Peak 2017

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Democrats and Republicans will never be able to reduce debt ceiling. The Government will always have to help in some form 1/3 of the countries population. Inflation will always skyrocket. Skeptical at best. Even now, told that social security will be gone by 2034. What radical change can government implement to take care of its citizens?
I want aid to Israel reduced by 50% annually. All troops return from abroad. And a 5 trillion dollar infrastructure project for the USA.
It is no longer possible to defend our borders strictly FROM within our borders. Perhaps if MLK's Dream came true, yours could, too. But not in the world we live in.


Well-Known Member
Democrats and Republicans will never be able to reduce debt ceiling. The Government will always have to help in some form 1/3 of the countries population. Inflation will always skyrocket. Skeptical at best. Even now, told that social security will be gone by 2034. What radical change can government implement to take care of its citizens?
I want aid to Israel reduced by 50% annually. All troops return from abroad. And a 5 trillion dollar infrastructure project for the USA.
The ones who keep pushing the demise of Social Security are the ones who want to keep from paying the matching taxes, the business owners. If SS completely runs out of any extra funds it will still have payroll taxes and employer matching. That'll pay at least 75% of promised benefits. So it's a matter of whatever else they do to shore up the system, not that the system won't have money. And the elderly are about the biggest voting block out there. Politicians mess with SS at their own peril.


Well-Known Member
Same issues everywhere. They cut settlement to push efficiency and are surprised when safety tanks. The preload is hot garbarge with routine 9:30 dispatches and they're surprised when safety tanks. It's only going to get worse.
Keep in min d that Texas and Florida are major markets for X. The loss of revenues from those areas could have a negative an impact on second and third quarter operating results but if past history is any indication they're going to go after every dollar they can get out of the rest of the country including the rural areas where revenue production is hard enough to generate as it is.


Well-Known Member
My manager told me this morning that Fedex is creating an emergency employees fund that we can donate to, to help in case of disasters like this.

Uh no, sorry I'm compassionate, but if the top 3 paid employees in our company gave .25% of their last months earnings well even then that would be a ton of money... the Onus is on the bosses to do right by their employees...

Remember when WalMart had a food drive for employees.. when the company could have just given them the food they needed...


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I think that's fantastic! This will force FedEx to realize they have to cough up more money or end up with freight left behind in buildings on a daily basis because there are no bodies to deliver it.
Ups obviously pays well so it won't effect us much. This is something we are likely to see across many industries though.

There are lots of jobs to be had right now and not a ton of people able or willing to fill them.


Well-Known Member
By the time a person reaches 66, there should be NO need financially for him to work. Unless you find some job that you just love and would do for free, having been in the workforce for 45 or 50 years should have provided enough retirement income to retire comfortably.

And what planet do you live on?

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
The dude is a maroon but in this instance he's right.
Barring having more than one child, who wants to attend University; or suffering through the loss of that child; or going bankrupt; or surviving through a natural disaster; or going through a divorce from a vindictive nauseum.

It's obvious neither you, or Old Poot, have suffered in your lifetime from circumstances not under your control. Hope you both are getting down on your knees each day to thank the Lord for your blessings.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Barring having more than one child, who wants to attend University; or suffering through the loss of that child; or going bankrupt; or surviving through a natural disaster; or going through a divorce from a vindictive nauseum.

It's obvious neither you, or Old Poot, have suffered in your lifetime from circumstances not under your control. Hope you both are getting down on your knees each day to thank the Lord for your blessings.
Not takin care of my kids college education before my retirement.

Loss of a child- not sure what this effects?

Bankruptcy- self inflicted (excuse)

Natural disasters- ummm insurance

Divorce - self inflicted.