Occupy Wall Street

blue efficacy

Well-Known Member
That's right, anybody who is disturbed with the severe concentration of wealth in the top 1% is just an entitled little brat who wants free stuff.

There is a world outside of cushy employment at UPS, a world where it is very difficult for the millenial generation to make a comfortable living, corporate greed being a large aggravating factor. We have it pretty good working for this company. It is unconscionable to ridicule those who don't have it quite as good.

You express profound ignorance by disseminating a photoshopped picture of OWS protesters that aims to make them look like they want something for nothing. These people want change. They don't want to sit on their asses and get a free ride. Many are unemployed, not by choice. There ain't jobs out there, lady. Also, many of these protesters have jobs and work just as hard as you or I, and do this in their off time. It is certainly possible for somebody to be productive and at the same time be deeply disturbed by the ever-growing divide between the super rich and the rest of us.

In fact, I question the morality of anybody who isn't.


golden ticket member
That's right, anybody who is disturbed with the severe concentration of wealth in the top 1% is just an entitled little brat who wants free stuff.

There is a world outside of cushy employment at UPS, a world where it is very difficult for the millenial generation to make a comfortable living, corporate greed being a large aggravating factor. We have it pretty good working for this company. It is unconscionable to ridicule those who don't have it quite as good.

You express profound ignorance by disseminating a photoshopped picture of OWS protesters that aims to make them look like they want something for nothing. These people want change. They don't want to sit on their asses and get a free ride. Many are unemployed, not by choice. There ain't jobs out there, lady. Also, many of these protesters have jobs and work just as hard as you or I, and do this in their off time. It is certainly possible for somebody to be productive and at the same time be deeply disturbed by the ever-growing divide between the super rich and the rest of us.

In fact, I question the morality of anybody who isn't.
How do you claim to be "for" their cause when they now consist of terrorists, communists, and all sorts of trash being picked up along the way? There is not just one goal and not just one group........................Minimum wage $20 ?? WTH?


Well-Known Member
How do you claim to be "for" their cause when they now consist of terrorists, communists, and all sorts of trash being picked up along the way? There is not just one goal and not just one group........................Minimum wage $20 ?? WTH?

"Terrorists"?? Sorry I have not seen Cheney or Bush or Rumsfeld in any of the pictures of the OWS!!


golden ticket member
"Terrorists"?? Sorry I have not seen Cheney or Bush or Rumsfeld in any of the pictures of the OWS!!

I wasn't kidding......

The antics might be growing, but it's getting watered down with numerous groups. Just a bunch of screamers with no one purpose!!

Supporters Of Islamic Terrorist Join Occupiers In Boston…

You can’t make this stuff up.
(Boston Herald) — The downtown protest group Occupy Boston threw its proverbial doors open yesterday, and played host to supporters of accused terrorist Terak Mehanna, who are looking to raise awareness of the Sudbury man’s upcoming trial.
The Tarek Mehanna Support Committee came to Occupy Boston’s ever-evolving tent city on the Rose Kennedy Greenway to say Mehanna, a Muslim American pharmacist, is a victim of anti-Muslim sentiment.

The U.S. government says Mehanna, 28, provided “material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization,” and acted as a “media wing” for al-Qaeda
Occupy Boston hosted the pro-Mehanna rally, but, officially, the leaderless group doesn’t have a position on the case.

For 10 days, Occupy Boston members have been living on the Greenway, in a tented community that has solar-generated power, a library, and street signs so people can navigate their way around the maze of pitched tents.


Well-Known Member
That's right, anybody who is disturbed with the severe concentration of wealth in the top 1% is just an entitled little brat who wants free stuff.

There is a world outside of cushy employment at UPS, a world where it is very difficult for the millenial generation to make a comfortable living, corporate greed being a large aggravating factor. We have it pretty good working for this company. It is unconscionable to ridicule those who don't have it quite as good.

You express profound ignorance by disseminating a photoshopped picture of OWS protesters that aims to make them look like they want something for nothing. These people want change. They don't want to sit on their asses and get a free ride. Many are unemployed, not by choice. There ain't jobs out there, lady. Also, many of these protesters have jobs and work just as hard as you or I, and do this in their off time. It is certainly possible for somebody to be productive and at the same time be deeply disturbed by the ever-growing divide between the super rich and the rest of us.

