gay, and none of them mentioned their religion. They simply told him no and told him where else he could go. Looks like they've got it all figured out huh?


Inordinately Right


Engorged Member
It just goes to support your lack of intelligence.

You had a choice.

UPS and a $100K a year job, good health care benefits and a nice pension.

Or FedEx at $50K a year, mediocre health care benefits and a 401K.

Yep, lack of intelligence.

I'll gladly match educational qualifications with you, and I will win.

Good try on equating job choice with choosing to be gay or not.

Not analogous.