Peak 2017


Well-Known Member
It's fun reading these responses to OF without seeing his remarks. It's like you're talking to yourself or to someone on the phone. :) OF needs someone to attack. Now that I'm not available he's spreading the love. Maybe I should be allowed back in.
I dunno. Some of the responses really make me wonder the level of stupidity I'm missing.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Am I the only one that wishes OF would STFU already?? Life has taught me many things. Among them, those that talk the most have the least. Nobody cares what you've been able to do with your life during your time at FedEx, if any of it is even accurate or true. Your "advice" on how everyone else should have lived their lives is more likely an indication of how you wish that you had lived your own. Those that have succeeded at their plan in life don't feel the need to gloat about it at every turn. They, instead, smile and keep to themselves unless asked how they were able to succeed and if they might share some of their knowledge. Thou doth protest too much
OF is a pathetic human being. He comes to a forum that allows (good) people to blow off steam, and complains about, and insults, those who do. My suggestion to him is consult Cheryl as to how to develop his own board for people who blindly love Fedex, and believe it is run by honorable, people-oriented managers. He could call it the FedEx/Maytag repairman cafe, because he wouldn't have an audience.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Speaking of Peak.... A girl I worked with who retired last October just showed me a letter FedEx sent her offering her a position as a "Casual Retiree Courier" teaching Defensive Driving to new hires.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering what the pay was. She didn't respond. Seems like they should pay more since there are no benefits.
You don't need benefits. You have them as a retiree. You teach 1 class per week. Each class is 2 days. That keeps you under the 70 hrs needed to keep your pension. We have several CSA's working as casuals. Great side money.


Well-Known Member
If it were at full pay when you retired, I'd hop on that in an instant.
That option is there for anyone at any time. We have been doing it for years. Even though I was told I was crazy when I brought it up some time ago. Our people don't work every week and sometimes not even every month but they cover heavy vacation periods and with peak approaching, hours are there. You just DON'T want to break 70 hrs.

Route 66

Slapped Upside-da-Head Member
oh gawwwd, the Purple Pride - gag, gag, puke, retch, projectile vomit, explosive diarrhea. Does UPS ever drone on and on about Brown Pride? I'm betting not :dissapointed:

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
It must be nice to have had an uneventful, perfect life with nothing bad ever knocking you off that path. Unfortunate though for those who had illnesses, divorce, low paying jobs, etc to prevent them from saving tons for retirement. I hope you consider yourself blessed and not that it's your due.

At the risk of sounding like OF...

A person's situation in life is a direct reflection of the choices he's made up to that point, with certain health issues being a possible exception. Just about every setback I've ever had was of my own doing, either directly or indirectly. There were a couple of cases that I could rightfully blame on poor timing or just plain old bad luck but what's most important is how well I reacted to them (not worth a crap; I made them worse).

As for money, I don't really bother. People are defensive as hell about their spending.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
At the risk of sounding like OF...

A person's situation in life is a direct reflection of the choices he's made up to that point, with certain health issues being a possible exception. Just about every setback I've ever had was of my own doing, either directly or indirectly. There were a couple of cases that I could rightfully blame on poor timing or just plain old bad luck but what's most important is how well I reacted to them (not worth a crap; I made them worse).

As for money, I don't really bother. People are defensive as hell about their spending.
As have my set backs. I agree that most people in a bad spot made bad decisions. But unfortunately for some people, life just happens to them. My problem with him is he assumes that EVERYONE in a bad spot had to have screwed up.


Well-Known Member
As have my set backs. I agree that most people in a bad spot made bad decisions. But unfortunately for some people, life just happens to them. My problem with him is he assumes that EVERYONE in a bad spot had to have screwed up.
I never said everybody caused their own money issues, but aside from health issues, most people's problems are their own making and their decisions put them in that spot.

Gather 20 FT couriers in a room. While all make a variety of different wages depending on their seniority, they all make a decent salary. 15 of those couriers most likely are broke and stay broke. Live week to week and couldn't come up with $3k cash if their life depended on it. 10 of those couriers are driving vehicles they can't afford, living in houses or apts. that take too much of their take home pay and have every video system and game that has come out in the last 15 years. They have an ex-wife or two or kids with several women. They contribute nothing or very little into the 401k and will remain broke forever. They live way beyond their means and even if they were given a 25% raise, would remain broke. Their choices put them in that situation. There are exceptions but every choice has a consequence. The bad choices you make early in life in many instances will affect your quality of life forever. You can't wake up 1 day and decide you want to have a nice retirement nest egg. You have to make that decision early in your working career and make the sacrifices necessary for that to happen.

The Youngin' Of It All

Well-Known Member
My God this sounds so familiar!

If this wasn't an epidemic across the country I would say it's quite possible you and I operate in the same hub and don't even realize it, but I have a strong feeling that's not the case. Our meeting that we had was overrun by topics about safety. To quote them exactly "We ran out of time to get into the basics of peak, so if you really are concerned or interested just see us individually." Great meeting discussion. Sounds like a game of pass the buck and figure it out. Number projections are never right 99% of the time anyway.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
If this wasn't an epidemic across the country I would say it's quite possible you and I operate in the same hub and don't even realize it, but I have a strong feeling that's not the case. Our meeting that we had was overrun by topics about safety. To quote them exactly "We ran out of time to get into the basics of peak, so if you really are concerned or interested just see us individually." Great meeting discussion. Sounds like a game of pass the buck and figure it out. Number projections are never right 99% of the time anyway.
Same issues everywhere. They cut settlement to push efficiency and are surprised when safety tanks. The preload is hot garbarge with routine 9:30 dispatches and they're surprised when safety tanks. It's only going to get worse.


Well-Known Member
Boomers were born when, 1946-1964? By the time the youngest retire at 67-70 most of the older ones will have passed away. It'll be a strain, but not forever.
Democrats and Republicans will never be able to reduce debt ceiling. The Government will always have to help in some form 1/3 of the countries population. Inflation will always skyrocket. Skeptical at best. Even now, told that social security will be gone by 2034. What radical change can government implement to take care of its citizens?
I want aid to Israel reduced by 50% annually. All troops return from abroad. And a 5 trillion dollar infrastructure project for the USA.


Well-Known Member
Democrats and Republicans will never be able to reduce debt ceiling. The Government will always have to help in some form 1/3 of the countries population. Inflation will always skyrocket. Skeptical at best. Even now, told that social security will be gone by 2034. What radical change can government implement to take care of its citizens?
I want aid to Israel reduced by 50% annually. All troops return from abroad. And a 5 trillion dollar infrastructure project for the USA.
I'll be ok if I die in 2033 then?