In fact, I question the morality of anybody who isn't.


Here's the source photo from which More's photo shop version comes from. Looking at the sign "Debt=Slavery" the one girl is holding, it would appear Moreluck and her friends approve of debt. You could then say that maybe they (More and her friends) are the one's who advocated the excess mortgage and debt burden that Americans took on which also created the debt crisis. By burying her "debt=slavery" message with the photo shopped message of "I want free stuff", More and her friends are attempting to hide the real "fiscally responsible and in some sense fiscally conservative" economic message about not spending beyond one's means. Explains why when her crowd holds the reigns of power, debt goes up in the same way it does now which she then hypocritically screams about.

Occupy Wall Street and Occupy the Fed Are Two Sides of the Same Coin


Well-Known Member
Brent Budowsky of "The Hill's" Pundits Blog understand the false illusion of the old Matrix and the coming paradigm shift.

Today I therefore propose that Dr. Paul, the Occupy Wall Street movement, traditional liberals, honest libertarians, and those Tea Party supporters who are not agents of banks in disguise should join forces for a full debate based on full disclosure.

I think that is an outstanding and welcomed idea!


golden ticket member

Here's the source photo from which More's photo shop version comes from. Looking at the sign "Debt=Slavery" the one girl is holding, it would appear Moreluck and her friends approve of debt. You could then say that maybe they (More and her friends) are the one's who advocated the excess mortgage and debt burden that Americans took on which also created the debt crisis. By burying her "debt=slavery" message with the photo shopped message of "I want free stuff", More and her friends are attempting to hide the real "fiscally responsible and in some sense fiscally conservative" economic message about not spending beyond one's means. Explains why when her crowd holds the reigns of power, debt goes up in the same way it does now which she then hypocritically screams about.

Occupy Wall Street and Occupy the Fed Are Two Sides of the Same Coin

Just so y'all are clear...............I don't approve of any of the OWS demonstrators. Their goal is not clear to anyone even themselves and they are messing wherever they feel like it.

I agree with Herman Cain rather that Farrakhan regarding these people.

I saw a manifesto of 13 demands, all of which were ridiculous and unrealistic. They should take their demonstrating to the steps of Obama's pad!


Well-Known Member
Just so y'all are clear...............I don't approve of any of the OWS demonstrators. Their goal is not clear to anyone even themselves and they are messing wherever they feel like it.

I agree with Herman Cain rather that Farrakhan regarding these people.

I saw a manifesto of 13 demands, all of which were ridiculous and unrealistic. They should take their demonstrating to the steps of Obama's pad!

Its funny, when people in other countries protest and are in the streets against injustices, Americans cheer them on. "Yeah they want to be like us Americans , free speech, democracy..." But when Americans do it, "oh dear , oh my, how dare they. What do they want now. Spoiled, whiners, unorganized, etc" ( With the exception of the "tea party". They were "organized and had demands". Yeah of course they were. Fascist movements are highly organized entities.)

You say they should be on "the steps of Obama's pad"?? No, they are right where they should be. Wall Street is where the real power is . Washington is the tool of Wall St. Nothing is done or allowed without their approval. But I agree the next step should be a march on Washington!!

Why would you compare Herman Cain to Farrakhan?? Hmm

On the "manifesto", again it was written by one person, it doesnt represent OWS specifically.


Well-Known Member
I wonder how UPS fits in the discussion of corporate greed. We know that full-timers are paid very well and new hires are not. UPS profits are up and all companies strive to make a profit, so this shouldn't be a dirty word. Workers themselves also want to be profitable, in that we want to have a little nest egg in the bank and have the resources to care for us when we reach our late stages.


Well-Known Member
I wonder how UPS fits in the discussion of corporate greed. We know that full-timers are paid very well and new hires are not. UPS profits are up and all companies strive to make a profit, so this shouldn't be a dirty word. Workers themselves also want to be profitable, in that we want to have a little nest egg in the bank and have the resources to care for us when we reach our late stages.

Greed, like the charge of racism has become a rather meaningless term IMO. It's also like the charge of socialist as to be honest, we all are socialist in some manner, the society in which we live is built around a collective, shared model whether we like that fact or not.

