Local 2727 UPDATE

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Dis-organized Labor

DOL = Sam
Who's Sam?
Is it Surface to Air Missile because I can easily shoot down AirbusLickers Drone?

Airbusbkr: am I playing into your hands so that you and your one or tewo followers on here get the support from the Ground People that you're looking for? (The "Nice Guy" approach). Maybe Unionman is the third entity from Cookdaddy. No Creditability at all.
Ha. Get up extra early tomorrow and try again

Dis-organized Labor

You are the one that needs to be afraid because your the one who is way out of line with coming on this forum and throwing bombs around like your in Vietnam.
We as mechanics may disagree with each other but as a whole we watch the others guys back.

All right. What would you like me to do for you, unionman?
You've smashed me on a few other Threads, but now in the interest of getting by this; tell me what you would like me to do or Post on here.
You attacking me and vice versa does not get us anywhere.

Does it not make sense to have me as an advocate rather than an adversary?? Even if behind the scenes? No BS, I give up!!!


Well-Known Member
All right. What would you like me to do for you, unionman?
You've smashed me on a few other Threads, but now in the interest of getting by this; tell me what you would like me to do or Post on here.
You attacking me and vice versa does not get us anywhere.

Does it not make sense to have me as an advocate rather than an adversary?? Even if behind the scenes? No BS, I give up!!!
Try being a people person for once. You are a manager are you not? I understand the whole getting tough with people that don't do there job thing but the way you guys just completely HATE us is beyond comprehension. And don't give me that I don't hate the mechanics bit, I have been in this business too long and have seen to much of this rotten culture UPS has to know that something is really wrong with this organization. I don't know if its because of what happened back when this airline started and most of the management and mechanics knew each other from that period or what, but this airline is about as disfunctional as they come. I bet Connie Kalitta runs his airline better and treats his people better than ups does and that is the way almost everybody in the airline feels, not just the mechanics but the pilots and everybody else. So the question to you is what are YOU going to do about it.

Dis-organized Labor

Try being a people person for once. You are a manager are you not? I understand the whole getting tough with people that don't do there job thing but the way you guys just completely HATE us is beyond comprehension. And don't give me that I don't hate the mechanics bit, I have been in this business too long and have seen to much of this rotten culture UPS has to know that something is really wrong with this organization. I don't know if its because of what happened back when this airline started and most of the management and mechanics knew each other from that period or what, but this airline is about as disfunctional as they come. I bet Connie Kalitta runs his airline better and treats his people better than ups does and that is the way almost everybody in the airline feels, not just the mechanics but the pilots and everybody else. So the question to you is what are YOU going to do about it.

How about we start by calling a truce between you and me?
If you've been noticing the mood of my posts over the last few months has, hopefully, changed from being an ass to being a more reasonable person. Do I have my hot buttons? Absolutely! Do I get wrapped up in emotion when I read certain things (ie. Airbusfxr)? Absolutely again.
Can I honestly say that my "Good" posts outweigh my "Bad", by a huge factor? Absolutely again!
I can't speak for other management people in the Airline, but I have a solid track record of treating people fairly, with dignity they deserve and still getting the job done.
You have had many more negative comments directed at me personally than I at you, you have to admit. That's ok though. Water under the bridge.
So, what can I do for you? I won't dispute the comment about "ups does and that is the way almost everybody in the airline feels, not just the mechanics but the pilots and everybody else." because in my 23 years, I honestly haven't seen or heard this from "almost everybody".


Well-Known Member
How about we start by calling a truce between you and me?
If you've been noticing the mood of my posts over the last few months has, hopefully, changed from being an ass to being a more reasonable person. Do I have my hot buttons? Absolutely! Do I get wrapped up in emotion when I read certain things (ie. Airbusfxr)? Absolutely again.
Can I honestly say that my "Good" posts outweigh my "Bad", by a huge factor? Absolutely again!
I can't speak for other management people in the Airline, but I have a solid track record of treating people fairly, with dignity they deserve and still getting the job done.
You have had many more negative comments directed at me personally than I at you, you have to admit. That's ok though. Water under the bridge.
So, what can I do for you? I won't dispute the comment about "ups does and that is the way almost everybody in the airline feels, not just the mechanics but the pilots and everybody else." because in my 23 years, I honestly haven't seen or heard this from "almost everybody".
Well the feeling is everywhere and that just goes to show how out of touch management is with there people.
Yes, I have a lot of negative comments towards you but what do you expect after all the turmoil thats been happening in the airline and your posts are way out of line. Ok previous posts.
If you can't take people below saying bad things about you your in the wrong position. Its human nature for people to complain about the boss. Im sure you guys talk about us in your meeting like we are garbage so thats a two way street.
Truce excepted. I don't hate you, I just hate what the airline industry has become.


Well-Known Member
DOL you must understand that these guys won't strike. To engage in conversation with them is worthless. They think by threatening to strike, will get them what they want. The truth of the matter is if they did have balls and would strike, the only people that would suffer would be them. Do you think the company cares? Do you know how hard it would be to replace these guys? In this economy there would be a line 10,000 deep at the door if would opened these jobs up. They talk can talk all they want on BC but at the end of the day their tails go between their legs and they thank the almighty shield of UPS for providing a decent life for them and their family. They are bunch of losers that think the union way is the way of life. In reality the only way is the UPS way.


