Is The "Empty Trailer Procedure" Company Wide?

OK , I agree to rts. I just don't understand why we have to be threatened with termination language in every memo.

was told that the co is really angry with union right now over the retro checks and some other things.

so they treat us like :censored2:?

All you can do is your job correctly. The rest is out of your control.


Well-Known Member
Jesus, really Dave? Do you sign every piece of potentially disciplinary paper that comes before you? You've been around long enough to know that you never give management anything regardless especially when it's a Band-Aid for their policy failures.
I've been around 37 years, and yes, I sign everything they hand me. My understanding is that it is not optional. Most of it is training rosters required by DOT. The rest would be work as directed. In the end it all boils down to trying to do your job right and using union contract negotiations to create realistic expectations.0
I've been around 37 years, and yes, I sign everything they hand me. My understanding is that it is not optional. Most of it is training rosters required by DOT. The rest would be work as directed. In the end it all boils down to trying to do your job right and using union contract negotiations to create realistic expectations.0

Feel free to sign.

Here we do not.
I asked you a very simple question.

Does your not signing mean that you do not have to comply with whatever is on the piece of paper?
Does my not signing mean that I don't?

If anything we hold the companies feet to the fire as they'll put a piece of paper in front of us and turn around and violate the very info on it.

Sign everything you want Dave. How well did you comply with the "safety while crossing a street" paper?


Got the T-Shirt
I've been around 37 years, and yes, I sign everything they hand me. My understanding is that it is not optional. Most of it is training rosters required by DOT.

If you want to sign, thats your option.

Did some management person.... tell you the training rosters were a DOT requirement ??

Does this mean that you do not have to comply with whatever is on the paper that you refuse to sign?

There is a difference, between signing a piece of paper and complying with a work instruction.



Well-Known Member
If you want to sign, thats your option.

Did some management person.... tell you the training rosters were a DOT requirement ??

There is a difference, between signing a piece of paper and complying with a work instruction.

No. Like my reply says, it was just my understanding it was required. Refusing to sign is not hard to deduce that DOT will assume you have not received the training and you are therefore not qualified to drive till you do.
Having survived 37 years myself I can deduce signing is not the end of the world. I can also say that the one guy we had who refused to sign anything no longer works here.
Until a DOT officer is in front of you in person rest assured that they have never seen a piece of paper with you signature on it.

And Mr. RTS was not terminated for rtsing, garaunteed.


Package Car is cake compared to this...
No. Like my reply says, it was just my understanding it was required. Refusing to sign is not hard to deduce that DOT will assume you have not received the training and you are therefore not qualified to drive till you do.
Having survived 37 years myself I can deduce signing is not the end of the world. I can also say that the one guy we had who refused to sign anything no longer works here.

No one ever got fired for refusing to sign anything. Youse guys wondering if we comply with what they're trying to get us to sign sound like the people who defend the government spying on us. Those people love to say--ignorantly, I might add--if you've got nothing to hide, you shouldn't care if the government spies on you. Or, if you prefer, the right to remain silent. Any attorney worth their salt will tell you to never--NEVER--talk to the cops without an attorney, no matter how innocent you are.

Same concept goes here. Just because you don't sign doesn't mean you don't comply with their rules, provided they aren't against the contract. It just means you aren't going to give them any ammunition to use against you.

FWIW, I ALWAYS insist on a copy of anything they are trying to make us sign. You'd be surprised how often it is used to correct supervisors who forget their own rules.