The better question in the case of UPS would be how much of it's true operational costs are a form of state subsidy? For example, what would the cost be to ship a package overseas if UPS alone had to bare the costs of security of the transport lanes (sea or air)? How much does state regulation force entry costs up, a cost I might add UPS never had to pay in it's infancy, but it now acts as an entry barrier to new competition whose small scale makes them more market flexible and more price competitive that forces price down and benefits customers. I realize what I saying and suggesting would seem a bit sacrilege in this place because the otherside of that coin is that this would force UPS costs down or they would be out of the marketplace by free market forces. I would suspect I would have as many objections here from both blue and white collar equally but I recognize where the state apparatus and state or corp. capitalism (some just call it capitalism) have merged into one some might only see the corp. creed side of the equation. I don't see corp. power nor do I see state power operating in a vacuum from one another but rather as willing partners in a longstanding marriage. If there is a greed here, it's corp. power controlling the gun of the state. Yes, I see the state as nothing but the gun of a robber in my face and in many respects you could make an argument that so-called collective corp. power is the finger on the trigger. Like it or not, that's the way I see it.

I say divorce that relationship and that also means divorce the regulatory realm as well which is a weapon against the 99% and not for it's benefit. Yes, a true free market where if "out of work" Joe has a pickup truck and small business Sally has product to be shipped across town or to the next town and Joe can do that far cheaper than we UPSers, then by all means Sally should be free to hire Joe and Joe should be free to provide his services to Sally. And yes, even if Joe is from somewhere else and did not sign the register when he walked across an imaginary line in the sand from one gangs territory into the territory of another gang.

One of the biggest drivers of proverty and drivers of crime in low income areas is market regulatory control in legit business areas. Between zoning laws made to falsely inflate property values across town and regulatory cost burdens at business entry points to protect the established bigs from being threatened by small competitors and the hit to profits. This pushes people out of working what we might call white markets and into what we'd call black markets. This feeds the other industrial complex known as the prison industrial complex while depressing markets and shifting wealth created by labor (labor is the real wealth creator) upwards towards the 1%. It also creates a mechanism of fear in that workers are reminded they are one misstep away from " your out" ideal and you will be cast down while also using this underclass as criminal villians to increase the size of the security state that really protects the 1% for the most part.

Destroying or keeping suppressed a truly freed market is the mechanism that shifts wealth upward into the 1% strata if you will and it also helps to suppress real wages of labor by moving labor's ability to be it's own owners of business instead of working for the 1% just as you do as we all do. IMO, if there is greed in corp. structure, it's the suppression of the true free market but I recognize those who toss the term corp. greed around are not likely looking at it from the same angle I am.


Just read a good piece from The Freeman Online: Why Not To Scorn Occupy Wall Street


Für Meno :)
Upset about the Occupy Wall Street protests?
Blame Canada

By Steve Mertl | Daily Brew – Fri, 7 Oct, 2011

Americans who are growing increasingly impatient with the Occupy Wall Street protest that's been, well, occupying New York's financial district for the past few weeks now have someone to blame. Canada.
At least you can blame (or credit) Canadian publication, according to The Globe and Mail.


Well-Known Member
I find it incredible that when the 'tea" party folks were out there yelling and screaming and calling Obama names (communist, kenyan, terrorist, foreigner, usurper) the media smiled and kept covering the rallies. The media didnt search to point out that the rallies were really corp sponsored political rallies to rebrand the down trodden republican brand. Where would it have been without the millions the Koch brothers and lobbyist dick armey poured into it?? Or fox "news" acting like a sponsor of the rallies by promoting it 24/7??

These brave people from the OWS movement , now in hundreds of cities around the nation, built this out of nothing. No true organization like they did in European cities. Yet the media only focus on the way they dress or smell or their hair style or because not everyone is comfortable in front of a mic when asked why are you here??

Why are they here?? I will tell you. They are here highlighting and exposing a system in which olnly wealthy americans benefit largely from this rigged system . God forbid anyone points out just how rigged the system is!! Even when obama endorsed the volker rule which prohibited banks backed by federal guarantees from doing risky speculation or when he tried to close some huge loopholes in the tax code, the wall st vultures complained and called him (the man they threw $$ at two years ealier) a socialist!!

