Occupy Wall Street

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In control of own destiny
Obama had that opportunity in jan of 2009 and he blew it. He could have stood up to the titans and sided with the real people who were hurt. He could have nationalized the banks, demanded that no one should be thrown out of their homes and implemented a FDR like jobs program that could have put us back on our feet. He "could have been a contender"!! Alas!!

I totally disagree with your banks statement. And Obama a contender- He was way over his head from the start.

I think no one in the banks should have gotten a dime. Let them go out of business If they really wanted to help AMERICANS. They should have given it to the people. Pay mortgages for the people. I bet we all would have spent more money with out that monthly payment. We all would benefited a whole lot better.


Für Meno :)
Do you know what happens when Banks run out of money ? Do you remember the line ups as people were cashing out their savings ?

Well, guess what, your pay check and savings may no longer be there - gone- vanished - Is that what you really wanted ?

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
It was a Time Magazine poll. Also this is not a NYC thing bro. This is spreading to other cities and towns throughout this country. Look down your nose all you want they aint going away!!

ANd finally no I do not "want" Hoffa. I want him permanently retired and gone from office and handing over power to Sandy Pope!!

Again Who writes for the Time Magazine??? Time Warner does> They also own CNN. Get my point. Liberal Media. Of course it is tilted.

Pope-Great! There is hope you can change


Well-Known Member
Fat cat Wall Street types are filthy greedy bastards. Last I checked, being a filthy greedy bastard is not a crime.

Trespassing on private property is.
Vandalism is.
Assault physically or otherwise is.


golden ticket member
Fat cat Wall Street types are filthy greedy bastards. Last I checked, being a filthy greedy bastard is not a crime.

Trespassing on private property is.
Vandalism is.
Assault physically or otherwise is.
Just curious, is anyone who owns stocks or buys & sells stocks a filthy greedy bastard ??


Für Meno :)
Just curious, is anyone who owns stocks or buys & sells stocks a filthy greedy bastard ??

You know, I have seen a few public companies go under, I even owned a few shares from 3 different companies that went under.
What I have yet to see is, when the CEO and other board members walk away with nothing, unlike the shareholders do !


golden ticket member
You know, I have seen a few public companies go under, I even owned a few shares from 3 different companies that went under.
What I have yet to see is, when the CEO and other board members walk away with nothing, unlike the shareholders do !
The question was for iruhnman630.


Well-Known Member
Again Who writes for the Time Magazine??? Time Warner does> They also own CNN. Get my point. Liberal Media. Of course it is tilted.

Pope-Great! There is hope you can change

No tell me who writes for Time. I remember Krauthammer , George Will to name two. Not anywhere near liberal. Time was founded by a huge conservative Henry Luce. Time Warner is a huge corporation therefore quite conservative in nature. CNN liberal media?? LOL, you sure are humorous. Corporate/Capitalist News Network?? Anyway it was a poll done not an opinion, and it did find that 54% support OWS and only 27% support Tea Party (aka the far rt repubs). Moreover, it found even 55% of independents approve of OWS. Only 35% of indies think the Tea Party has had a positive affect on politics and policy. Memo to Tea Party: your time came and went!!


golden ticket member
No tell me who writes for Time. I remember Krauthammer , George Will to name two. Not anywhere near liberal. Time was founded by a huge conservative Henry Luce. Time Warner is a huge corporation therefore quite conservative in nature. CNN liberal media?? LOL, you sure are humorous. Corporate/Capitalist News Network?? Anyway it was a poll done not an opinion, and it did find that 54% support OWS and only 27% support Tea Party (aka the far rt repubs). Moreover, it found even 55% of independents approve of OWS. Only 35% of indies think the Tea Party has had a positive affect on politics and policy. Memo to Tea Party: your time came and went!!

It doesn't matter what name you call people......there are plenty of conservative folks who don't want gov't poking into every aspect of their life, they want less gov't. They want simplified taxes.... Transparency in D.C., a stop to wasteful spending, our borders protected, etc. You can call them 'penguins' if you like. The name doesn't matter, the people are there!!!


