Pobre and friends


Well-Known Member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals


Yep, you sure did. The fact is, I absolutely DESPISE liars...and you just demonstrated quite unequivocally that that's exactly what you are.

You see, "soberups", I (like most decent people) tend to get rather upset when confronted by the bald, "in your face" type of dishonesty you just displayed. Does that surprise you? If so, it shouldn't. I think you'll find that quite often when you just make up crap, the people you make crap up about will react just as I have. You might as well get used to it.


Pees in the brown Koolaid

Yep, you sure did. The fact is, I absolutely DESPISE liars...and you just demonstrated quite unequivocally that that's exactly what you are.

You see, "soberups", I (like most decent people) tend to get rather upset when confronted by the bald, "in your face" type of dishonesty you just displayed. Does that surprise you? If so, it shouldn't. I think you'll find that quite often when you just make up crap, the people you make crap up about will react just as I have. You might as well get used to it.

Thanks for sharing.


Pees in the brown Koolaid

Yep, you sure did. The fact is, I absolutely DESPISE liars...and you just demonstrated quite unequivocally that that's exactly what you are.

You see, "soberups", I (like most decent people) tend to get rather upset when confronted by the bald, "in your face" type of dishonesty you just displayed. Does that surprise you? If so, it shouldn't. I think you'll find that quite often when you just make up crap, the people you make crap up about will react just as I have. You might as well get used to it.

Most people are far more disturbed by uncomfortable truths than they are by lies.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals


"Lying" is the willful and intentional dissemination of information which one knows to be untrue.

In this case....I aint lying because I know I am right. I would invite anyone who doubts me to do a site search of your 3 screen names and compare the similarities in punctuation, writing style, syntax and anti-union mentality for themselves.

If you still wish to deny the obvious, thats OK. I suppose you and I can just agree to disagree.


Well-Known Member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals


"Yes", one definition of "lying" *IS* "the wilful and intentional dissemination of information which one knows to be untrue."...and, in making that assertion, you defined yourself. What's "obvious" is that the truth isn't in you.

You are what you are, "Sober". And what you are is a LIAR. Deal with it.
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Pees in the brown Koolaid
Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals


What is this "lie" of which you speak?

What false information am I knowingly disseminating?

Methinks thou doth protest too much...


Well-Known Member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals


As you well know, this "lie of which I speak" is your claim of...

"Your 'employment status' is that you have one or two peak seasons under your belt as a helper and a PT inside employee"

.....which is an utter falsehood. I know it, you know it, and anybody who actually has any form of acquaintance with me knows it.
And, if you're asserting that I'm "SloppyJoes7" or "AssistantSanta" (whoever they are), then you're wrong there, too.

You're a liar, "Sober". That's who you are. Deal with it.



Pees in the brown Koolaid
Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals


There is no need to call me names or throw a hissy fit.

As far as the subject of your multiple screen names and part time/ peak hire employment status with UPS is concerned...you and I can just agree to disagree. :-)


Well-Known Member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals


I'm not "calling [you] names". Rather all I've done is accurately describe what you are. You're a liar, "Soberups"...no "ifs", "ands", or "buts" about it. And just so we're clear, that isn't "speculation", or "assumption" on my part; rather it's actual KNOWLEDGE, that's based on the evidence that you, *YOURSELF* provided. Beyond that, you must be about the only regular denizen of this board who seems to be unaware of what screen name (on another board) that I actually *DO* post under. After all, it hasn't been exactly a State Secret. Seems that you're not only dishonest, but incredibly ignorant as well. Now isn't THAT a surprise! :-)

As for "agreeing to disagree"...well, I don't believe that's possible. In essence, we ALREADY "agree", because *I* know that *YOU* know as well as I that YOU LIED!.

Again, you are what you are, "Sober". Deal with it.
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Pees in the brown Koolaid
Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals

Ahh yes.....the tantrum. A classic technique for deflecting attention away from an unpleasant or embarrassing truth.

On a side note, I am reliably informed that Gold Bond medicated powder provides excellent relief from a bad case of butt-hurt.


Well-Known Member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals


Yep, as one can tell, it's been me who's been engaged in "deflecting attention away from an unpleasant or embarrassing truth", hasn't it? [smile] Guess that's been obvious by the manner in which you've been able to back-up your claim as well, right? [second "smile"]

Again, you are what you are, Soberups". And what you are is a common, garden variety liar. Deal with it.


Man of Great Wisdom
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals

Come on Mitt. Tell us what you do and how long you've been doing it. Something to hide?


Staff member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals


Yep, as one can tell, it's been me who's been engaged in "deflecting attention away from an unpleasant or embarrassing truth", hasn't it? [smile] Guess that's been obvious by the manner in which you've been able to back-up your claim as well, right? [second "smile"]

Again, you are what you are, Soberups". And what you are is a common, garden variety liar. Deal with it.

Gotten to.


