Local 251 Nominations Meeting


You know me...
LMAO, the screw the membership slate should have printed up personalized BLINDERS instead of T-Shirts for that nominations meeting!

Let's see, what would it take to get it through your thick skulls that you are on the WRONG side. Maybe if we could expose that one of their trustees is a convicted felon with Mob ties! That oughtta do it! Oh....wait, we already did that. (By the way, is AS going to stop speaking with his father for the course of his term? Because you know what the international constitution says about officials fraternizing with known Mafia affiliates...right? Oh, wait, you're a membership slate steward. You don't even know the contract, let alone the International Constitution...forget I said anything) Hmmm let's see...Maybe if we exposed that The President of the Union cuts side deals that negate the contract language and screw over 99% of the members in the barn! That should....oh, wait. Already did that. OOH! I know, how about if we came up with IRREFUTABLE PROOF that the Membership Slate's business agents go behind the backs of the members to screw them over and get their friends a job! That HAS to be enough to....DAMN...we already did that too huh? Hmmmm....if only there was a way to trick the principal officer into alienating half the membership in an attempt to prove he is the one causing the division in our local...hmmm... What's that? The jackass did it without being tricked? Of his own accord and free will you say? And there are actually people that STILL support these corrupt, mob tied, contract destroying, back room deal making, division creating LOSERS? No way, I demand DNA tests. These people cannot be human. There isn't a SINGLE human being alive that is THAT stupid. They must be neanderthal hybrids, or maybe monkeys are learning how to speak and drive...but humans? No way.


Well-Known Member
Just look in the parking lot of UPS everyday. Way more Re-Elect The Membership over UA251. Don't take my word for it, go see.


You know me...
Just look in the parking lot of UPS everyday. Way more Re-Elect The Membership over UA251. Don't take my word for it, go see.

Last time I was there, we had quite the crowd around us. You remember that Stink. I put the bumper sticker on your car? The other steward flipped out for no reason at all...

So lets say UPS is split...actually I'll give you 60/40 in your favor for arguments sake. So 750 members, you get 60%. Now RI is at LEAST 70/30 in our favor. (anyone that tells you different is lying to you) now go get your calculator and figure 60% of 750. Then figure 30% of 2090. Now add the two together. Then, figure 40% of 750 and 70% of 2090. Add those two together. Then look at the two numbers. Which is bigger? Now figure that historically 25% of the membership votes in our elections, so divide both numbers by 25%. There's your support from RIH and UPS combined vs ours. So, enjoy your pretty signs and bumper stickers. They aren't going to make people forget about the last 13 years pal ..


Well-Known Member
Last time I was there, we had quite the crowd around us. You remember that Stink. I put the bumper sticker on your car? The other steward flipped out for no reason at all... So lets say UPS is split...actually I'll give you 60/40 in your favor for arguments sake. So 750 members, you get 60%. Now RI is at LEAST 70/30 in our favor. (anyone that tells you different is lying to you) now go get your calculator and figure 60% of 750. Then figure 30% of 2090. Now add the two together. Then, figure 40% of 750 and 70% of 2090. Add those two together. Then look at the two numbers. Which is bigger? Now figure that historically 25% of the membership votes in our elections, so divide both numbers by 25%. There's your support from RIH and UPS combined vs ours. So, enjoy your pretty signs and bumper stickers. They aren't going to make people forget about the last 13 years pal ..
A great man once told me, stories don't matter, nominations don't matter, theories of voter turn out don't matter, what matters is who mails in their ballot. Who do the people feel safe with? TDUA that records their calls? TDUA BA that testified against another employee to have them fired? A TDUA Sec/Tres that failed as a driver? Another TDUA BA that has yet to read the contract? I mean do these guys even know what the job they are gunning for entails? There's a question.

Btw, still waiting on how much each of these BS artists are going to make to reduce 250k.


You know me...
A great man once told me, stories don't matter, nominations don't matter, theories of voter turn out don't matter, what matters is who mails in their ballot. Who do the people feel safe with? TDUA that records their calls? TDUA BA that testified against another employee to have them fired? A TDUA Sec/Tres that failed as a driver? Another TDUA BA that has yet to read the contract? I mean do these guys even know what the job they are gunning for entails? There's a question.

Btw, still waiting on how much each of these BS artists are going to make to reduce 250k.

And you are going to continue to wait until the LM2's come out like we have to every year when we try to figure out how much of a raise Jojo and Kr gave themselves THIS time...

And if this election is about "Trust". Then you are far more screwed than I had first thought...


Well-Known Member
Nope, not gonna wait for that. No need. I'll use your algorithm to tell the future. Can you send me your formula? I'm very familiar in mod 10s and the stochastic process. I may not be the smartest guy, but math was where I excelled in college.


Well-Known Member
I took this off another thread. This is exactly what I'm talking about. This is local 804 which is a TDU local.
There is a lot of E/B in-fighting, they are blaming each other for lack of leadership. The E/B knows this last supplement will be voted down. They realized the mistake they made, not taking leadership in contract talk with UPS. They know UPS bamboozled them into thinking this was the best supplement contract in local 804 history. This board made a lot of terrible mistakes, one is firing the lawyers and replacing them with a TDU lawyer, resulting in 1200 members fired. The fat cat didn't help any, except their ego. Destroying our H/W fund, 70% members on collection. All that money going into the H/W fund is coming from the members $20.00 dollar co-pay, UPS has not put in a dime. B/C & B/S Anaheim is the worst coverage you can get. Ask the receptionist next time you see your doctor. The E/B has someone that response to truthful negative post all day, and he gets paid with our union dues. Ask yourself how is the E/B buying all this wonderful toys if they took a pay cut. Holmes suit are valued over $3,000.00 thousand dollars, the sox alone are $100.00 bucks. They pulled the biggest scam of all times, with the help of the TDU, they put out lies about the old E/B. Remember this one, Howie stoled 30 million from the H/W fund, there would be a criminal investigation if Tim S and his board won, that Howie would be arrested . VOTE NO!