Oregon anti government stand off.


Well-Known Member
The men were convicted of arson, but under a provision of an expansive federal law punishing terrorism. They each served prison terms that the sentencing judge thought just, only to be told by appellate judges they had to go back to serve longer.

So a judge decided those fires were "terrorism" and said they need to serve 4 more years. Very likely to be something that would get overturned on appeal.
Ironically, when the law was passed that mandated a minimum sentence, these same folks rejoiced. The law was passed to thwart 'eco-terrorism'. It looks like that law bit them in the butt.
Some of these judges need to be ripped off the bench and thrown in jail. The whole system is a joke.
Yes, when a judge legislates from the bench, he/she should be removed. The judge had no right to impose a lesser sentence than the law mandated.
Ironically, when the law was passed that mandated a minimum sentence, these same folks rejoiced. The law was passed to thwart 'eco-terrorism'. It looks like that law bit them in the butt.
Yes, when a judge legislates from the bench, he/she should be removed. The judge had no right to impose a lesser sentence than the law mandated.
Not sure how long ago it was. But do you remember some liberal judges (maybe Massachusetts) had convicted a child molester. Then she sentenced him to solitary confinement because he was small in stature and might be violated in prison?


nowhere special
Ironically, when the law was passed that mandated a minimum sentence, these same folks rejoiced. The law was passed to thwart 'eco-terrorism'. It looks like that law bit them in the butt.
Yes, when a judge legislates from the bench, he/she should be removed. The judge had no right to impose a lesser sentence than the law mandated.

They were never charged with terrorism and now after they have completed their sentences imposed by the judicial system a judge wants to arbitrarily change things and add terrorism (which they were never convicted of). He is exceeding his authority.