Well-Known Member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals

First "brownmonstor":

Agreed....why DOESN'T "Sober" reveal the source of his "knowledge". Seems like he's real quick at casting aspersions, but when it comes to backing-up what he has to say, he'll go off in a tangent as quickly as a ricocheted bullet, and in as many directions as a disturbed swarm of June bugs. That *IS* what you were talking about, isn't it? Or do you have "something to hide" yourself? No need to be shy; tell us what you're thinking!

Second, "Jones":

Yep, "gotten to" alright. Like I said, I absolutely DESPISE liars...and those that support them. Do you feel differently about them? Don't they "get" to you as well? Please.....go ahead and tell us all about how *YOU* stand on the issue. As is the case with "monster", there's no need to be shy. Say your piece!


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals

If one spends enough time on Brown Cafe and has any sort of creative writing ability, it becomes fairly easy to recognize the writing styles of some of the more "high-volume" posters. Using myself as an example, if I were to change my avatar and screen name without telling anyone.... but continue posting in my typical manner... I suspect that most people who are on the site a lot would figure out my new screen name fairly quickly. Same goes with, say, Hoaxter or Bubblehead or Upstate or TOS or Big Union Guy to name a few. People who write a lot tend to develop their own unique "style" of syntax, punctuation, pet phrases, favorite topics and other "literary fingerprints"....and people who read a lot will recognize them.

PobreCarlos/SloppyJoes7/AssistantSanta has a very unique and recognizeable style of writing that does not change regardless of which screen name he happens to be generating his repititious, long-winded, anti-union diatribes under. Without fail his punctuation, spelling and grammar are flawless. Almost without fail, he posts exclusively in the "union issues" folder. He purports to have a great deal of knowledge about union and company financial issues, yet he never discusses any sort of operational issues and he remains vague about what job, if any, he has ever had within the company beyond being a PT/ helper last peak as "AssistantSanta". Even more damning is the huge similarity with the three screen names; all 3 names consist of compound "double" words with no space or punctuation between them, with both words in the name starting with an uppercase letter.

None of all this really matters that much, except in the sense that those of us like myself who actually attended the union meetings and walked the picket line back in '97 have a lot more actual knowledge of what occurred before during and after that strike than some anti-union shill whose entire UPS career consists of being a P/T peak season helper for 3 or 4 weeks last year.


bella amicizia
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals

Invariably, he will tell you how intelligent he is and how simple-minded you are. He is a spin doctor. I have even given him(whatever he calls himself today) a theme song.
I was nice enough, in my opinion, to use the original song-not Miley's cover. :winks:
Dead or Alive - You Spin Me Round - YouTube


Well-Known Member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals


You fabricate a good story (well, not really, but it's a good entry phrase). But, as you're aware, EVERY ASPECT OF IT'S UNTRUE! I *DO* have a characteristic writing style, but it would take a dishonest clown like you to associate it with some handles like "SloppyJoes7" or "AssistantSanta" or whatever. Why don't you pretend you're a "big boy" and actually ask around as to just who that particular writing style is *IS* associated with? After all, like I said earlier, it's far from a State Secret? Or is that limited amount of "effort" a bit too much for some ethics-lacking individual such as yourself who finds it much easier to JUST MAKE THINGS UP?! [smile]

You are what you are, "Soberups"...and what you are is a liar. Deal with it.


Well-Known Member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals


I'm sure that anyone here on BC who has taken the time to view your attempts to "debate" me (I try to be charitable!) here on BC over time has a pretty good idea of why you became "nice enough" to use someone ELSE'S cover/song (after all, it's not like you have the ability to come ups with something ORIGINAL, is it?....grin!). And, while I may not tell you how "intelligent" I am, in your case I probably would - and perhaps have! - mention[ed] just how "simple minded" you appear. And, pray tell, why not? After looking at how you follow me around like a love-sick puppy her on BC, and what your idea of a board discussion is (for example, how many times have you posted your little video now?), how could one think otherwise?

You - like "Soberups" there - "are what you are". And that's your problem; not mine.


Well-Known Member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals


Sorry, I would agree if it were simply a case of "making points"...but the "point" the other side is trying to push through is an absolute LIE, and it's a LIE about ME. Given that, the situation doesn't really present itself in a way that leads me to "move on".....although I do appreciate your view. I guess my question in return would be "if it was YOUR integrity being publicly questioned by some dishonest piece of filth, would YOU be willing to just 'move on'?"

Somehow I doubt it.

Bear in mind that, if "Soberups" is being truthful, and he KNOWS the allegation he made to be true, then he could terminate the discussion at any time simply by demonstrating HOW he "knows"; i.e. - who I am, where I worked, when I worked, and how he came to find all that out. If you push him, I think you'll quickly discover that he's unable to provide anything close to that type of backing for his big mouth. The guy simply makes things up; he's a liar. And, again, that's something I just don't "move on" from...nor, I suspect, does decent society generally.