One Solution To The Gay Marriage Issue


Nine Lives
Can you reference that?

Overall, 57 percent of Catholics affiliate with the Democrats and 40 percent with the Republicans when those leaning toward one or the other party are included. The Democrats held a three-to-two lead before we included the leaners.

In Europe, the Catholic church is major supporter of the Socialist parties.

It makes sense if you look at the history of the Catholic religion and their beliefs in the natural order.


Staff member

Overall, 57 percent of Catholics affiliate with the Democrats and 40 percent with the Republicans when those leaning toward one or the other party are included. The Democrats held a three-to-two lead before we included the leaners.

In Europe, the Catholic church is major supporter of the Socialist parties.

It makes sense if you look at the history of the Catholic religion and their beliefs in the natural order.
I wasn't challenging the statement. I really didn't know and wondered where it came from because more often than not it seems to be the right-leaning Catholics making proclamations so I assumed most leaned that way. In fact I guess conservatives of all religions seem to be the ones insisting the world needs to hear their words and ignore their deeds.


Nine Lives
I wasn't challenging the statement. I really didn't know and wondered where it came from because more often than not it seems to be the right-leaning Catholics making proclamations so I assumed most leaned that way. In fact I guess conservatives of all religions seem to be the ones insisting the world needs to hear their words and ignore their deeds.
Sort of like Atheists!
Can't even say "Bless you" without those holes proclaiming their beliefs.