Maybe there is glimmer of hope for the USA after all.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Go home @bacha29 yout not a legal scholar or judge. Just a loud mouth.

“The revelation of a falsified request may not matter much in a strictly legal sense, said Jenny Pizer, the chief legal officer at Lambda Legal, a group that protects LGBTQ+ rights. The court has signaled recently that potential liability is enough to support a legal challenge, she said.”

Scumbags. Like those that support them

El Correcto

god is dead
@El Correcto isn't wrong about the presence of open hostility toward gay people on here.

I think the decision was correct simply because a Christian shouldn't be compelled to create a cake for a gay wedding. Even though I support gay weddings.
Browncafe needs a head of Diversity Equity and Inclusion to be brought on board. I have my hand raised anytime they are ready to address their homophobic roots and the Nazi problem.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Joseph Kennedy, the "praying football coach", in Bremerton, WA. is another example of a RIGHT WING fake case. In testimony before SCOTUS, and in "questioning" by Gorsuch, Kennedy maintained that his prayers were alone, in the locker room, and that his players weren't pressured to participate. In fact, Kennedy led on-field post-game prayers in which sometimes hundreds of people participated. This wasn't admitted as evidence, but the fake story about the "lonely" prayers was admitted.
The current court just makes it up as they go along in order to fulfill Christo-Fascist ideals.
Disgusting. Glory and Praise!
And Amen to a 2 million dollar prayer.


Well-Known Member
So SCOTUS says one shouldn't be forced to use your skill set in a manner that violates your conscience and your response is to immediately discriminate against all Christians you might come in contact with? So in your view whatever it is you agree with must be agreed with by everyone else because your view is the only acceptable view?
The best part about that is if he did open that sort of bakery, he would get no business in the first place because none of the people he says he wouldn’t serve would never ask him to make a cake in the first place, and he would be out of business L O L. What an idiot to think any of the people he’s targeting would go out of their way to give him business. It will be the opposite.


Well-Known Member
Well, thankfully, none of those people would ever ask you to do anything like make a cake glorifying things you disagreed with. No one would ever not serve any of those people something as simple as dinner. It’s quite a bit different than what we’re talking about here, but you know that you’re just being a typical ignorant trolling self.

Being that you're a hard line "conservative" and it's strong anti union stance including it's open warfare against unions and organized labor , you can call me whatever you want but you sir are a full fledged hypocrite. There is simply no lower form of humanity then when it involves the well being of group of people you pretend to speak in behalf of when in reality the only true interest you speak in behalf of is your own.

You speak in behalf of a group of organized laborers while fully embracing every conservative ideal being preached today and foremost among them is using every tool at it's disposal to oppose the forming of a collective bargaining union of workers using the claim that it's not in keeping with Christian ideals and as we all know anybody can take any verse of Christian text and use it to support any self serving point of view they want.


Well-Known Member
And Democrats like to cry when the court ruling doesn’t go Their way. If it’s not a problem and it’s made up. What are you bitching about? Stop being unAmerican, and accept the court decision,
You could have at least ginned up a real case

The lady who won this decision doesn’t design websites, was never asked to design a gay wedding website and the guy she claimed asked her is straight and married.

But sure, we’re not allowed to point that out or question how this ended up in front of the Supreme Court.


Well-Known Member
You could have at least ginned up a real case

The lady who won this decision doesn’t design websites, was never asked to design a gay wedding website and the guy she claimed asked her is straight and married.

But sure, we’re not allowed to point that out or question how this ended up in front of the Supreme Court.
Well I didn’t gin up anything, you idiots did with all the Lawsuits now you don’t like decisions and you pout. It’s what you get when you want to live by Judicial supremacy, embrace the suck it is who you are.

Remember king Solomon was going to cut a baby in half with his judicial decision? Sorry you didn’t figure out This is not a good idea to go down the path of having other decide what’s right and wrong, now you get what you get.


Well-Known Member
The Supreme Court is now just a 9 person legislature with a lifetime appointment. And because they are beholden to no voters they are making law with “cases” that are basically made up by friendly right wing groups in order to get the new law they want from their 6 buddies they paid for.


Well-Known Member
The Supreme Court is now just a 9 person legislature with a lifetime appointment. And because they are beholden to no voters they are making law with “cases” that are basically made up by friendly right wing groups in order to get the new law they want from their 6 buddies they paid for.
This is new? I see you haven’t studied much judicial history. Makes sense because I’m sure you barely know how to read without pictures of cartoon characters.


Well-Known Member
Being that you're a hard line "conservative" and it's strong anti union stance including it's open warfare against unions and organized labor , you can call me whatever you want but you sir are a full fledged hypocrite. There is simply no lower form of humanity then when it involves the well being of group of people you pretend to speak in behalf of when in reality the only true interest you speak in behalf of is your own.

You speak in behalf of a group of organized laborers while fully embracing every conservative ideal being preached today and foremost among them is using every tool at it's disposal to oppose the forming of a collective bargaining union of workers using the claim that it's not in keeping with Christian ideals and as we all know anybody can take any verse of Christian text and use it to support any self serving point of view they want.
Being that you’re a bona fide loudmouth it stands to reason you’ve never read any of my comments to know my thoughts on such things. Please do tell me what I embrace while you disparage working People look down your nose and act like a general jackass towards people who actually do work while you sit and do nothing?

What have you ever done for working people? Have you negotiate a contract? Have you settled grievances? Have you Wales a picket line? Have you helped make work rules they were beneficial to work and people? Have you helped those with substance-abuse problems? The answer is yes for me. What about you? Unlike you I won’t assume.
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Inordinately Right
You could have at least ginned up a real case

The lady who won this decision doesn’t design websites, was never asked to design a gay wedding website and the guy she claimed asked her is straight and married.

But sure, we’re not allowed to point that out or question how this ended up in front of the Supreme Court.
Waaaaahhh the case wasn't even real Waaaaahhh

Guess what buddy...
The case itself was real and you radicals lost.
Deal with it.


Inordinately Right
The Supreme Court is now just a 9 person legislature with a lifetime appointment. And because they are beholden to no voters they are making law with “cases” that are basically made up by friendly right wing groups in order to get the new law they want from their 6 buddies they paid for.
"Beholden to no voters"
That's the entire point.

You're literally just complaining that you hate the Constitution of the United States of America.

I appreciate you being honest, but I truly despise your radical left wing extremist anti American ideology.

Carry on.


Well-Known Member
From a guy who’s not a liberal, supported Kavanaughs and Gorsuchs appointments and pled over two dozen cases in front of the Supreme Court.



Well-Known Member
From a guy who’s not a liberal, supported Kavanaughs and Gorsuchs appointments and pled over two dozen cases in front of the Supreme Court.

So, dammit, if a gay wants a website created to announce his wedding, a Christian is going to have to make it happen whether he likes it or not!