Well-Known Member
No tell me who writes for Time. I remember Krauthammer , George Will to name two. Not anywhere near liberal. Time was founded by a huge conservative Henry Luce. Time Warner is a huge corporation therefore quite conservative in nature. CNN liberal media?? LOL, you sure are humorous. Corporate/Capitalist News Network?? Anyway it was a poll done not an opinion, and it did find that 54% support OWS and only 27% support Tea Party (aka the far rt repubs). Moreover, it found even 55% of independents approve of OWS. Only 35% of indies think the Tea Party has had a positive affect on politics and policy. Memo to Tea Party: your time came and went!!
I saw a pretty good critique yesterday of the questions used in that poll and why the results were not surprising. If I can find it again I'll link it.


Well-Known Member
You support OWS? Do you support their demands?
Proposed List Of Demands For Occupy Wall St Movement! | OccupyWallSt.org Forum

"Open borders migration. anyone can travel anywhere to work and live."
"Free college education"
"One trillion dollars in infrastructure (Water, Sewer, Rail, Roads and Bridges and Electrical Grid) spending now."
"Immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all."
"Outlaw all credit reporting agencies."
"raise the minimum wage to twenty dollars an hr."

So, everyone makes ast least $20/hour no matter what their job is; no one has any debt of any kind; no one has a credit rating; no one pays for any college; anyone from anywhere can enter the US-no questions asked; spend $1 TRILLION now.

Sounds reasonable.

Wow I didn't hear their demands, add in world class broadband and not declining class broadband that we get and they have my vote wherever that counts!


Well-Known Member
From Counterpunch: An Insidious Threat to the Occupy Movement, Beware the Democrats!

[SIZE=-1]The threat I am referring to is not that of being pepper-sprayed, arrested, beaten or imprisoned. It is a different type of threat: a stealthy challenger that while pretending to advance the goals of the Occupy Movement tends to undermine it from within—more or less like the proverbial elephant in the room. I am referring to the threat of preemption, or cooptation, posed by the Democratic Party and union officials. In light of their unsavory record of undermining the revolutionary energy of social movements, projections of sympathy for the anti-Wall Street protesters by the White House, the Democratic Party officials and union leaders can be viewed only with suspicion.



Für Meno :)
OWS just keeps growing - now in Asia, including Tokyo, and Europe and 15 cdn cities !
Worldwide uprising.
Even my German Hometown Stuttgart is involved !


Well-Known Member
OWS just keeps growing - now in Asia, including Tokyo, and Europe and 15 cdn cities !
Worldwide uprising.
Even my German Hometown Stuttgart is involved !

Absolutely bro!!. I went down to OWS Friday early morning 6 AM. The park was packed. I saw several unions represented . It was that solidarity, there must have been over 3000 of us squeezed in that little park. It is a little over 3/4 of an acre. No grass only granite floors and walls and seating with a bunch of trees thrown in. It was very clean. I didnt even see any pidgeons. I loved the "human mic". It gets everyone involved in what is being said Lots of people taking pictures with "press" passes. I wore my Local 804 shirt . It was amazing when we got the word that bloomberg wasnt going to send in his "cleaning" force. Im going down again today to march by the Banks and occupy Times Square!!


Für Meno :)
Yeah, I might take a close-up look myself !
The Occupy Edmonton facebook site is growing in likes by about a hundred per hour !


Für Meno :)
Protesters in Europe march against corporate greed as "Occupy Wall Street" protests go global

By The Associated Press LONDON - Protestors are marching in European cities to demonstrate against corporate greed and inequality.

The "Occupy Wall Street" protests that began in Canada and spread to cities across the U.S. were going global Saturday.
In Europe, the movement is joining up with anti-austerity protests that have raged for months across the continent.


golden ticket member
"The "Occupy Wall Street" protests that began in Canada ........."

If this movement started in Canada like your post said, then it's all your fault, K.


Für Meno :)
"The "Occupy Wall Street" protests that began in Canada ........."

If this movement started in Canada like your post said, then it's all your fault, K.

Yeah, that's kinda falsh. The movement and idea started here in Vancouver, but the protests itself started on Wall Street directly (following the Vancouver idea/plan, that is)