Well-Known Member
DOL you must understand that these guys won't strike. To engage in conversation with them is worthless. They think by threatening to strike, will get them what they want. The truth of the matter is if they did have balls and would strike, the only people that would suffer would be them. Do you think the company cares? Do you know how hard it would be to replace these guys? In this economy there would be a line 10,000 deep at the door if would opened these jobs up. They talk can talk all they want on BC but at the end of the day their tails go between their legs and they thank the almighty shield of UPS for providing a decent life for them and their family. They are bunch of losers that think the union way is the way of life. In reality the only way is the UPS way.
Look DOL the out of touch management I spoke of just stuck his big head into our conversation.
If the mediator will let us, I assure you there will be a strike.


Well-Known Member
For the record:

DOL warned them that they did not want to mess with the BC Ladies. AirbusLicker has gone too far
UnionmanWannaBe as well
Lets see, she comes to my thread and attacks me, then takes up for you. I dont lurk in other threads but you do and have befriended her and told her "your side" of the mechanics struggle with UPS. She can post all she wants, all the guys on my crew got a big laugh about you and her so the entertainment is welcomed. OBTW I have never messed with any BCL, it seems only one has come to local2727 and attacked me. She is really like you DM, she can dish it out, but cant take it.


Well-Known Member
DM, why dont you explain to your other bff why we have not shut down the airline. Explain to him the RLA of 1929 and how the NMB operates, he like another, attacks us then shows his expertise on the law. So let UPSSUCKS know that 90% have OKd us to strike when the law allows, and now the other 10% have found out the retro is gone I bet it would closer to 97% since the "last and final" offer has been thrown out to us. In closing, this thread is about local2727 hotline update.
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Well-Known Member
Airbus, I have attacked no one in this thread and there is no TOS that says that I can't post in any thread that I want to. You bitch about my 1000's of posts but there are many in here that have far more posts than I do. I don't hear you bitching about them. At no time did I ever claim to be an expert on the airline side of our business. Notice I hilited our. It is our business. I am as much apart of this business as you are. And I am learning a little about the airline side. Just so that you are clear, DOL is learning the ground side as well. No need for innuendo here.

BTW, thanks you have just given me a good reason to stick around and put in my 2 cents more often. Hope it pisses you off to no end. :happy-very:
You and your buddy DM can post your normal 8 per day here. But dont you think you are more helpful to assist other threads? You have teamed up with a person of interest, and believe me I would steer clear of him and UPSSUCKS. These two guys are not normal managers, and by reading their reputation comments both draw ire of union and nonunion posters. I just hope in 2013 you dont come running asking the pilots and mechanics to help when you are asked to pay for health care and take a pay cut. But, as usual, if we are asked we will assist you without any questions.

Dis-organized Labor

You and your buddy DM can post your normal 8 per day here. But dont you think you are more helpful to assist other threads? You have teamed up with a person of interest, and believe me I would steer clear of him and UPSSUCKS. These two guys are not normal managers, and by reading their reputation comments both draw ire of union and nonunion posters. I just hope in 2013 you dont come running asking the pilots and mechanics to help when you are asked to pay for health care and take a pay cut. But, as usual, if we are asked we will assist you without any questions.

I guess I overlooked the "Rules". Let me know whaich threads I allowed to post on ? Can I read them?
I actually like my reputation comments. I like yours to, especially the one I gave you on 10/23/09.
I guess I'm done with this thread. Enjoy your discontent.


Well-Known Member
DOL you must understand that these guys won't strike. To engage in conversation with them is worthless. They think by threatening to strike, will get them what they want. The truth of the matter is if they did have balls and would strike, the only people that would suffer would be them. Do you think the company cares? Do you know how hard it would be to replace these guys? In this economy there would be a line 10,000 deep at the door if would opened these jobs up. They talk can talk all they want on BC but at the end of the day their tails go between their legs and they thank the almighty shield of UPS for providing a decent life for them and their family. They are bunch of losers that think the union way is the way of life. In reality the only way is the UPS way.

Upssocks is that he same speech you gave in '97?


Well-Known Member
I guess I overlooked the "Rules". Let me know whaich threads I allowed to post on ? Can I read them?
I actually like my reputation comments. I like yours to, especially the one I gave you on 10/23/09.
I guess I'm done with this thread. Enjoy your discontent.

DOL I may not always agree with you, but I welcome your point of view. Don't let anyone run you off.


Well-Known Member
Upssocks is that he same speech you gave in '97?

Your not in 1997 anymore Dorthy, and the past is the past. I am talking about right now, and you don't have the brass.... Stop while you are ahead you're not going to strike.....


Active Member
I've looked through this thread some what and have come away shaking my head.

You guys should just accept the inevitable because there are millions of people looking for work and you could join them. I just spent 5 1/2 months trying to obtain another full time job, because the previous company I worked for went bankrupt.

I've been working part time for UPS in the Jax FL HUB and make pennies compared to you people. I'm thankful for the job and the benefits. I know we'll have to pay a portion of the premium in the next contract. If I chose not to like it, I'll leave simple as that. That's why I'm working on my Master's degree in software architecture to put myself in a better position just in case.

No need to stand around and complain about what a company doesn't give you.


Well-Known Member
I've looked through this thread some what and have come away shaking my head.

You guys should just accept the inevitable because there are millions of people looking for work and you could join them. I just spent 5 1/2 months trying to obtain another full time job, because the previous company I worked for went bankrupt.

I've been working part time for UPS in the Jax FL HUB and make pennies compared to you people. I'm thankful for the job and the benefits. I know we'll have to pay a portion of the premium in the next contract. If I chose not to like it, I'll leave simple as that. That's why I'm working on my Master's degree in software architecture to put myself in a better position just in case.

No need to stand around and complain about what a company doesn't give you.
You joined the Brown Cafe just to give us your two cents? I am so glad you know all about our struggles because you spent five minutes reading through this forum. Good luck on your education.
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