Local 2727 UPDATE

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Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
I've looked through this thread some what and have come away shaking my head.

You guys should just accept the inevitable because there are millions of people looking for work and you could join them. I just spent 5 1/2 months trying to obtain another full time job, because the previous company I worked for went bankrupt.

I've been working part time for UPS in the Jax FL HUB and make pennies compared to you people. I'm thankful for the job and the benefits. I know we'll have to pay a portion of the premium in the next contract. If I chose not to like it, I'll leave simple as that. That's why I'm working on my Master's degree in software architecture to put myself in a better position just in case.

No need to stand around and complain about what a company doesn't give you.

Good beginning post and advice!!

Welcome to the BrownCafe!:wink2:


Well-Known Member
I've looked through this thread some what and have come away shaking my head.

You guys should just accept the inevitable because there are millions of people looking for work and you could join them. I just spent 5 1/2 months trying to obtain another full time job, because the previous company I worked for went bankrupt.

I've been working part time for UPS in the Jax FL HUB and make pennies compared to you people. I'm thankful for the job and the benefits. I know we'll have to pay a portion of the premium in the next contract. If I chose not to like it, I'll leave simple as that. That's why I'm working on my Master's degree in software architecture to put myself in a better position just in case.

No need to stand around and complain about what a company doesn't give you.
Dude, good luck on your master's, I got a little associate degree and worked "for pennies" for 10 years. I made less than a bike mechanic while auto guys doubled me in the early eighties. I provide a service for your great company and they are to fairly compensate me due to a collective bargaining agreement. Why would you vote to pay for health care when you can vote no, or better why would you pay when you work hard for this type of benefit. The one thing that we have in common is that I am thankful for my job but I will not do it for free.
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New Member
Just remember folks. Our contract in going to be precedent setting. What we get you will get. What we give away, the company will take the same from you. No matter what management's propaganda tries to get us to believe, we all must remember that they make billions because of the employees and we deserve a good wage with good benefits.


Well-Known Member
What ever happened to the final proposal that Warren was suppose to put out to his sups? No upsers proposal either, was that all bull or what?


New Member
He emailed it to all the supervisors but then rescinded it and told them not to speak to the mechanics about the email. Probably just one of WJ's attempt to be clever. It had the same lame offer that they have pushing all along.


Well-Known Member
He emailed it to all the supervisors but then rescinded it and told them not to speak to the mechanics about the email. Probably just one of WJ's attempt to be clever. It had the same lame offer that they have pushing all along.
You think maybe corporate stepped in and said hold on because if thats your final proposal than we don't except and there is no need to continue negotiations. ask the mediator for 30 day cooling then Lets strike.


Well-Known Member
I was told Labor had him pull it. It looks like WJ was alone on this one.

Pomf needs to remember, this one is for all Teamsters & the 2013 contract. We've all been where you are & some are back there now or laidoff. That's why we can't give up.
BTW, where is corporate in all this?


New Member
It's a typical management tactic to get sup's to infiltrate the ranks and try to make members feel they better take this so called "last offer". There may be some members on the fence and those are the people management are trying to convince. When the sup's talk about the contract let them know why this is a horrible offer. Management is always taking our temperature and they're looking for a 51-49 vote.


Well-Known Member
How long do we have to negotiate four issues? Back pay, raises, health insurance and job security.
Keep hearing more layoffs coming, they keep walking people out for stupid crap, and harassing people for dumb crap.
The company did the same thing to the pilots when it came to putting out a final proposal but the pilots haddened taken there strike vote.
We took taken ours back in September and if we don't get the ok soon that 90% strike vote was a joke.


Well-Known Member
Strike vote is already looking like a joke, thanks to the E-board. Vote taken in Sept. Last & final meeting was to be in Dec. (If there was no progress...we were to request to be released.) The report was WJ & others walked out of the meeting. Is that the progress we were looking for. So we take that slap in the face & ask "may we have another"....company replys.. "sure how about after peak ... how about in Jan". So here we are. What are we waiting for? Are we still fixing to think about maybe requesting to possibly be released. Maybe we should check with Labor first.
Someone once told me, UPS only understands pain. I'm starting to think this is true.
This joke isn't very funny.


Well-Known Member
Heard National is getting behind us now that UPS has given us there final offer. Opened the door for us to ask mediator for a release which from what I have heard is happening now.

oh no, please don't bring national into the picture..... National is no different then you, except for the fact they live in nicer homes and drive nicer cars thanks to your union dues.... Hopefully they help you because you make their car payment for them. National is like a bad Robin Hood they rob from the poor and keep it.


Well-Known Member
For a simple jack you sure seem to know a lot about nothing. I think maybe you have gone total :censored2: like the movie tropic thunder. Don't you know? You can't go total :censored2:.

So your not denying the anti Robin Hood like antics? Go do what you're good at, running with your tail between your legs. Oh and don't forget to pay your union dues, those big bad national guys car payments are due at the end of the month...


Well-Known Member
So your not denying the anti Robin Hood like antics? Go do what you're good at, running with your tail between your legs. Oh and don't forget to pay your union dues, those big bad national guys car payments are due at the end of the month...
Go back to your broom closet you call an office and eat some jelly beans.


Well-Known Member
E-board has hired a telephone survey company to call everyone to see if they really want to strike. It keeps getting weirder and weirder. Now we are negotiating based of telephone surveys. E-board also has concert tickets to anyone thats interested.

No new talks scheduled gets us closer to October!


Well-Known Member
Mediator requested that we take a survey. Thats good news. Now we can get the release and start the 30 day cooling off. Enough of this crap, time to take the gloves off.


Well-Known Member
Mediator requested that we take a survey. Thats good news. Now we can get the release and start the 30 day cooling off. Enough of this crap, time to take the gloves off.

Was'nt the strike vote a survey? This new telephone survey shows weakness, how are they going to verify who's on the other end of the phone?
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