The OWS people are only saying that the people who got rich by peddling those complex schemes that helped put us into this crisis PAID NO PRICE for their actions!! They got bailed out and rubbed it in our collective faces by giving out huge bonuses!! Moreover, they continue to beneift from the federal guarantees and the tax loopholes. They get special treatment. That is not the free market; it is corporatism (economic fascism).

You can post all the crazy people that might be out there doing stupid stuff. It is a good way to divert attention from what is really going on. The reall extremists though are the oligarchs and their corporate media and pols that protect them (as well as the police:JP Morgan gave $4.6 million to the NY police foundation, hmmm). They dont want anyone especially the youth of today exposing what goes on behind the curtain and what is the source of their immense wealth!!


Well-Known Member
I find it incredible that when the 'tea" party folks were out there yelling and screaming and calling Obama names (communist, kenyan, terrorist, foreigner, usurper) the media smiled and kept covering the rallies. The media didnt search to point out that the rallies were really corp sponsored political rallies to rebrand the down trodden republican brand. Where would it have been without the millions the Koch brothers and lobbyist dick armey poured into it?? Or fox "news" acting like a sponsor of the rallies by promoting it 24/7??

These brave people from the OWS movement , now in hundreds of cities around the nation, built this out of nothing. No true organization like they did in European cities. Yet the media only focus on the way they dress or smell or their hair style or because not everyone is comfortable in front of a mic when asked why are you here??

Why are they here?? I will tell you. They are here highlighting and exposing a system in which olnly wealthy americans benefit largely from this rigged system . God forbid anyone points out just how rigged the system is!! Even when obama endorsed the volker rule which prohibited banks backed by federal guarantees from doing risky speculation or when he tried to close some huge loopholes in the tax code, the wall st vultures complained and called him (the man they threw $$ at two years ealier) a socialist!!

The OWS people are only saying that the people who got rich by peddling those complex schemes that helped put us into this crisis PAID NO PRICE for their actions!! They got bailed out and rubbed it in our collective faces by giving out huge bonuses!! Moreover, they continue to beneift from the federal guarantees and the tax loopholes. They get special treatment. That is not the free market; it is corporatism (economic fascism).

You can post all the crazy people that might be out there doing stupid stuff. It is a good way to divert attention from what is really going on. The reall extremists though are the oligarchs and their corporate media and pols that protect them (as well as the police:JP Morgan gave $4.6 million to the NY police foundation, hmmm). They dont want anyone especially the youth of today exposing what goes on behind the curtain and what is the source of their immense wealth!!

Ignore that nonsense. There are people who won't think things out, do any homework so why waste the time.

As for the tea party, the original movement in it's own way also questioned Wall Street (opposed the bailouts) and many asked the question, "What about mainstreet?" The original tea party began to raise an even greater question and it was about the republican party itself. Many began to question and advocate abandoning the 2 party state altogether and it was at this point the astro-turfing began to happen.

Now the Occupy movement has come to that same point and place and the democrat party are trying to astro-turf that scene but there is resistance to this action within the movement. William Pitt at the liberal/progressive website "Truthout" wrote an op-ed in which he discusses this but he takes the position they should embrace the democrat party. He sez:

There is a decision to be made here. Does the OWS movement issue a "Thanks But No Thanks" response to the Democrats' sudden interest, or do they open their arms and welcome the Party to the party under the auspices of "The More The Merrier"?
Personally, I incline to the latter choice, distasteful as it may be. Including the Democratic Party will raise the profile of the movement, and make it more difficult for it to be undermined.

I disagree with Pitt in that you will be undermined and the Tea Party is living proof of that very thing. It's all about maintaining political control. But what I find more interesting is going through the comments section and the vast majority of responders to the "include the democrat party" question, the answer was a resounding "HELL NO!"

People are waking up to the enemy that is the 2 party state and what scares them (both parties)more than anything else is a mass rejection of voting for only one of the 2 parties and the 1% who've spent all this money controlling bothsides would be in serious trouble if a mass exodus of voters either left for 3rd parties or left the process altogether. The original tea party and now aspects of the OWS have that potential IMO.

Chris Hedges had an interesting piece at Truthdig from the perspective of on the ground at OWS and the day in, day out life of what is taking place and how it working.